Nepali Times
Helping workers abroad

With formal remittances from the 3 million Nepali migrant workers across the globe reaching Rs 262 billion in 2010, it's no exaggeration to say foreign employment is the backbone of the Nepali economy. Himalmedia organised a roundtable discussion on migrant labour last week. Excerpts:


What is the current situation of Nepali migrant workers?

Purna Chandra Bhattarai (Joint Secretary, Ministry of Labour):
Only about 2 per cent of those who go abroad to work are skilled manpower, 23 per cent are semi-skilled, and 75 per cent are unskilled labour. Though Nepalis are authorised to work in 108 countries, 95 per cent go to the Gulf and Malaysia, about 90 per cent of this through informal channels. About 400,000 youths enter the labour market every year. Formal and informal annual remittances, which make up about 30 per cent of the GDP, amount to more than the national budget.

Ganesh Gurung (Member, National Planning Commission):
We are in a post-conflict situation now, but until we address unemployment, we are not addressing one of the root causes of the conflict. Millions work abroad, but even the manpower recruitment sector employs about 350,000 people within Nepal.

Shengjie Li (Director, ILO Nepal):
The Second National Labour Force Survey 2008 indicates about 21.1 per cent of households have at least one member living and working abroad. From 1993 to 2007, the volume of remittance increased by 30-fold, with a major impact on reducing poverty. In spite of contributions to family income and GDP, many migrant workers, especially women, face various problems, including abuse and trafficking. Another negative impact is the brain drain. And there is serious difficulty in reintegrating migrants into society when they come back. The skills they learn abroad have not been utilised for productive work.

Som Luitel (Acting Chairperson, Safe Migration Network):
The foreign employment sector is fraught with fraud. Over 700 cases of fraud have been filed at the foreign employment department but there is no national policy to address the issues of migrant workers. The government has set up a foreign employment board to compensate returnees duped by recruiting agencies but it lacks a clear strategy. Recruiting agencies are organised, but migrant workers are not, and struggle every step along the way, from finding an agency to securing decent jobs abroad.

Shaktida Singh (Program Officer, UNIFEM):
The issues of Nepali women migrant workers �" there are 200,000 abroad �" don't fall within the formal framework of migrant workers. There is no specific policy for them. They are at high risk as they mostly go through informal channels, rather than formal sectors such as industry and construction where insurance and other facilities are guaranteed. Most women work as domestic help, are undocumented, and aren't affiliated with labour unions. They contribute up to 15 per cent of total remittances, but there is no legal protection available for them.

Ramesh Badal (Legal Advisor, GFONT):
Migrant records are confusing. We keep records of those who go abroad but there is no record of returnees. We calculate the remittance they bring in but don't have any account of how much we have spent to go abroad. And we are also sending skilled people abroad, who rich countries have not invested in. It's time to raise the issue of a human resource development fund that rich countries contribute to in exchange for supplying them with skilled manpower.

Hansaraj Wagle (ex Vice Chair, Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies):
The manpower agencies themselves have to look for international openings to send migrant workers. We don't have direct links with employers. Therefore, we have to go through middlemen, whose fee is taken from migrant workers. But we cannot show the details of such deals to the government, so migrant workers are being charged high fees by some agencies. Manpower agencies have to keep a Rs 5 million deposit on hand to compensate workers who have returned because they didn't get the jobs they were promised. But despite contributing so much remittance, manpower agencies are not recognised for their work. Instead they have to face the charge of cheating aspiring migrant workers.

What needs to be done to protect the rights of Nepali migrant workers, and to manage remittances productively?

Ramesh Badal: Migrant workers have to cross a number of hurdles and are duped before they fly out. They should be informed about the jobs they are applying for, the salary and benefits, as well as the risks. As far as insurance is concerned, the government has granted manpower agencies a license to cheat. Migrant workers should only have to pay a lump sum rather than installments that amount to much more, and undocumented workers should also be included somehow.

Madan Mahat (first Vice Chair, Nepal Association of Foreign Employment Agencies):
Government should facilitate travel and have labour attach�s in destination countries, which could reduce the risk, particularly for women. We should develop an online system of all stakeholders through which we can access information on workers and monitor their situation.

