Nepali Times
The Young Columnist League


Call us Asses na?ve, but we can understand the gravity of the diplomatic incident triggered by the American ambassador to Nepal getting stoned in Jhapa the other day.

Ordinary Nepalis in buses defying bunds get hit by bricks all the time, their motorcycles are regularly set on fire, the Ass's bicycle had its air forcibly extirpated last week by goons trying to make sure their bund was a "grand success". But all that is nothing compared to the missile attack on the Moriarty convoy. Kathmandu's insecure dips immediately raised the matter with MoFA which promised no stone will be left unturned (as it were) in apprehending future perpetrators.

Actually, by staging a missile attack on Moriarty our young commies demonstrated that they have achieved military parity with the world's hyperpower in ballistic missile capability. OK, the comrades still have to work on telemetry and range of their projectiles but as far as the warheads are concerned it is clear that, just like Iran and North Korea, Nepal's reds have forced Washington to sit up and take notice.


While inaugurating the YCL Annual Convention last week, Comrade Awesome gave in to pressure to take his Young Camikaze League's troop strength to 500,000 so they can run their parallel government, parallel police, parallel justice system, parallel tax department, and parallelograms. However, in a meeting with Nordic ambassadors this week His Fierceness denied having said any such thing. All this is leading the Ass to conclude Chairman Pao has an enviable ability to speak out of both sides of his mouth. Like when he said he refused the 10 karod Injun sandalwood smugglers offered. ("You think I am so cheap?")

The question really boils down to whether or not a party in parliament and government can deploy Red Guards. Ever since the Buddhanagar HQ experienced two socket bomb explosions last week, the Maoists have beefed (now that we're secular we can use that word) up their security. The result is that platoons of Maoist gunmen escort departing or arriving Maoist leaders at the airport driving right up the tarmac to the plane. There seems to be parallel security at the airport as well.


Last week the Ass pointed out that Local Under-development Minister Deb Gurung had become the first incumbent to call a bund in Nepal's history. Not to be outdone, Anti-Forest Minister Matrika Yadav on Monday announced a month-long protest in the tarai with the whole works: tyre-burning, highway blockages, chukker jams, torch rallies, and of course nationwide bunds in which all Nepalis will be forced to voluntarily stay home. All this must have made Minister of Men Women and Children Khadga Biswokarma feel a bit left out because he too has thrown his weight behind the Dalit-Janjati-Adibasi bunds next week (one day for each). The Ass is generally not into conspiracies, only gossip, but is this sudden epidemic of government-sponsored Nepal bunds part of a deliberate plan to reduce petroleum demand since we have no money to pay for it?


Having valet Gokarnaji back at Baluwatar after the First Daughter Banished him means Girijababu is now regularly getting his spoonful of honey and glass of milk before bedtime every night. This is giving him a burst of new energy which is probably what fortified the Rt Hon'ble Prime Minister to call the YCL the "Young Criminal League". If only Gokarna can add a little brandy GPK will be calling the YCL a "Young Cannibal League" next.

Look at it this way, a man the central bank has asked the police to arrest for embezzlement is mollycoddled by none other than the prime minister. He breaks bread with Makunay at a UML do. So, the YCL cleverly nabs him and hands him over to the cops. The Ass's forecast: Sitaram is going to walk free just as soon as the Young Commercial League gets its cut and when Makunay returns from his job interview in New Delhi.


So what's with the CP attending the Art of Living meditation sessions in Kathmandu? Why is a Sri Panch hobnobbing with a Sri Dui? Fellow-meditators were quite surprised to see a changed Paras sirkar moving around the cross-legged devotees asking them if they had attained nirvana yet.

(11 JAN 2013 - 17 JAN 2013)