FAREWELL: Madan Krishna Shrestha and Hari Bansha Acharya pay their tribute to folk singer Tirtha Gandharva who passed away on Friday morning. - Min Ratna Bajracharya
AGREEMENT MAYBE: Leaders attend the all-party meeting called by President Ram Baran Yadav on Friday. - Min Ratna Bajracharya
TO AND FRO: The operator of a wire bridge brings his trolley back across the Bheri River in Surkhet on Thursday. - Bikram Rai
WEATHERPROOF: A woman harvests bundles of siru to thatch the roof of her barn in Surkhet on Thursday. - Bikram Rai
SHUTDOWN: A CPN-M cadre gathers with party members to enforce their party's strike on Thursday at New Baneswor. - Min Ratna Bajracharya
SHOE LOVE: A stall owner waits for customers on the first day of Made in Pakistan exhibition at United World Trade Centre in Tripureshwor on Wednesday. - Bikram Rai
STANDING TALL: Nepal Army chief Gaurav Shumsher Rana at the Gurkha Memorial Horse Guard Avenue with British Gurkha soldiers in London. He is on a week-long visit to the United Kingdom. - Nepal Army
OUR TURN: Young people perform at the launch of the Nepal Youth and Adolescents Charter on Post MDG 2015 Framework on Monday. - Bikram Rai
RAWALPINDI EXPRESS: Delegates from Pakistan announce the 4th Made in Pakistan Exhibition open. It will take place at United World Trade Centre from 11 to 17 September. - Min Ratna Bajracharya
REMEMBERING BP: Indian Ambassador to Nepal Ranjit Rae speaks at the BP Koirala lecture series organised by BP Koirala Nepal-India Foundation to mark his birth centenary year on Monday. - Indian Embassy
ALL FALL DOWN: A girl plays near demolished houses in Lajimpat that were brought down during Kathmandu's road expansion project. - Bikram Rai
REHEARSAL TIME : Nepal Army soldiers practice for Phulpati celebrations at Tundikhel on Monday. Phulpati is the seventh day of Dasain festival. - Bikram Rai
GOOD MORNING: An artist draws while another man goes through his exercise routine at Swayambhunath on Monday morning. - Min Ratna Bajracharya
GANESH FIRST: Newar women gather near the Ashok Binayak temple before departing to other Ganesh temples in Kirtipur and Bhaktapur for Ganesh Chaturthi, on Monday. - Min Ratna Bajracharya
SWEEPING OVERTIME: An excavator prepares a street in Ason for blacktopping. Indra Jatra is on 18 September and the chariot passes through this route. - Min Ratna Bajracharya
RED FEVER: Women sing and dance to celebrate the Teej festival, in Pasupatinath on on Sunday. - Bikram Rai