Shaktida Singh: We cannot bar the movement of people. If they see better opportunities abroad we cannot stop them, but if women could earn Rs 5,000-6,000 here they would not leave. The social costs to families are high. Foreign employment should be made an option, not a forced choice.

Purna Chandra Bhattarai: We have decided to send women abroad only after the recommendation of the Nepali embassy. We have also raised the issue of establishing an embassy in Saudi Arabia. We have been lobbying for insurance and the implementation of the ILO convention on migrant workers. The government has been drafting foreign employment regulations and is reviewing migration policy, and is working on a scheme to utilise remittances better. We are also planning to decentralise the foreign employment board, and develop a database of job opportunities.

Shengjie Li: There should be a tripartite mechanism of the government, recruiting agencies, and workers' organisations to implement the ILO convention, which ensures safety of migrant workers. We have been helping in capacity building by training government officers, labour attach�s, trade union representatives, and private recruiting agencies. The NAFEA code of conduct should be put in practice, and NAFEA should develop a grading system for recruiting agencies. The government should encourage workers to use legal channels to send remittances and develop an economic mechanism to utilise these funds.

Small is beautiful, PAAVAN MATHEMA
"Rebuild the t-r-u-s-t", INTERVIEW

1. abacus
Who's the donor? Or did Himalmedia organize this independently of donors. That's unlikely though.

2. Shanti Dhami
First and foremost there needs to at least 10 representatives from the overseas workers in the parliament to raise the concerns of the migrant workers in the country. There are more than 3 million overseas workers bringing in billions of rupees annually and their woes must be addressed and the Government must take action to resolve their grievances. They must be treated as heroes who have saved the country from economic debacle.  

3. Radha Krishna Deo
Friends and colleagues: Himalmedia Management deserves thanks from voiceless Migrant Workers ,at least they manage to discuss the issues.
Foreigner in this discussion has participated with very important view and vision of SAFETY of migrant workers.
In past 15 years more than 7500 workers have lost there lives due to basic safety reasons and exploitations by concerned.Even in this year 2010 the death toll will exceed more than 550 persons in focused countries(Where95% migrants are serving).Thanks to participants.
Here No one declared himself on the behalf of FEPB who are handling more than 600 millions fund from workers and raising 1millions each month .....It seems hocking by Elite class people.Shame For the Nation
SACNEPAL(Safety Awarenes Center Nepal)

4. Manoj K. Mahato
Thank you to secretary Bhattarai to present the data but it since you are hidding the fact data for the suffering of migrant worker eavery year and the FEPD board to solve this problem.
Manoj K. Mahato
SAC, Nepal

5. Narendra Bhattarai
Dear Mr Gurung,

Everybody knows, this is post conflict period for which 601 CA members has been elected by the nation. As a planning commission member, you do not have any policy, plan & programme for the immigrant workers and you are advocating 700 manpower agencies who are not working with any agenda, norms & ethics. As we request with detail homework or keep your mouth shut. Workers are dying every year and you have no heart at all.

Narendra Bhattarai
(General Secretary)
Safety Awareness Center Nepal

6. ismail puthiyottil
Friends: Read More from concerned.

एसियाली राजनितिक दलहरुको संगठनद्वारा कम्वोडियाको नोम्पेन्हमा आयोजित सम्मेलनमा भाग लिन गएका प्रधानमन्त्री नेपाल
बेल्जीयमको ब्रसेल्समा युरोपेली दिवसका अवसरमा आयोजित एक कार्यक्रममा समेत सहभागिता जनाई स्पेनको वासर्िलोना हुँदै स्वदेश फर्कने शिलशिलामा कतारको बाटो आएका हुन् । गत विहिवार दोहा आएका प्रधानमन्त्री नेपाल भोलिपल्ट मुलुक फर्के

