18-24 January 2013 #639

Nepali tweets

Anushil Shrestha

They used to say ‘go to Gorkha for justice’, but Prime Minister Dr Baburam Bhattarai who came from Gorkha with massive public support is making the country lawless.

Praveen Dhakal

If returning to the jungle could solve problems, then the ones who are in the jungle would have already resolved them. The rautes would not even let any problem arise. So friends let’s enter the court and enter a state governed by law, not the jungle.

Budhi Karki

When the ruler loses his self-confidence, he tries to control the free press.

NareNdra Joshi

The prime minister who visits houses of poor Nepalis should spend a night with street children to find out what poverty really is (via Facebook).

Amrita Lamsal

If we could inject a dose of conscious into people’s brains then we wouldn’t have to worry. Why do women have the sole responsibility to stay within their ‘limits’?

Narayan Amrit

Journalists and professionals are out on the streets. Human rights activists are on the streets. Opposition is on the streets. Actors are on the streets. Hisila is also out on the streets. Is it only Baburam who stays at home?


Earlier the consequences of sin would be declared from the roof of the sinner’s house. Today it is gets broadcasted on the radio, TV, newspapers, Facebook, and Twitter. Comrade.