
The Laramie Project

The Laramie Project, The One World Theatre brings to stage a docudrama telling the story of American Matthew Shepard, who was beaten to death in 1998 in Laramie because of his homosexuality. Rs 500 (adult), Rs 200 (student), till 15 March, 5pm, Theatre Village, Lajimpat, 9808041124,

Masculism, An exhibition by Gopal Das Shrestha Kalapremi. Till 15 March, Siddhartha Art Gallery, Babar Mahal Revisited, (01)4218048,

Democratic revolution, A lecture on global debates on democracy theories and a discussion on ‘What led to the 2006 Democratic Revolution in Nepal?’ 15 March, 3 pm, Kailash Hall, The Shanker Hotel, Lajimpat, (01)4472807,

Int'l Social Work Day, A symposium based on theme of International Social Work Day 2015, ‘Promoting the Dignity and Worth of People’. 17 March, 12.40pm, St Xavier’s College, Maitighar, (01)4221365,,

Francophonie, A week-long program with an exhibition, a photo call, culinary stands, film screenings and Joint Family Internationale in concert to celebrate the French language. 16 to 20 March, Alliance Française of Kathmandu, Tripureshwor, (01)4241163,

Rock, ride, run, Climbers, cyclists and runners are invited to compete at the Himalayan Outdoor Festival. 21 March, Hattiban Hills, (01)6218484,, www.

Yin Yoga, A new moon meditation where the sound of a live violin will guide your spirit to dive into your deepest self. 20 March, 5.30pm to 7pm, Pranamaya Yoga Studio, Boudha, 9802045484,,

Me and the Other, A show combining physical theatre with classic and contemporary dance, focusing on how cultural heritage influences our perceptions. Rs 300, Rs 200 (students), 2 to 4 April, 5.15 pm, Mandala Theatre Kathmandu, Anamanagar, (01)6924269,,

Phantalassa, An exhibition of sound, video, drawing and photography by Mexican artist, Alain Ledezma, in residence at Mcube. Inauguration on 15 March, 5.30pm, exhibition till 21 March, Siddhartha Art Gallery, Babar Mahal Rivisited, (01)4218048,

Women’s exhibition, Nine Nepali artists get together for a group exhibition. Inauguration on 13 March, 3.30pm, exhibition till 30 April, Newa Chen Art Gallery, Kulimha, Kobahal, Patan, (01)5533532,

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