राजदुत निवासमा आयोजित एक भेटघाटका अवसरमा बोल्दै राजदुत डा सुर्यनाथ मिश्रले ब्यस्तताका बावजुत कतारवासी ने
पालीजनसंग सुखदुख साट्ने समय दिएकोमा प्रधानमन्त्रीप्रति कृतज्ञता जनाए । कतारले विश्वकप आयोजनाको तयारी गदाृ नेपालीलाई प्राप्त हुने सम्भाब्य अवसरहरुकावारेमा राजदुतले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई विस्तृत जानकारी दिलाएका छन् । अव हाम्रो सामु गोल्डेन पिरियड छ र धेरै अवसर छन् राजदुतले भने- अवसरसंगै चुनौति पनि आउँछन् । अव सुरक्षीत आप्रवास मुख्य चुनौति हो । नेपालीजनको सुखद भविश्यका लागि सरोकारवाला सवै निकायको साझा पहलको आवश्यकता राजदुतले औंल्याए । राजदुतले सुरक्षीत देशान्तरका लागि सरकारले गर्नुपर्ने ५ वटा काम पनि औंल्याए । कामदार मागपत्र स्विकृत गर्दा अनिवार्यरु पमा दुतावासबाट गरिनुपर्ने भिसा र रोजगार सम्झौता दुतावासबाट प्रमाणित गरिनुपर्ने बैदेशिक रोजगारीमा पठाउँदा अनिवार्यरुपमा काठमाडौंस्थित विमानस्थलबाट पठाइनुपर्ने नेपाल सरकारले तोकेको पारिश्रमिकको सिमालाई हरेक पक्षले कडाईपुर्वक पालना गर्नुपने्र र दुतावासलाई श्रोत साधनले शशक्त बनाइनुपर्ने राजदुतका सुझाव छन् । बैदेशिक रोजगारलाई ब्यवस्थित र मर्यादित बनाउन सकेको खण्डमा आगामी १२ बर्षमा कतारमा नेपालीको जनसंख्या कमसेकम दोब्बर हुने र सो अवसरमा यहाँबाट नेपाल भित्रिने रेमिट्यान्सपिन निकै बढ्ने राजदुतको प्रक्षेपण छ ।

। प्र
धानमन्त्रीको टोलीमा उनका परराष्ट्र सल्लाहकार राजन भट्टराई परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयका सिष्टाचार महापाल मुक्तिनाथ भट्ट र नीजि अंगरक्षक मन बस्नेत रहेका थिए । प्रधानमन्त्री मुलुक फर्कने क्रममा स्पेनको वासर्िलोनाबाट कतार आएका हुन् । फिर्तिका क्रममा तय भएको फ्लाइट छुटेर प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई अर्को फ्लाइट कुर्नुपर्दा केहि ढिलाई भएको थियो । कतारवासीले दिए प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई सझाव
दीपक पौडेल�दोहा- गत साता युरोप भ्रमण सकी मुलुक फर्कने क्रममा कतार ट्रान्जिटमा रहेका प्रधानमन्त्री माधव नेपालसंग
कतारवासी नेपालीले विभिन्न विषयमा छलफल गरेका छन् । देशको राजनीतिक जटिलतालाई हटाउन र बैदेशिक रोजगारलाई ब्यवस्थित एवं मर्यादित बनाउनका लागि कतारवासी नेपालीले प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई ज्ञापनपत्र र विभिन्न सुझाव दिएका छन् ।


राजदुत डा सुर्यनाथ मिश्रको निवासस्थानमा आयोजित एक भेटघाटका अवसरमा प्रधानमन्त्रीसमक्ष आफ्नो मन्तब्य राख्दै गैर आवासीय नेपाली संघ कतारका अध्यक्ष नरेन्द्र भाटले एनआरएनका कुरा सुन्न थालेकोमा नेपाल सरकारप्रति कृतज्ञता जनाए । दोहोरो नागरिकताको कुरा सरकारले सुनेकॊ छ तर पनि मध्यपुर्वमा काम गर्ने २५ लाख कामदारलाई यसबाट हाल केहि पनि प्रत्यक्ष लाभ हुने अवस्था छैनु भाटले भने- हाम्रा लागि पनि सरकारले गम्भिर भएर सोच्नुपर्यो । दुतावासको तर्फबाट श्रमिकका हकहितमा भएका पहलको भाटले प्रसंसा गरे । जनप्रगतिशिल माचका अध्यक्ष होमनाथ शर्माले नेपालीलाई भविश्यमा पनि कामका लागि विदेसिनुपर्ने अवस्था आउन नदिन सरकारी पहल हुनुपने्र र हाल प्रवासिएकाहरुका लागि ठोस नीति ल्याइनुपर्नेमा जोड दिए । दुतावासले कारवाही सिफारिस गरी पठाएका एजेन्सीहरुमाथि कारवाही हुन नसकेकोमा उनले खुसेखो पोखे । नेपाल लोकतान्त्रिक माचका अध्यक्ष रामहरि गैरेले प्रवासमा रहेका श्रमिकले आवाज उठाइरहने तर सरकारले केहि नगरीरहने अवस्थाको अन्त्य हुनुपर्ने सुझाव दिए ।

