

Nippon cinema

Nippon cinema, A two-day Japanese film fest organised by the Embassy of Japan in association with Japanese Language Teachers’ Association of Nepal. 30 and 31 January, Pokhara, (01)4426680,

CAN 2015, The 15th edition of Computer Association of Nepal (CAN)’s annual IT show promises to be bigger and better than ever. Till 2 February, Bhrikuti Mandap, Exhibition Road, (01)5532586,

Street fest, Residents and revellers come together to celebrate Losar on the streets of Boudha. Boudha, 31 January, 10.45am onwards, 981-3836319

Pedal power, A cycle rally to mark World Cancer Day organised by Nepal Cancer Relief Society. 31 January, 8am, Patan Darbar Square, for registrations

Indo-Nepal, Inauguration of a joint exhibition by Nepali artists from Banaras Hindu University 1 February, 5.30pm, Siddhartha Art Gallery, Babar Mahal Revisited, (01)4218048,

Rugby in Nepal, The first-ever National Rugby 7s Championship is here. Organised by the Nepal Rugby Association, the competition will feature five teams from all across the country. Selected players will represent Nepal in international competitions. 31 January, 10am, Dasarath Rangasala Stadium, Tripureshwor, 9851120717

Art market, A place to sell and buy paintings, prints, posters and design products. 7 February, 12 to 3pm, The Yellow House, Sanepa, (01)5006665,

Pulse, A photographic exhibition by Päivi Maria Wells and the launch of collection of wearable arts designed by Naila Sattar, featuring Päivi Wells’ images. Till 8 February, 10am to 5pm, Image Ark, Kulimha Tole, Lalitpur, (01)5006665,

Galli Run, A race through the historical alleys and world heritage sites. 31 January, 7.30am, Patan Durbar Square,

Ma Nepali, Nine Nepali personalities including actor Rajesh Hamal, and slam poets Ujjwala Maharjan and Yukta Bajracharya share their life stories. Rs150, 4 February, 1.30 to 3pm, Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaldi, 9843324333

Curation 101, A workshop with curator Veerangana Solanki. 20 to 24 February, Siddhartha Arts Foundation, 984-9519933,

Journeying for art, Painting exhibition by a promising young artist-Dhwoj Gurung. Till 12 April, Park Gallery, Pulchowk, Lalitpur,

When words fail, Israeli artist and Holocaust survivor, Sara Atzmon, displays her paintings to commemorate 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. Till 4 February, Alliance française of Kathmandu, (01)4241163,

Chez Caroline

Chez Caroline, Authentic ambience, exquisite French food, glorious sunshine and more. Babar Mahal Revisited, (01)4263070

Downtown, Go Indian at this restaurant, we suggest biryani. Pulchowk Road, Patan, (01)5010751

Valentine night, A free rose and a free glass of hot mulled wine followed by Fire&Ice, For the best Italian in town. Thamel, (01)4250210ee Irish coffee on Valentine’s Day in a balloon-filled dining room. 14 February, K-too Beer and Steakhouse, Thamel, (01)4700043.

Newa Lahana, Authentic Newari flavours with killer views of surrounding Macchegaun and towering Chandragiri hill. Kirtipur

Manny’s, Head down for some delicious Corn Fritters, Pad Thai Noodles, Crispy Crunch Potatoes and don’t forget their signature Manny’s Spicy Wings. All served with fine hospitality in an excellent space. Jawalakhel, (01)5536919



Atithi Resort & Spa

Atithi Resort & Spa, A quiet sanctuary that fuses Nepali tradition with modern amenities, complete with a fancy pool and a cosy restaurant. Lakeside, Pokhara, (06)1466760,

Pokhara Grande, A swimming pool to escape from the tropic heat, a massage parlour and spa to loosen up and a gymnasium to release stress, great options all around. Lakeside, Pokhara, (06)1460210,

Milla Guesthouse, If you prefer the quiet, and admire a mix of old and new, this is the perfect place to stay. Not too far away from the city, yet miles apart. Bhaktapur, 9851024137

Yoga weekend, Calm the mind and filter your thought process in a yoga retreat with instructor Sati at the scenic Namo Buddha resort. Rs 13,500, 31 January to 1 February, Namo Buddha, 980-2045484,


Uglyz live

Uglyz live, Winners of Hits FM Music Award for the Best New Artist is back in action. 7 February, Trisara, Lajimpat, (01)4410200,

Wave tour, Wave Magazine celebrates its 20th anniversary with a series of concerts. Rs100, 31 January in Kathmandu and 7 February in Pokhara, (01)5010773,

Underground, Local metal bands get together to celebrate Underground Nepal’s fifth anniversary. Rs300 (door sale), Rs 250 (pre-sale), 7 February, Purple Haze, Thamel, 981-8405754,

Friday Fuse, Fusion band Kanta dub dub will be playing live. Rs 250, 30 January, House of Music, Thamel, 985-1075172

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