A mass transfer of under-secretaries and other officials is underway at the Chief Comptroller's Office (CCO) and it's branches. Our sources said about 35 under-secretaries, 60 other officials and nearly 260 non-gazetted personnel got their transfer orders last week alone.
They said huge bribes were paid to senior level management at the CCO to secure positions at projects that have a greater potential to make underhand deals. There are rumours among the employees that under-secretary Janardan Neupane and section officers Janak Ghimire and Chandra Kala paid a impressive amount to be transferred to "good places" like the Foreign Ministry, Birganj Custom and Kathmandu Road Divison respectively. Our sources also said Comptroller Narayan Silwal made the most money in the transfer game. They claimed the CCO ignored seniority, efficiency, dedication and sincerity in considering promotions and transfers, favouring those who paid them.
There is a real possibility of unrest from disgruntled employees at the CCO who are considering taking the matter up with the Ministry of Finance and even the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA).