

ExpAnsion, an exhibition of paintings by Jay Shankar Son Shrestha. Runs till 27 November, Siddhartha Art Gallery, Baber Mahal Revisited

Tell your story, make a 1-2 min video about how girls are changing the world; contest open to girls aged 12 to 25, winner takes $10,000.

Guerrilla celluloid, learn from travelling director Uzair Sawal how to make a film on a shoe-string budget or less. 4 to 5 December, 10am to 4pm, Sattya Media Arts Collective, Jawalakhel,,

Straight sets, go watch the young talents at the first ever junior open tennis championship. Runs till 23 November, Satdobato, (01)5202114

Rev up your spirit, ride with hundreds of other bikers from Basantapur, Kathmandu, to Sukute. Bhotekosi. 23 November, 8am onwards

60 seconds film festival, make a minute-long short film and earn wide exposure. Deadline 25 November,

Who won, Nepal is gripped with election fever as results from around the country start coming in. Runs till 26 November,

Return to nature, an exhibition showcasing importance of water colour and landscape painting in fine art, created on the spot by 20 artists at Kirtipur. Runs till 24 November, 12 to 4pm, Park Gallery, Pulchok, (01)5522307

Basic photography workshop, learn the nitty-gritties of fine photography from experienced hands. Rs 2,500, 7 to 9am, 1 to 7 December, Image Park, New Road, 9803309513, 9841279544, 9841240341

B-boying tour, Dharan-based b-boying group Da-Pace is travelling to six major cities to promote tourism through dance. Starts 15 November

123 days

In 2012 Gerda Pauler set out to walk the Great Himalayan Trail for the charity Autism Care in Nepal. Her journey of 1700km took her 123 days over glaciated 6000m passes, high mountain deserts of the Tibetan Plateau in Mustang and luscious forests throughout the foothills of the Himalaya.

Pauler was born in the 1950s outside Munich in Germany. She worked with autistic children as a music teacher. Besides travelling to Nepal, India and Pakistan, Pauler has also been on expeditions to Central Asia and South America. She has also written a book on her journey through Nepal’s Himalayas.

Gerda will be sharing her story at a talk program this week. Don't miss out if you want to hear her speak adventure.

26 November, 6.30pm,

Shanker Hotel, Lajimpat

Rs 400 for non-members, including tea/coffee, half-price for students,

First sight

Sushmita, Pratigya, Khil Kumari, Surathi, Roda, and Ganga cannot hear but they have learnt photography through a series of workshop conducted at the Disabled Services Association in Lalitpur. Siddhartha Art Gallery invites you to their first ever photography exhibition.

11am to 6pm, 30 November to

3 December, Siddhartha Art Gallery, (01)4218048/4438979,, 9818209743


Pagoda Chinese Restaurant

Pagoda Chinese Restaurant, Head to this jade palace if you are in the mood for Chinese with clean, green and peaceful environment. Park Village Resort, Budhanilknatha, (01)4375280,

Barista lavazza, the newest addition to the Valley's European inspired coffee-culture cafes serves excellent mochas and lattes, don't forget to try their grilled chicken sandwich. Jawalakhel,

Laskus Restaurant, welcome to the best taste your palates can get. Kathmandu Guest House, Thamel (01)4700800,

Alice restaurant, step in for scrumptious Thakali, Chinese, Continental, and Japanese cuisine. Gairidhara, (01)4429207

New Tushita Restaurant, relaxing ambience and good food. Don’t miss out on its penne with creamy bacon and mushroom sauce. Lajimpat, (01)44432957



Waterfront Resort

Waterfront Resort, head to this eco-friendly resort to make your stay right in front of Phewa Lake.

Sedi Height, Pokhara, (61)466 303/304, 9801166311,

Buddha Maya Gardens Hotel, add value to your travel in Lumbini with a stay at probably the best hotel in the area. Lumbini, (71)580220, 9801033109,

Maruni Sanctuary Lodge, nestled inside a Tharu Village at the edge of Chitwan National Park. (01)4700800,

Park Village Resort, far away from the madding crowd yet so close to the city. Budhanilkantha, (01)4375280,

Atithi Resort, a perfect place to stay, nearby pool, massage, sauna, and delicious food of your choice. Shantipatan, Lakeside, Pokhara, (61)466760, (01)4002077


Cancion del Mariachi

Cancion del Mariachi, listen to Latin and gypsy jazz with Monsif Mzibri and Hari Maharjan and drink jugs of sangria. Every Saturday, 7pm onwards, New Orleans Cafe, Jhamsikhel

Mohit Chauhan live, everyone’s beloved balladeer is coming to town. Rs 500 to Rs 5,000, 30 November, 4.45pm onwards, Dasrath Stadium, Tripureswor, 9818842177

Kripa Unplugged, young Nepali musicians and seasoned veterans give an acoustic rendition of their favourite songs. 8.30pm and 10.30pm on Sundays, TTV,

Shastriya sangeet, dabble in the magic of Hindustani classical music every new moon night. 2 December, 3pm onwards, Ram Mandir

Jazz from Copenhagen, swing to the sounds of the Copenhagen Jazz Quartet, featuring Simon Thorsen, Per Møllehøj, Graig Earle and Frands Rifbjerg. Rs 350, 22 November, 7.30 to 10pm, Moksh, Jhamsikhel; 23 November, 7 to 10pm, Jazz Upstairs,, (01)5013554

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