Joti Giri is 100 percent right in 'Herd Mentality' (#181) in saying "the NRNs had their 15 minutes of fame" at the conference in Kathmandu last year. We have not seen any 'doers' yet. Living abroad and earning dollars and pounds does not make you privileged Nepalis. The fact of the matter is they cook tandoori and rice in London or New York, and no one cares about them over there. Now they come to Nepal begging for recognition. Regarding the herd mentality, the laws of economics say that allocation of scarce resources results in scarce resources being utilitised to its fullest. The carpet industry, garment industry, pashmina industry are all examples. Regardless, no economic law works in Nepal. What works is fallacy, as Giri points out, and self mockery of the kind NRNs created during their conference.
P Thapa, Baltimore,