

Presentation, watch the artist Julian Parker-Burns explain how he converges time, space and the psyche in his work. 29 November, 5.30pm, Image Ark Art Gallery, Patan Darbar Square

Tell your story, make a 1-2 min video about how girls are changing the world; contest open to girls aged 12 to 25, winner takes $10,000.

Guerrilla celluloid, learn from travelling director Uzair Sawal how to make a film on a shoe-string budget or less. 4 to 5 December, 10am to 4pm, Sattya Media Arts Collective, Jawalakhel,,

Telling a Tale, Kitchen Dramas, world premiere of a play adapted from short stories written by Nepali women and girls. 6 December, 4.30pm, Theatre Village, Uttar Dhoka,

Walk for Human Rights, students from over 100 schools will convert their walls into banners and walk to end violence against women. 10 December, Kathmandu

First sight, Sushmita, Pratigya, Khil Kumari, Surathi, Roda, and Ganga cannot hear but they have learnt photography and invites you to their first ever photography exhibition. 11am to 6pm, 30 November to 3 December, Siddhartha Art Gallery, (01)4218048/4438979, 9818209743

South asian poetry festival, Free verse under the open sky poets from Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. 7 December, 1.30pm onwards, Basantapur Darbar Square; 8 December, 1.30pm onwards, Patan Darbar Square

Open bazar, it’s never too early for the Yuletide spirit when it comes to shopping. 7 December, 12 to 4pm, Embassy, Pani Pokhari, Lajimpat

150 years of humanitarian action, a photo exhibition celebrating 150 years of the Red Cross. 30 November to 2 December, 10am to 4pm, Patan Museum Gallery

Menu makeover

There is one more reason to visit the Coffee Shop at Hotel Annapurna this winter. The restaurant’s menu recently got a fresh makeover under American chef Brian Swiger who took over the kitchen in June. With over 40 new dishes representing South West, Italian and Creole cuisines, the newly minted menu may befuddle many but worry not. Each dish is an ode to the three cuisines Swiger spent years specialising and this admiration comes well displayed on the plate.

We had the luxury to taste two appetisers, two mains and a dessert from the new menu. The Pork Confit Wonton, our first appetiser set just the right mood for our tasting. Light and refreshing, the perfectly prepared wontons were filled with a delicious mix of tomato, onions, pork, and sesame seeds, and together with the orange ginger sauce pleased our palates immensely. Our second appetiser was the South West Egg Roll. With a crunchy base of tortilla topped with shredded chicken, kidney beans, corn and spinach all rubbed in aromatic spices, this was another crowd favourite.

For mains we had the Mushroom Cheese Sandwich and Chimichurri Pork Chop. The hero of the sandwich was the bread- Italian focaccia which as the chef informed was baked inhouse. Accompanied with a vinegar based coleslaw and fries, the mushroom cheese sandwich makes for a good lunch option. The Pork Chop at the Coffee Shop takes the title for being the best in town. The meat was tender and full of taste.

Apart from these dishes, the menu also features few of Swiger’s signature dishes which include Creole Barbecue Shrimp, Mexican Tortilla Soup, Catfish Po’ boy. But, if you are not much of an adventurous diner, there are plenty of local favourites such as Dosa and Dum ka Murg to gorge on.

The Coffee Shop, Hotel Annapurna, Darbar Marg

Speaking out


29 November

11am, China blue, story of a seventeen year old girl who works at a Chinese sweatshop

2pm, Sari soldiers, six women’s courageous efforts in an escalating civil war in Nepal

30 November

10am, Saving face, a Chinese-American lesbian and her traditionalist mother are reluctant to go public with secret loves

2pm, Quest for honour, an activists works to investigate and eradicate honour killings in Kurdistan

1 December

12pm, Girl power, all dolled up, exploring the commercialisation of ‘girl power’ and the damage it does 4pm, Pray the devil back to hell, an inspirational group of women in Liberia who join together to stop a civil war that claimed 100,000 lives

6pm, The price of sex, a compelling film about young eastern European women who are drawn into a world of sex trafficking

BRITISH EMBASSY 3 December 10am, Cover girl culture, explores how the fashion industry impacts on women 12pm, Soongava, a breakthrough Nepali film about two women in love struggling with cultural norms

4 December

11am, From fear to freedom, women around the world join together to speak out

2pm, Because our cause is just, on the struggle of women in the ‘Arab Spring’

5 December

10am, Abuelas, grandparents try to discover the fates of their grandchildren whose parents disappeared in Argentina’s ‘dirty war’

2pm, Desert flower, story of a Somali girl who fled an arranged marriage at 13 become a super model

Human Rights Film Focus

Runs till 6 December

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