24-30 April 2015 #755

Never settle

Those who choose to follow their instinct might not be there yet but they are most likely on their way to find it
Anjana Rajbhandary

Hi all,

Very few people know exactly what they want to do with their lives, most people settle with what seems to be more convenient. Others, instead of giving in to social norm, choose to follow their gut/heart/instinct: they might not be there yet but they are most likely on their way to find it. I believe you should follow your heart, pursue true happiness, find an opportunity in every setback and never give up. When you find the right job/ career/ partner you will just know because somewhere deep within, you always knew.

Hey Anjana

I have always wanted to become someone important but I also do not want to work so hard that I don’t have a life. I also feel I am interested in so many things. I think my biggest problem is that I do not believe in myself. In school and college, I didn’t work too hard but I always did well. I also got my master’s degree and I am working as a banker, the money is good but I hate the job. The only thing that keeps me going is that I love math but once I took a public speaking class and really liked it. I feel it is important to be articulate in the management profession. Is it about soul searching? I really do not know what is right for me?

- SO

AR: It is very common to not know what you want to do with your life – we’re always trying to figure things out. You just have to trust that it will work out but you have to make the effort. Achieving big dreams comes with inevitable obstacles. See every barrier as a chance to do better. It is hard to predict what your future career will be like, but it does not mean we do not try.

The truth is, the path to success and happiness is not easy- people will fail, and have rough times but you should have a goal in mind and work towards it. Do not lose faith. Do you want to look back and see you stayed at a job you hated for years? Do something to change your situation. Take the risk (while using your common sense) - sometimes not taking the risk is the biggest risk of all. We all know what we love to do.

Your instincts already know what you want, so instead of suppressing it- go explore and every step will bring you closer to the right one. It will take time, maybe days or years but it will come to you. The question is, can you wait? Don’t waste your life on anything less than what you are worth. You may not know what you want now, but you will always know what you do not want.

Finding the right career is like finding your perfect partner, you can either settle with what others suggest or think is right, or you can keep looking till you find what you really deserve. Cliché but you will know when you find the right one. Don’t settle. Good luck.

Anjana is a certified mental health rehabilitation technician and has four years of experience in adult mental health in Maine, USA.

Read also:

The Human Connection, Anjana Rajbhandary