Pristine as it looks in Wanda Vivequin's photographs ('Nar Phu', #271) I am reminded of the harsh realities
of living in high mountain villages and my own trip in 1996 to Nar Valley. We walked to Nar via Chame to see how we could help the local people maintain their microhydro system. Although Wanda mentions a New Zealand support to this scheme (unless there has been new donor support) the Nar microhydro and the Phu solar systems were provided by HMG's Remote Area Development Committee. Later, the menfolk of Nar came to Kathmandu and we had discussions on how they could maintain their microhydro and start productive enterprises if tourism were to expand in the region. I am glad that against all odds during last month's devastating blizzards, the people of Nar are persevering and hopefully, our small trip and long interactions over endless glasses of Tibetan salt tea were worth it. I still hope one day I can make it back again especially to see the two wonderful sisters, Lakpa and Sonam, who sheltered us for a good one week against all odds. And if someone reaches there before me, and reads this, please pass on the message.
Kavita Rai,