Nepali Times
New Nepal to New Delhi

Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai is in New Delhi this week for the first time as head of government. The sights and sounds of the Indian capital will be familiar to him, having done his PhD from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and spent most of the war years in and out of Noida. The Indian media has been gushing about Bhattarai being one of their own ever since he was elected nearly two months ago.

Bhattarai's advisers have warned the press not to seek dramatic breakthroughs on issues like the Indo-Nepal Treaty, regulating the border, or water deals. He doesn't have a choice since he heads a shaky coalition, and party colleagues are itching to pull the rug from under him.

New Delhi has decided that it can do business with Bhattarai, but it should also be realistic enough to know that whatever is agreed in New Delhi the prime minister will find it difficult to sell to his own party, let alone to the opposition. As part of his strategy to undermine his rival, Pushpa Kamal Dahal has hung an albatross around Bhattarai's neck by publicly calling him an Indian lackey.

That said, Bhattarai should try to take his visit beyond symbolism. Pomp and ceremony will not redress our yawning balance of payments deficit with India. It is important to know what is important to Delhi, and try to get from them what is important to us. Too often in the past, Nepali officialdom has been so insecure about India, and so sure that we will get bullied, that we have stonewalled.

Lately, through various channels, the New Delhi establishment has let us know that its primary concern is "security". This includes the gamut of issues from infiltration of terrorists and underworld criminals across the open border, to extradition, allowing air marshals in flights and controlling fake Indian currency. So far, fears of backlash have held back Nepal's political leaders from agreeing to anything that would erode our sovereign rights. This is the same misplaced nationalism that produced that ridiculous airport ramp 50 cm above the tarmac, just to prove that Indian security wasn't frisking passengers on Nepali territory.

It's time to transcend such hollow symbolism and address the real issues that affect our nationalism and sovereignty: the growing trade deficit with India, the fact that two million Nepalis are working in India, the huge lines in Pokhara of recruits wishing to join the Indian Army, and the paralyzing disunity among Kathmandu rulers that is undermining our national interest.

Indian investors have pulled out, and those still here are being harassed by national and local extortionists. Bhattarai's party says it wants to renegotiate 14 hydropower projects with Indian investors that were approved by the all-party government in 2007-8. How is the prime minister going to assure them that it's not a case of his party wanting its cut?

On the Indian side, we see a new willingness to engage with the Maoists and a realisation that the past policy of open intervention was counterproductive. A stable Nepal is in India's national interest, keeping Nepal politically weak and economically backward will prolong the instability.

Perhaps the most important message Indian leaders can give Baburam Bhattarai is something he doesn't seem to have learnt at JNU: that there is no alternative to democracy, pluralism, rule of law and non-violent politics.

Read also:
Baburam returns to Delhi, Chalo Dilli by JYOTI MALHOTRA

1. who cares
bhatterai's wanting to have a good relation with india used to seem like his sensible judgement from nepal's point of view.

but it all turned out to be nothing more than just for his personal benefit.

2. who cares
if i ever capture nepal, this will be my major policy regarding india:

1: india would get extra water (international law says nepal gets half and india gets half) under following conditions:

# if they pay reasonable cash.

# in exchange for- free transit point to the ocean (even though nepal has right to use it as per international law), bangladesh and other countries, easy access to few ports, electricity transmission line to bangladesh, free air rout etc.

# as a gift.

india should pay reasonable rent for the infrastructures, and the land which will be drowned by the reservoir. 

2: barb wiring boarders, managing boarders and travels.

3: revoking the citizenship given to foreigners due to fraudulent, coercion etc and their country should take them back.

4: zero tolerance on interference.

5: guaranty of security to india.

6: .............. 

3. Nagrik Samaj
People will laugh on Mr.Kunda Dexit.He has dubbed his expectations from BRB and associates in the name of massage from Indian leaders," democracy,pluralism,rule of law and nonviolent politics" but BRB has declared his National Agenda Peace process ( PLA adjustment) and Constitution. Few associate members use to say jangantara Why Your are turning deaf year to them? They are Warlord of Nepal why you forget? Due you think Nepali can expect any thing from them?

4. Jag
"Perhaps the most important message Indian leaders can give Baburam Bhattarai is something he doesn't seem to have learnt at JNU: that there is no alternative to democracy, pluralism, rule of law and non-violent politics." Bhattarai seems to have learnt the lesson well, what is not so sure is whether he can push this line against the spoilers within his own party. 

5. R bd lama

जागौ सम्पूर्ण देशभक्त नेपाली दाजुभाइ दिदि बहिनि हरु !!!!!!!
समुर्ण रास्त्रबादी नेपाली, माओबादी का अन्ध भक्त र अरु भारतीय दलाल हरु, कृपया मेरा जिज्ञासा हरुको जवाफ पाउथे कि ????
अरु को गल्ति देखाएर आफ्नो गल्ति लुकाउन खोजेपनि त्यो गल्ति गल्तिनै हुन्छा!!!  तेस्तै यो सरकारले गरेको यो सन्धि मा ठुलो रास्त्रघट भएको छ!!!
              रह्यो, को रास्ट्र बादी भन्ने कुरा----इंडिया को खुलमखुल्ला दलाली गर्ने  मदिसेबादी हरुको त कुरै नगरु , काँग्रेस र एमाले लै पनि कसैले रास्ट्रियता को मामिला मा भारत संग झुक्दैनन भन्ने विश्वास गरेका छैनन्, यिनीहरुले बिगत मा गरेका रस्त्रघती क्रियाकलाप र ढुलमुले नीति हरुले गर्दा !!! 
             तर कुरा के भने, अरु इन्डियन दलाल पार्टी हरु संग तुलना गरेर म रास्त्रबादी भनेर भन्न यो माओबादी पार्टी लै सुहाउछ कि सुहौदैना?? अरु पार्टी बाट त जनता ले तेस्तो ठुलो आश गरेकै थिएनन !!! तर जुन पार्टी को उठान नै भारत बिरोदी विभिन्न रास्त्रबादी माग राखेर भएको थियो, अहिले आएर तेही पार्टी ले अरु पार्टी हरु भन्दा ४  हात माथि उठेर  बिदेसी प्रभु को आसिर्बाद पाउन को लागि राष्ट्रिय स्वार्थ लै तिलान्जली दिन मिल्छा कि मिल्दैन ??? ४० लाख बिहारी आप्रबासी लै नागरिकता कसको आदेश मा बाडेको हो ?? नेपाल लै तुक्र्युने उदेस्य अनुसार उठायिएको १ मदेश- १ प्रदेश भन्ने भारतीये दलाल हरुले राखेको माग मा किन समर्थन गर्दै सरकार भनाएको ??? १०००० बिहारी आप्रबासी हरुलाई नेपाली सेनामा गाव्ने गम्भीर भारतीय  सड्यन्त्रको मतियार किन भनेको ?? तिमीहरुको लागि देश ठुलो हो कि सत्ता ???   जाति-भाषा-धर्म को नाम मा जातीय  साम्प्रदायिक राजनीति गर्दै नेपाली नेपाली मा फाटो पार्दै किन  नेपाल लाइ जातीय गृहयुध तर्फ धकाल्दै छौ??? दिल्ली सम्झौता अनुसार भएको नेपाल लै दुरगामी महत्तो पार्ने --संघियता, धर्म निरपेक्छा, गनतन्त्र घोसना गर्दा जनता लै किन बायिपास गर्दै कसको आज्ञ पालन गर्दै आधा रातमा घोसना गरेको ?? टिस्टा देखि कांगडा सम्म फैलिएको बिशाल नेपाल (Greater nepal ) को भूभाग नेपाल ले फिर्ता पाउन पर्छ भन्ने देशभक्त हरुको भनाई मा तपाई हारको धारणा के हो ?? येस्तई भावना भएको मनोज पण्डित को  " Greater nepal " documentry  लाई तपाई हरुकै सरकार भएको बेला, प्रदर्शन गर्न बाट  कसको आदेश मा रोकिएको थियो  ??
          येसरी हेर्दा त, अरु पार्टी हरु भन्दा पनि  यो माओबादी पार्टी बादी इन्डियन दलाल हो कि जस्तो लाग्न थाल्यो!!! अरु को त आश नै नगरेको के कुरा गर्नु!!! तर जो संग बादी आशा राखेका थिए, तेस्ले नै अरु पार्टी  जस्तै वा त्यो  भन्दा बादी बिदेसी दलालि  गर्छा भने यो पार्टीलाई  सबैभन्दा ठुलो बिदेसी दलाल र  गद्दार भन्न मिल्छा कि मिल्दैन ??? अरुले त राष्ट्र घत गरे तर पनि नेपाली त मारेका थिएनन !!!  १४००० नेपाली लै बलि चदायेरा रगत को आहाल मा पौडी खेलेर पाएको सत्ता पनि भारतीय दलाली गर्नकै लागि थियो?? ति १४००० नेपाली सपुत हरुको रगत को मूल्य खोइ ??????????
 कृपया यी सिधा प्रस्न को सिधा उत्तर पाए आभारी हुने थिए!!!

