"The root of the violence is in the villages, that is where we should focus on finding solutions."
- CP Mainali,
M-L leader
"Heaven is what it is because three women are in charge of three important ministries: Mahalaxmi manages money, Mahasaraswati is in charge of education and Mahakali looks after defence. We can also turn Nepal into heaven, why not?"
- Chitralekha Yadav,
Deputy Speaker
"There are good explanations why reforms did not advance as intended."
- Lawrence DeMilner,
IMF representative
"Pointless talking of good governance: we don't even have governance."
- Tirtha Man Shakya,
Chief Secretary
"What have we accomplished in the last 12 years? We have produced 11 prime ministers. How will we move ahead without changing this?"
- Jhala Nath Khanal,
"If it took 50 years to get here, how many more years will it take to eradicate poverty? The models we use have not worked."
- Chakra Bastola,
Nepali Congress
"If NGOs have done good work they need to be given due recognition, if not they should be scrapped."
- Gauri Pradhan,
NGO Federation
"INGOs would like to see the One Window Policy placed within a powerful, well-resourced and respected ministry, or within the National Planning Commission."
- Robin Needham,
CARE Nepal