29 March-4 April 2013 #649

Tweet away!

Is it a Facebook clone? Is it a blog? What should or should you not blurt out? Seven years after its birth we are still struggling to figure out how to interact with the little blue bird. The 140 character limit is the easy bit, but what about tetiquette? What separates the good tweeples from the mannerless? We present you the definitive Twitter bible, study it religiously, and bask in glory as you inch closer to Justin Bieber’s 36 million.


**Make it personal. Unless you want people thinking you have zero personality, develop a character for your profile. Add a profile pic, a cover pic, and a short bio.

**Tweet about others’ works too (alongside your own). We all love free publicity, but just not all the time.

**Be polite and remember the good manners your parents taught you applies on Twitter.

**Engage in conversations with people around you. Thank tweeps who refer or retweet you, say hi when they follow, and always reply to questions.

**Use humour, a lot. Funny equals followers. Ka-ching!


**Retweet compliments. A little self-promotion is acceptable, but the slope is extremely slippery. Leave the endless endorsements to businesses and celebrities.

**Tweet about your daily schedule. We don’t need to know what time you go to the gym or take your morning loo-break.

**Ask people to RT. It makes you sound desperate. If they want to, they’ll do it themselves.

**Overdo hashtags. Using too many makes it difficult to read, limit to three at most.

**Follow others just because you want them to follow you back.

**Turn Twitter into a battleground. Instead meet for coffee and engage in a few rounds of arm wrestling.

Stay away if:

**Drunk or high: why lose your job/friends/lover/reputation in under 140 characters? #gosleep

**Newly in love: TDA is gross and you will lose your single followers. #getaroom

**Heartbroken: it may be the end of the world for you but it’s just another work day for the rest of us. #celinedion

**Don’t know who the current prime minister of Nepal is. Twitteratis can be extremely cruel towards those they think are not smart or witty enough. #survivalofthesmartest

**Your mom still washes your undergarments. #underage #hi5

Top 10 Nepali twitteratis:









