Khadga Singh's 'Can we bank on the internet?' (#185) leaves out the work of Laxmi Bank Ltd, which installed the world class banking software, Flexcube, to ensure delivery of reliable and quality service to our clients. Flexcube is among the best banking systems in the world, with over 100 financial institutions worldwide having embraced it and enables safe, seamless and reliable service to our clients through a complete range of delivery channels including mobile and Internet devices. Laxmi Bank is the only bank to use Flexcube in the kingdom with complete internet banking. Laxmi Online has been offering this service since its inception to its customers. Along with the group account transfer offered by a bank in the article, Laxmi Online has the capability of third party transfer on real time. We provide direct payment to service providers/vendors besides third party payment routing system. Laxmi Bank is also the only bank where a website visitor can apply for account opening online.
Bharti Pande,
Laxmi Bank