Collecting and processing allo, stinging nettle, isn't easy. Kopila Rai, a 34-year-old native of Chingkha village, which overlooks the Arun river, should know. Kopila collects the allo-which has culturally and religiously determined uses for Kulung Rai people in eastern Nepal-to process it and then weave it into strong, soft fabrics. "It's hard and painstaking work, collecting and processing allo," says Kopila. "But our endeavours are paying off."
Today, Kopila is chairperson of the Chingkha Allo Cloth Production Club, which has two dozen members, nearly all women, who manufacture allo cloth and transform it into marketable products like shawls, scarves, bags, and jackets. "It's an extra source of income which helps supplement the income from farming. We have to rely less on the menfolk for money," says Kopila.
Koplia makes time to collect and process the nettle in between keeping house and caring for two children. "We're away for three or four days at a stretch, collecting allo from deep inside highland forests, where the sun rarely shines." Men usually help in harvesting the shrub. Once the bark is stripped off the shrubs, it is boiled in water containing ash. The bark is then stonewashed at a nearby river bringing out the fibre that makes allo so special. Ever since she attended her first training some 20 years ago, Kopila's been sharing her expertise with other women to improve their business and technical skills. She also serves as the vice president of the regional allo production club.
The Mountain Institute, which has been carrying out a variety of programs with local people in the Makalu Barun area, recently recognised Koplia's efforts. She is one of 12 "mountain heroes" featured in a 2003 calendar celebrating 14 years of the institute's partnership in the Makalu-Barun area.