केहि काम भए होलान् तर अपेक्षाकृत भएनन् उनले भने । नेपाली नियोग भएको देशबाट जाने मागपत्रहरुलाई अनिवार्यरुपमा नियो
गमा नै प्रमाणित गराउने ब्यवस्था मिलाएको खण्डमा धेरै समस्याको समाधान प्राप्त हुने उनले बताए । नेपाली जनसम्पर्क समितिका
महामन्त्री विमल सुवेदीले दुतावासलाई सरकारी प्रतिनिधीकारुपमा उल्लेख गर्दै भने- ुआफ्नै प्रतिनिधिले दिउको सुझाव कार्यान्वयन नगर्नु सरकारको लाचारी हो । दुतावासलाई भैपरी आउने खर्च र सामाजिक सेवा अनुदानको शिर्षकमा थप कोष उपलब्ध गराउन र
बढिभन्दा बढि शशक्त बनाउन उनले सुझाव दिए । नेपाल प्रवासी आदिवासी जनजाती महासंघका महासचिव विनेश तामाङले
प्रधानमन्त्रीलाई एक ज्ञापन पत्र बुझाए । बैदेशिक रोजगारीलाई सुरक्षित र मर्यादित बनाउनेवारेको सो ज्ञापनपत्रसंगै उनले
कपिलबस्तु अभियानकावारेमा चर्चा गर्दै छिमेकी मुलुकले गौतम बुद्वको जन्मथलोवारे भ्रम सिर्जना गर्दै आएकोले सो सम्बन्धमा कुटनीतिक पहल गर्न आग्रह गरे ।


 सुरक्षा सचेतना केन्द्रका अध्यक्ष राधाकृष्ण देवले कतारमा नेपालीहरुको असामयीक निधन वारे तथ्यांक प्रस्तुत गदै्र बैदेशिक रोजगार विभाग र बैदेशिक रोजगार कल्याणकारी कोषलाई प्रभावकारी बनाउने उपाय सुझाए ।

 ब्यवसायी टि.वि. कार्कीले ३ लाख ५५ हजार नेपाली रहेको कतारमा नेपालको झल्को आउने सन्दर्भ उल्लेख गर्दै कामदारको हितमा राष्ट्रले गर्नुपने
पहलहरु सुझाव दिए । ५ लाखको बैदेशिक रोजगार विमामा सवैको पहुँच हुनुपर्ने र बैदेशिक रोजगार शिक्षा एवं सचेतना अभियान लागु

7. Ashok kr chaudhary

Attn: Mr P.C. Bhattarai,

                          Probably you have forget that u apologized in mass for past did of wages increment case in your Doha visit. Now again you are doing similar mistake.15 Nepali housemaids suicided in Lebnan within a year, hundreds in Maiti Nepal and pourakhi, manymore in dark world. To send  ignorant women in housemaid without sufficient training and safe condition will be greatest sine (Mahapap). Did u not listen or read  SAKITA SINGH (Program Officer, UNIFEM) Further more, how the concerned embassy will maintain the consistancy in services and condition of contract. Where is the approval for maids, from cabinet of ministers of FDR Nepal.Would you review yourself for this case or the same thing apology u want.



8. Rodel Cawicaan
This news provides me immense pleasure that Nepali community start discussion on Safe Migration at Responsible level.My Filipino community
developed practices based on strict rules and regulation over 50 years.
If GON  will determine to control the Cats,Wolves & Jackals dealing the
migration trade it will be SAFE enough.
You need help from external Expert your won strength not enough.
Wishing for Success. Merry Christmas & Happy  New Year!!2011

9. shree krishna bhattarai

purna chandra bhattarai ge tapai jaile pane nepali ganata ko saport ma  kam garna  chanhanu hunna  ke na?  last time  qatar ma aaya r  sorry bhannu bhako birsanu bhayo ? tety bela  tapai le embassy  ko senter ma kati gane pedit dekhnu bhayo every day 10/25 gana dutabas  ma  saran lena  aau6n company  ma  sabai parkirya milayar aauda  tha tasto halat hun 6  bhane  ghar  ko hous mad   ma nepali chele  lai pathauda  k hun6 ho la  sochnus tha? yedi nepali chali haru lai hous mad  ma  gulf  ma pathaune  ho bhane  first  ma  minister  r  tapai haru ka dede baine  haru lai patha  r parechad garnu parche  1year   ane  kasto hun 6 tas pachi matra  ageay badhanu nu parcha  natar  bhane dutabas  ma  25 gana  karma chari haru tai muddha herna rakhanu parcha  ki tai bhay  r  nai ho? afna manche lai detabas ka karmachari bhanaune  ane  aru ka dede baine  lai pida  ma dhakalni?

tasai le  sir sabai nepali dede baine  hamra dede baine  hun bhane  r  housmad  ko visa  ma pathaune  kam banda garnu parcha  natra  hami andolan ma auttruna na paros

Friends read more from ekantipur in this conection and make your mind.

Filming migrants



DEC 18 - Kesang Tseten is a renowned filmmaker of documentaries, whose recent work include The Desert Eats Us and In Search of the Riyal, both of which deal with the subject of Nepali migrants in the Gulf. Tseten�s latest work Saving Dolma�the third film in his series on Nepali migrant workers�was nominated in the international category at the Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival last week and won the audience choice award. Tseten spoke to On Saturday about his experience of documenting migrant issues in the Gulf.

It was three years ago when I went to Qatar to research for my first film on Nepali migrants, In Search of the Riyal. I was confused about where I could find Nepali migrants, but no sooner had I entered a hotel, I was welcomed by a Nepali. Later, when I travelled different parts of Qatar, I found Nepalis almost everywhere. It felt as if Qatar was colonised by Nepalis. Almost all workers�from petrol stations to hotels�were Nepalis.

It�s hard to say how many Nepalis abroad are facing problems. But there are two ways to analyse this. The first is that we assume 70 percent of those going abroad like it, while the remaining 30 percent have been cheated by manpower companies in Nepal and abroad. The second is that being cheated is not the end of the problem. I think even those who are getting their salaries and are not cheated by manpower companies are exploited in another sense. These people are paid very low salaries and have to work long hours. The problems of migrant workers are rooted in an exploitative global economic system. The GDP of the Gulf States is almost as high as Western countries, but they import labour from low income countries and pay disproportionately low wages.

While talking to people in the Gulf, I noticed loneliness as a big burden for migrant workers. A lot of Nepalis in the Gulf are separated from their spouses, and this is a huge cause of stress. There is also the stress of families� expectations and pressure to pay back the money they had borrowed to go there. People go there with a burden, and I felt this was taking a clear psychological toll on them. People need to be earning enough money in the first place to repay the borrowed money. They work overtime just to do that. Nepalis in the Gulf are working so hard that they don�t have any time for leisure. Nepalis aren�t used to not having time this way. For perhaps the first time in their lives, they feel like a small part in a big machine. The temperature difference also creates physical and mental problems. Migrant Nepalis sometimes end up losing their job for no reason and become undocumented�a kind of an illegal worker�which makes their situation more complicated. Sometimes, they are not paid as promised by the company.

The situation is worse for Nepali women. They are often harassed sexually, physically and mentally. Everybody is vulnerable, but women are more harassed, especially those who become housemaids. Once they�re behind those doors, the kind of people they get as landlords depends on their luck. The men work at public places, but the women work in private spaces and are physically vulnerable in a way that men aren�t. In my film, Saving Dolma, I tried to weave in the sorrow of housemaids. The documentary follows the story of Dolma Sherpa, a Nepali housemaid in Kuwait who was sentenced to death because she killed her Filipino housemate. Through Dolma, I have tried to picturise the situation of women who work as housemaids in the Gulf. Though I was not allowed to film about how they work, what they eat, where they sleep and everything connected to their lives, I simply tried to connect the dots of their experiences.

I was shocked when I discovered that a Gurung woman, who had returned to Nepal with a child born out of rape while she was a housemaid in Kuwait, went back to the country again. This clearly shows that despite the risks, they simply end up going abroad to earn money.

But it�s not just Nepalis who are exploited; it�s a universal experience among migrant workers everywhere. Those in Nepal don�t respect their contribution; rather, they humiliate them about their wages and earnings. Everyone should understand their contributions to our economy. 

I was very touched by the stories of migrants�their stories of love, affection, and distance from their families, and the hard work they do. Though it�s been nearly 11 years since I started making films, I started making films on this subject three years ago. Since then, I have made three documentaries. While In Search of the Riyal and The Desert Eats Us explain the perilous conditions of male workers in the Gulf, Saving Dolma portrays the working conditions of Nepali housemaids.

It was quite difficult to film in those countries as I was not permitted to do so. While shooting for Saving Dolma in Kuwait, I couldn�t get a visa to shoot so I had to ask other people to shoot some footage for me. While shooting In Search of the Riyal, I had to film without permission with a handheld camera. My three films on migrant workers simply told the reality about what�s happening abroad. There are some good and bad aspects. It�s for the people to decide whether they want to go abroad or not. The human rights situation in the Gulf is not good; no one is allowed to protest against the exploitation, the country can deport you any time if you try to do so. Workers keep mum and bear the brunt of the exploitation because of this.

Yet, there are some good generous people there too. After In Search of the Riyal released, Arab locals contacted me and said they were interested to do something for Nepali workers.

Nepal should discuss various ways of creating opportunities inside the country itself. It should lobby with its Arab counterparts to facilitate migrant workers with different

facilities and regulate the sector. The government should provide training for workers before flying abroad. One can earn more than 25 percent of what they earn if they are trained with some technical knowledge. Nepali migrants need to go to the Gulf with better information. One more issue that needs to be tackled is that of crooked manpower agencies and thugs. There are certainly enough of them to be a problem.

It�s very hard to say whether one should go abroad or not, as it�s a compulsion to earn money for their families and children�s better futures. But they end up living a very stressful life there.


11. R RAI

I am against government's decision to send women to work in the middle- eastern countries. Women and poor people are treated like slaves there. Everybody knows the human right situation-their attitude is even worse.Most of the people there believe women who leave home to work are loose and don't deserve respect.

There have been many of reports of women workers being raped and abused there.

People like Mr Purna Chandra Bhattarai is not concerned because their relatives go to US or Europe. Mr Bhattarai should seriously listen to people like Shree Krishna Bhattarai (commentator above)

12. R RAI

The decision of government to allow women to work in middle-east is NOT wise at all. Everybody knows the human rights situation there and general attitude towards women,but worse thing is people there  treat workers from poor countries as slaves, and women who work outside their home are considered loose and are not respected at all.

There have been many reports of rape,murder,abuse and women being made pregnant after rape.Nepalese women who go there to work there are mostly illiterate,cannot speak local language or English ,therefore extremely vulnerable.

Government must reconsider this decision immediately.

13. yam gurung

It is very unfortunate sad to say that the Nepal government have always used its citizens wether it is Gurkha recruitment or other issues' as an diplomacy currency in the international markets and collected a huge Singha Durbar,Sital Niwas,Hetauda Ropeway etc.

Media must expose these fat cats MPs and others expenses and bring these culprits to justice.Like here in the UK

The big question is who will bell these these fat cats,Where law is dominated by these fat cats?

