The three day nation-wide banda called by Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities severely disrupted the day-to-day life of common Nepalis across the country. In Morang district alone, 57 government and 312 private schools were forced to shut down. BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences in Dharan had to stop all surgeries because there was a shortage of oxygen cylinders and vital medicines. Similarly, the district hospital in Tamghas, Gulmi also remained closed.
There were also numerous instances of violence and attacks during the banda. Several vehicles were vandalised throughout the capital. A businessman in Dolakha was manhandled by banda enforcers which led to tension in Charikot, the district headquarter and a protestor was injured in Makwanpur while setting a car on fire. Police had to use force and fire tear gases to control the crowds in major cities.
The banda enforcers were particularly hostile towards media houses and journalists. Sagarmatha Television's Nepalgunj correspondent Deepa Ale Magar was beaten by members of the Joint Tharu Struggle Committee in Chitranagar on Monday night. Similarly journalists in Bardiya, Palpa, Kaski, Kathmandu and other districts also found themselves under attack. All newspapers from Kaski published blank editorials and local FM and TV stations halted the broadcast of their morning news bulletin in protest of the assaults. Likewise, newspapers from Nawalparasi stopped publication for a day.