WHO'S WHO: A man goes through the list of employees at the Ministry of Finance in Singha Darbar. - Bikram Rai
WATCH OUT: Construction workers dig up canal walls along the Dhobi Khola as part of the Bagmati corridor project. - Sadina Shrestha
SWIFT MOVES: Boys play football at the open grounds of Patan Campus in Lalitpur on Thursday. - Bikram Rai
CRATER AHEAD: People pass by a water pipe under-construction at Ason on Thursday. - Bikram Rai
STREET LIFE: A man begs in front of Patan Mental Hospital in Lagankhel on Thursday. - Bikram Rai
GIVE BACK: Yeti Airlines officials hand over cheques to The United Mission, Red Cross, Care, Save the Children,and KIRDARC in Gorkana on Wednesday. - Amir Joshi
ON CAMERA: A documentary maker captures video of the art exhibition A Federal Life in Yala Maya Kendra, Patan, on Wednesday. - Amir Joshi
FLOOD CODE: Monsoon rains have increased Mahakali River levels causing floods and landslips at Shikhar VDC, Darchula district, on Monday. - Devyani Shiwakoti
GET WELL: President Ram Baran Yadav leaves for Japan to seek medical treatment at Tribhuvan International Airport on Monday afternoon. - Devaki Bista
EMPTY LANE: A girl cycles in Ratna Park on Sunday during the banda called by opposition parties in protest of the announcement of date for CA elections. - Bikram Rai
GOT A CALL: A farmer talks on her phone while working in the fields in Budol, Kavre on Sunday. - Amir Joshi
ON FIRE: Demonstrators gather in Banepa bazar on Saturday evening to protest against the government’s decision to hold elections. - Amir Joshi
BRIGHT FUTURE: PM Khil Raj Regmi addressing the nation assures the government will hold free and fair Constituent Assembly elections, at Singha Durbar on Friday. - Bikram Rai
PERSPECTIVES: UNDP Country Dir Shoko Noda, KU Vice-chancellor Ram Makaju, and Swiss ambassador to Nepal Thomas Gass during the launch of 'A Federal Life' at Patan on Thursday. - Kunda Dixit
HIT AND GO: Students burn tyres in protest against a bus driver who ran over a student in Dhangadhi highway on Friday. - Devyani Shiwakoti
STILL WAITING: Boats await customers at the bank of Phewa Lake in Pokhara. - Dana Arguetya