14. yassin

समसामयिक   (From GORKHAPTRA)......Read more

युवा पलायनको पीडा (MODIFIED)


लोकतान्त्रिक गणतान्त्रिक  मुलुकले  रोजगारी सिर्जनाका मामिलामा भने निकै पछ्यौटेपनको अवस्था छ ।  अहिले पनि युवावर्गको वैदेशिक रोजगारप्रति आकर्षण(Due to Poor Option) घट्दो छैन । सक्षम, सुयोग्य युवक, युवती विदेसिनेक्रमले गाउँघर रित्तिँदै गएका छन् ,खेतबारी यसै बाँझो रहेका उदाहरण अनेक ठाउँमा देख्नसकिन्छ । खासगरी पहाड, मधेस तथा दुर्गम भेगका कतिपय गाउँमा बूढाबूढी र ससाना बालबालिकामात्र छन् ।  वैदेशिक रोजगारीका लागि युवावर्ग पलायन हुने रोगको मात्रै कुरो होइन, तिनलाई स्वदेशमै रोजगारी जुटाउने बन्दोबस्त मिलाउनुसाटो बहिर्गमनको प्रबन्ध मिलाइदिने परिपाटी रहनु झनै दुःखदायी विषय बनेको छ । (Fueling Nation to Food  Deficit)

वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा गएका युवामध्ये कैयन्को अवस्था अत्यन्तै दीनहीन रहेको छ ।  विदेश पुगेकामध्ये धेरैको (More than 8000 upto 2010)अकालमै ज्यान गएका दुःखद पाटा पनि छन् । बर्सेनि एक हजारभन्दा बढी नेपालीको शव आउनेगरेको तथ्याङ्कले भीषण तस्बिर देखाउँछ । अप्ठेरा एवं गाह्रा मेसिन चलाउँदा, बाटो काट्दा तथा अत्यधिक Cardaic Arrest धेरैजसोको मृत्यु हुनेगरेको वैदेशिक रोजगार प्रबर्द्धन बोर्डको भनाइ छ । रोजगारीमा गएकामध्ये कैयन्ले खाली हात र्फकनुपरेका उदाहरण पनि कम छैनन् । शोषण, उत्पीडनमा(and suicides) पर्नुपरेका महिलाका कथा-व्यथा पनि उत्तिकै दारूण छन् ,  यौन दुराचार, बलात्कार एवं हिंसात्मक घटनाका सिकार हुनेगरेका छन् । जतिसुकै जोखिमका ठाउँ भए पनि नेपाली युवा रोजगारीका लागि आकषिर्त(Partly forced to accept) हुने स्थितिले पक्कै यहाँको धरातलीय यथार्थ अति कमजोर रहेको प्रष्ट हुन्छ ।

महिनैपिच्छे २५ हजार जति युवा खाडीमुलुक तथा मलेसियातर्फ जानेगरेका छन् भने झन्डै 25 लाख नेपाली वैदेशिक रोजगारमा रहेको तथ्याङ्क छ । भारतमा काम गरिरहेका नेपालीको समेत सङ्ख्या(55 लाख) जोड्ने हो भने त्यसको दोब्बरभन्दा कम सङ्ख्या नदेखिने अनुमान गर्नसकिन्छ ।  वैदेशिक रोजगारमा गएका युवावर्ग बढी जोखिममा रहेको सरोकारी निकायको अध्ययन छ । नियमित ढङ्गबाट गए/  अन्यथा परिहाल्दा दुईपक्षीय विधि, व्यवहार मिलाउनसमेत अप्ठेरो पर्नु स्वाभाविक हो । (Look at cases filed 700 and youth are in foreign jails or detain centres every day more than 1000 persons in GCC&Malysia)

