2-8 October 2015 #778

The land of the brave

pahilopost.com, 29 September

On 3 August 2014, Indian Prime Minister’s “We cannot bear to see our Nepali brothers go to bed on an empty stomach” speech drew thunderous applause in the Constituent Assembly (CA) in Kathmandu.

Fast-forward to 2015, India has imposed an unofficial economic blockade against Nepal, cutting off supplies of essential commodities. With the fuel crisis deepening, people have had a hard time commuting and there is even a shortage of medical supplies. But the same Modi who a year ago expressed his solidarity with Nepalis, is touring the USA and has not spoken a single word on the situation in Nepal. Instead his employees have been badgering Nepal to amend different articles in Nepal’s new constitution.

Isn’t this an insult to Nepal’s sovereignty? It’s not that Modi is unaware that Nepal is a sovereign nation. While addressing the CA last year he had said: “It is not India’s job to interfere in Nepal’s business. We need to help you move forward in the direction you want to head towards. Nepal is a sovereign country and we want it to be renowned in the world. That is our wish.”

Will Nepal kneel before India’s demands? Modi himself answered the question: “If a Gorkhali says he is not afraid to die, it is the truth. This is the land of the brave.”

Read also:

Fuel crisis deepens

Blockage against Kathmandu