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#779 ( 9-15 October 2015 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Nepal is not landlocked, it is once again a victim of New Delhi’s attempt to flex its muscles

A healthy free for all

#778 ( 2-8 October 2015 )
Bikash Gauchan
The constitution’s lofty aim of upgrading health care can be achieved with a proven public-private partnership model

The federalisation folly

#774 ( 4-10 September 2015 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Nepal’s unique geography will deliver only as an integrated whole, not as fragmented enclaves

The federalisation folly

#773 ( 28 Aug - 3 Sep 2015 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Nepal's unique geography will deliver only as an integrated whole, not as fragmented enclaves

Told you so

#767 ( 17-23 July 2015 )
Gyan Jung Thapa
An impartial review is needed to find out if the death toll in the earthquake could have been reduced by implementing past disaster preparedness plans

The trilateral path

#766 ( 10-16 July 2015 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Nepal stands to benefit from the rapprochement between India and China, and not just in earthquake reconstruction

Local is best

#766 ( 10-16 July 2015 )
Aruna Uprety
Instead of micronutrient additives for children living in earthquake shelters, we should promote nutritious local foods

Mission far from accomplished

#764 ( 26 June - 2 July 2015 )
Richard Ragan
The first emergency may be over, but the work of rehabilitating lives is only beginning.

Moving out of darkness together

#763 ( 19-25 June 2015 )
Sanduk Ruit
The earthquake is an opportunity to change our perspective and attitude

How not to reinvent the wheel

#763 ( 19-25 June 2015 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Donor funding should not just go for reconstruction, but help build capacity

Follow the people

#761 ( 5-11 June 2015 )
Bihari K Shrestha
More than money is needed for post-earthquake rebuilding, help local communities

The four-fold path

#758 ( 15-21 May 2015 )
Pradumna B Rana
Could a stronger and more picturesque country emerge?

A state in aftershock

#757 ( 8-14 May 2015 )
Victor Rana
Now for a common vision to rebuild the country and complete the constitution.

Learning from Disasters

#757 ( 8-14 May 2015 )
Vinod Thomas
Natural disasters are devastating lives and turning back years of development progress

Waiting for a Nepali Kejriwal

#747 ( 27 Feb-5 Mar 2015 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Nepal’s grassroot communities also have anti-corruption crusaders waiting to come out and clean things up

Bringing Cuba back

#738 ( 26 Dec 2014 -1 Jan 2015 )
Robert F Kennedy, Jr
The world has much to learn from Cuba and why embargoes don’t work

Kailash, Malala and Nepal

#737 ( 19-25 December 2014 )
Kul Chandra Gautam
This year’s two Nobel Peace Prize winners have already benefitted thousands of Nepali children and will inspire them

Dichotomy in development

#736 ( 12-18 December 2014 )
Bihari K Shrestha
A successful politician in Nepal is almost necessarily corrupt

Forget SAARC

#735 ( 5-11 December 2014 )
Pradumna B Rana
Go for other options like bilateralism or sub-regionalism

Frivolous federalism

#732 ( 14-20 November 2014 )
Bihari K Shrestha
“In the UK, we have bad apples in our politics, but in Nepal almost all apples are rotten.”

Value-added hiking

#730 ( 31 Oct - 6 Nov 2014 )
Donatella Lorch
Nepal’s trekking is at a cross-road, in need of a quality upgrade

Nepal’s soft underbelly

#726 ( 26 Sep - 2 Oct 2014 )
Bihari K Shrestha
The Madhes has never been more integrated with the rest of the country

Planning to plan

#724 ( 12-18 September 2014 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Why even good plans continue to fail in Nepal

Instead of federalism

#722 ( 29 Aug - 5 Sept 2014 )
David Seddon
It is not too late to reconsider the positive alternatives to federalism

Every breath we take

#710 ( 6-12 June 2014 )
Arnico Panday
In Kathmandu PM10 is hardly ever below 180 microgram/cu m for weeks on end

Every breath we take

#709 ( 30 May - 5 June 2014 )
Arnico Panday
We cough through undeclared air pollution emergencies in Kathmandu, unaware of its toll on our health and economy

Modi foreign policy

#708 ( 23-29 May 2014 )
Shyam Saran

Putin’s Dangerous Game

#698 ( 14-20 March 2014 )
Strobe Talbott
By redrawing Ukrainian borders and setting a precedent, Russia could be eventual loser

The architecture of democracy

#695 ( 21-27 February 2014 )
Bihari K Shrestha
Indigenise Nepal’s polity by addressing the birth defects this Constituent Assembly has inherited from the previous one

Cleaning up our act

#693 ( 7-13 February 2014 )
Suraj Vaidya
The time has come for Nepal’s private sector to rise above the profit-only model of doing business
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