![]() KIRAN PANDAY KILLING TIME: "Isn't it time, comrade?" "We've got all the time in the world. It's a historical necessity." |
In short, everyone is jockeying to get into the best position possible. This is nothing new, of course. While all is not lost (and we can expect the Constituent Assembly to be duly extended), this indicates that every step towards the conclusion of the peace process will be fraught with such wrangling and compromises.
The Nepali people are a patient lot. But it's not just the May Dayers and Peace Assemblers of the nation who are running out of patience. In the cantonments, ex-combatants spend their days, as they have every day of the last four years, playing games, patrolling, and idling the time away. It's testimony to their mental discipline that they appear committed to the change they were taught to believe in. If only their leaders could show us they feel the same.
Over two thousand years ago, the Buddha said, "Everything changes, nothing remains without change." With a week to go before Buddha Jayanti and the deadline for the constitution, Nepalis have to believe that he was right.
The Buddha's message, Publisher's note
Don't kill the CA, Gagan Thapa
War games, Prashant Jha
The PLA speaks, Ekal Silwal
Flagellating the self-flagellators, Rabi Thapa
Online incline, CK Lal
Buddhaland, Indu Nepal