जय बिशाल  नेपाल, जय नेपाली

6. jange

NT readers would do well to look up the word "extraterritoriality" and see it in the context of the BIPPA agreement signed by Baburam.

Will be interesting to see how NT sees the agreement.

7. DG
Baburam Bhattarai,s only mistake is not to go by MIGA.
As Nepal is I suppose a signitory of MIGA; he could have covered this BIPPA  using MIGA Why this storm in the teapot at this time?
Let him come forward to provide the same protection to Nepali industries as well. Right to property is a fundamental right;without which no democracy can prosper. Trade Unions and entrepreneurs must come to an understanding to develop economy to the maximum extent. Let the government create equitable law and act as an impartial umpire between them.

8. Harka B Lama
All Nepali political leaders are cut from the same cloth. They are servile to India - they lick the boots of Brown Indian Sahibs and sell the nationality, dreams and aspirations of all Nepalis. No one can dispute this truth. So Mr BRB is no exception to this rule. Unless Nepal can find a man who loves Nepal more than his own life and his personal comforts, India will always finds ways to dominate and take advantage. Its no wonder that Indians are hated by the general Nepali, Bangaladeshi, Sri Lankan and Pakistanis. India should never be allowed to become a permanent member of the UN, India should be taught a lesson and  put in a place where it belongs.

9. yam gurung

What else these puppet leaders of Nepal can do?They just like to dance in tune of foreigners like big Dada INDIA,and others.

Junai jogi aepani uhi kan chireko bhane jastai ho.Hare Siva!!!

Ani Kale-Kale milera kham bhale ho.

10. Daniel Gajaraj
+New Delhi is correct . It was a brand new capital city built from a scratch by the British....architect.,next to the previous capitals of Delhi.
Nepal is in existece for centuries. Kathmandu itself has a history of atleast three thousand years. How can a New Nepal is possible? Isn,t it a foolish dream? A country with a civilization of thousands of years cannot be erased.
It is like rebuilding an existing house. If any part is wear it can be retro-fitted. or rebuilt. If it has to be improved or changed ,it can be done. But if it is still functioning it is not torn down.

Ther is an article written by Swami Vibekananda on REbuilding India about 100 years back. It will be useful to read that to clear  our misunderstanding .
So now on let us Stop saying New Nepal. Like air and water Nepal is always there. We can only rebuild it for the better.

(11 JAN 2013 - 17 JAN 2013)