15-21 February 2013 #643

Nepali tweets


Is it only me who didn’t see it or did none of the TV channels report on the news of the Tibetan monk who set himself on fire in Boudha? And will there be any coverage in tomorrow’s papers?


Nepalis, not Pahadis, not Madhesis, not Himalis. Let me live as a Nepali, do you hear me as a Nepali. Where will we Nepalis be if Nepal doesn’t exist?

Occupy Baluwatar

Brave Nepalis, my foot. What kind of bravery teaches you to look the other way when women are abused openly almost every day?

जनक मान डंगोल

Twitter does everything. It reduced load-shedding a few weeks ago and now slashed the price of gas. Why keep government secretaries on the payroll?


Think I’ll give my wife a gas cylinder on Valentine’s day. It is priceless for Nepalis these days.