Karen Turner
Deputy Assistant Administrator
Asia and the Near East Bureau USAID, Washington
"What we have is an important framework, but the government needs to demonstrate results now. Not three years from now, but within the next 12-18 months. There needs to be some concrete visible evidence on the ground, particularly in the rural areas, where most of the significant poverty is.
Paul Egger
Head Asia Division
Swiss Development Cooperation Berne
"Peace is the foremost goal now. Without peace there is no development, no scope of development co-operation. In this difficult situation, we need decisive steps to really attack the root of the problems of the country, which is poverty and insufficient governance."
Pharang Roy
International Fund for Agriculture and Development (IFAD)
"With the ongoing conflict, the government needs to win back the trust of the poorest people. For this we must demonstrate at least two or three simple things that work. Making VDCs in charge of schools is a major step. The poor people have to feel that they are once again taken seriously, it is about building trust.using the army is not the answer."
Meiko Nishimizu
Vice President
The World Bank
"What should the government do now? Act."
Ram Sharan Mahat
Finance Minister
"Everyone seems to want implementation . this is a genuine demand. Implementation needs total political commitment. I am confident that we can make it happen."
Tanja Kristine Hegge
Assistant Director General for Asia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
"The key test is to actually reduce poverty, expand options for poor, and a government that delivers development. "
Jochen Kenneweg
Head South Asia Division, Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation
"Given Nepal's limitations, it may be necessary to concentrate on implementation in a few crucial areas for quick results which can be seen by the people."
Martin Dinham
Director for Asia and the Pacific DfFID
"The policies are good, but the key issue here is proper implementation. The poor people of Nepal, the donors and government here are really impatient for evidence of basic services being delivered."
Jin-Koo Lee
South Asia Department
Asian Development Bank
"The government has comprehensive economic reform plans, but implementation is slow. Agendas are well set but there are questions about how we bring the benefits to the grassroots level. People have to be able to feel the changes brought about by reforms."