
Looking for older articles? Please follow this link: Nation

Backseat drivers

#899 ( 2-8 March 2018 )
Om Astha Rai
The Oli government might end up promoting crony capitalism, disappointing people once again

Start, continue, grow and repeat

#899 ( 2-8 March 2018 )
Sikuma Rai
Young Nepali women entrepreneurs share their experiences in starting successful businesses

Untold stories of unsung heroes

#899 ( 2-8 March 2018 )
Sara Parker
Digital book profiles Nepali women for whom uncommon grit was a common trait

No country for women

#899 ( 2-8 March 2018 )
Shreejana Shrestha
Nepal’s political transition is over, but there is no closure for victims of wartime rape

Ice to water

#898 ( 23 Feb - 1 Mar 2018 )
C Scott Watson
Citizen scientists can help monitor the impact of global warming on the Himalaya

Nation building

#898 ( 23 Feb - 1 Mar 2018 )
Om Astha Rai
Oli does not need to play the nationalism card anymore -– just work to leave a firm legacy of nation-building

A monumental rivalry

#898 ( 23 Feb - 1 Mar 2018 )
Om Astha Rai
Post-quake reconstruction of Kathmandu’s temples is mired in geopolitics

Bhaktapur shows the way by rebuilding itself

#898 ( 23 Feb - 1 Mar 2018 )
Suyog Prajapati
Although much smaller in size than Kathmandu, the level of enthusiasm and consciousness among the administrators and also among the general public sets Bhaktapur apart

On air to deter child marriage

#897 ( 16-22 February 2018 )
Shipra Jha
How radio is helping prevent Nepali girls from being married young

Miracles happen

#897 ( 16-22 February 2018 )
Marty Logan
What happened in Namibia was news not only in Nepal, it was described by ESPN as ‘one of the most miraculous endings to an ICC tournament match at any level

Land reform in cold war nepal

#897 ( 16-22 February 2018 )
Tom Robertson
The first US Ambassador came to Nepal 65 years ago this week to push for socio-economic reform

Air jam

#897 ( 16-22 February 2018 )
Om Astha Rai
Congestion at Kathmandu airport due to delayed expansion is choking Nepal's economy

Hunger for justice

#896 ( 9-15 February 2018 )
Makenzie Stallo
Ganga Maya Adhikari refuses to give up her struggle for justice

Not pushed around anymore

#896 ( 9-15 February 2018 )
Sahina Shrestha
A young school girl from a remote Nepali village dares to take a molester to court

Bulldozing democracy

#896 ( 9-15 February 2018 )
Om Astha Rai
“One third of mayors and village councils seem to have just one goal: amass personal wealth rather than serve the people who elected them.”

We're together

#895 ( 2-8 Febrauary 2018 )
Om Astha Rai
The reason Swaraj is here, according to some analysts, is to make sure that Oli got the message that in return India wants loyalty

Cleaner air with greener buses

#895 ( 2-8 Febrauary 2018 )
Bhushan Tuladhar
Converting Kathmandu’s public buses to electric can dramatically reduce air pollution

Hunger for justice

#895 ( 2-8 Febrauary 2018 )
Makenzie Stallo
Ganga Maya Adhikari refuses to give up her struggle for justice

Electric shock to fossil industry

#894 ( 26 Jan - 1 Feb 2018 )
Kunda Dixit
The past was petrol, the present is electric and the future is hydrogen

Saving the earth with earth bricks

#894 ( 26 Jan - 1 Feb 2018 )
Sonia Awale
Kathmandu Valley’s air can be cleaner and its houses safer and cheaper to make with these new building blocks
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Looking for older articles ? Please follow this link : Nation

Blocked artery

9th December 2004
For a month now, western Nepal remains cut off by landmined highways

Our cult of violence

4th November 2004
The victory of good over evil must be enacted in the triumph of peace over violence