Bhoto Jatra
Bhoto Jatra, Gather along with thousands in Jawalakhel to mark the end of the Rato Machindranath festival with the showing of the bejewelled vest. 29 July
Origami fun, Master the Japanese art of paper folding at an origami workshop for teachers and parents, taught by Hiroko Oyawa. 31 July, 11 am to 2 pm, Nepal Japan Children Library, Lajimpat, 9841322524/9841322524, Fee: Rs 500 (limited to 15 places)
Otaku next, Dress up as your favourite anime characters in the third edition of the Otaku Next Nepal Comic and Cosplay Convention. 30 July, 9.30 am to 5.30 pm, Alliance Française, Teku,, Tickets: Rs 300 (entrance free for cosplayers), Rs 350 (on the day of the event)
Sound of Music, Re-enactment of the musical Sound of Music, by Shuvatara School students. 5 August, Nepal Academy, Kamaladi, Price: Rs 200 for 12 pm (students show), Rs 500 and 1,000 for 5 pm (general admission)
Inspiring minds, Learn, share and network with fellow women entrepreneurs at the Young Entrepreneurs’ Summit Women. 29 and 30 July, 9 am to 5 pm, Hotel Yak & Yeti, Darbar Marg, Register:, Fee: Rs 2,500 per person (Rs 2,000 for students)
Street art, Don’t miss out on the International Street Art Festival organised by ArtLab Life, featuring a host of art events: mural making, art talk shows, documentaries, exhibitions, street art jams and more. 1 August to 23 September, Multiple venues, 9813462106 / 9841807005,,
Write a play, Participate in the National Play Writing Competition judged by Anup Baral, Upendra Subba and Anbika Giri, and get a chance to stage your play in a theatre. The top ten applicants can also attend a workshop facilitated by Mahesh Dattani. 28 July to 28 August,, 9849024252/9823691301
Slam poetry, Watch Interstate’s poet and performer Deborah Emmanuel perform live, along with Nepali slam-poetry group Word Warriors. 30 July, 2 to 4 pm, Swarnam Theatre, Kalikasthan,