A classic case of good intentions gone bad: an award-winning poster designed for the Family Planning Association of Nepal and published in a major daily on the occasion of International Women's Day has come in for criticism. A number of women rang the paper to complain that the poster, which depicts a woman as an egg-laying hen, is offensive and slights the dignity of women. Poster designer Balaram Jana doesn't agree. "The poster title \'Am I a man's wife or a rooster's hen?' speaks for itself," he says. "A woman is not a baby-making machine that she has to suffer through the births of dozens of babies just to ensure the continuity of the family line. In my capacity as a man, I was presenting before society the suffering of a mother and seeking a response. I was supporting women, offering sympathy towards the suffering they endure in childbirth." The poster's sub-title reads: "A husband plays a major role in ensuring the reproductive health of his wife." FPAN says the poster draws society's attention to women's reproductive health. "Individuals may interpret the poster differently, but in no way, does it debase women," says one FPAN official. OK, bu what about good taste?