विप्रेषणका(30% of GDP) भरमा अर्थतन्त्र धानिइरहेको अवस्थामा युवा वर्गलाई विदेश नपठाउने सोचाइ अहिले कसैको देखिँदैन तर यसको अर्थ युवावर्ग सधैँ जोखिममा परिरहनु उचित होइन ।  वैदेशिक रोजगारमा जाने प्रवृत्ति घटाउने दिशामा व्यापक पहल बढाइनुपर्छ । युवावर्ग स्वयं पनि यस दिशामा सचेत, सजग र सक्रिय हुनैपर्छ । वैदेशिक रोजगारमा गएका प्रत्येक नेपालीका हर क्रियाकलापको लेखाजोखा राख्ने काममा दूतावासमार्फत विशेष संयन्त्र क्रियाशील हुनु आवश्यक छ(Embassies are extremly poor in Resorces &Ambassador are toys in hand of concened)

युवा वर्गकै अग्रसारितामा सामूहिक संस्था गठन भई सुरक्षाको बन्दोबस्त मिलाउने कार्यमा मद्दत पुग्नु जरुरी छ । जसको विप्रेषणका भरमा मुलुकको अर्थतन्त्रलाई ऊर्जा पुगेको छ, तिनका जीउधनको सुरक्षाका निम्ति बृहत् प्रयास अघि बढाइनुपर्नेमा विमति रहँदैन । वैदेशिक रोजगारमा गएका र जाने युवा वर्गको हक, हित र सुरक्षाको बलियो प्रबन्ध त जरुरी छ नै,  मुलुकभित्रै आवश्यक रोजगार सिर्जना गर्नेतर्फ नेतृत्व वर्गको सङ्कल्प आवश्यक छ । Specific commitee advised in GON)

शान्ति प्रक्रिया र संविधान निर्माणको काम फत्ते गरी राजनीतिक दलले अब मुलुकमा आर्थिक क्रान्ति गर्नैपर्छ । यसो गरेका खण्डमा मुलुकभित्रै प्रशस्त रोजगारी सिर्जना भई युवा वर्गले आ�नै देशमा पाखुरीको बल खन्याउन पाउनेछन् ।

 (*This is usual process may take  more time but 1000 of persons will never come back yearly)

15. Engr. Arjun Bhattarai

keep on hammaring the subject repeteadly to get the rules and system updated for nepal government. Thanks to the nepali times having round table discussion regarding the globally raised issue about Nepali migrant workers. Unless the Nepal government employs new policy to make their people skill full, trained (in any related fields) and searching demand globally for their suitable recruitment. Putting the man power agencies under the close supervision for applying ILO convention, the problems will not be solved. Secondly, Government should provide the information desk in the labour department so that a honest and helpless nepali also can easily get the real information about recruiting companies so that  he can judge himself whether provided demand is suit for him or not otherwise, cheating the people saying i (an agent) will send you on this or that trade enen though he has never heared about that job which is offering for him (by an agent) to get more money from him. So, govt. only can take the promt policy to resolve these problems.

Nepal Enginee'r Association, Qatar Centre.

SAAC Nepal- Adviser

16. Radhakant
This is from NepalQataroneline in this connection. read more as suggestion to improve the situation and mortality of abroad workers.

अन्र्तकृया कार्यक्रमको समापन अघि उपस्थित सवैको हस्ताक्षरित सुझावपत्रमा उल्लेख गरिएका आवाजहर तमशील वमोजिम रहेको छ ।
१) कल्याणकारी कोषमा योगदान गर्न बाँकी रहेका पूर्वका श्रमीकहरुलाई नियोग मार्फत वा विमानस्थलमा अनिवार्य योगदान गराउने व्यवस्था राज्यले गर्नुपर्दछ ।
२) प्रति बर्ष ३० देखि ३५ लाख नेपालीहरु भारतभित्र पनि कार्यरत रहन्छन् । उपयुक्त व्यवस्था मिलाई तिनीहरुलाई पनि कल्याणकारी कोषमा सहयोग गराउनुपर्दछ र कल्याणकारी कोषले गर्ने उद्धार कार्य तिनीहरु बिचमा पनि उपलव्ध गराउनुपर्दछ, कुनै विभेद गरिनु हुँदैन ।
३) रेडियो नेपालको प्रसारण क्षमता अभिवृद्धि गरी इन्टर कन्टिनेन्टल लेभलको बनाउनु पर्दछ र सुरक्षा सचेतना कार्यक्रमहरु नियमित प्रसारण गर्नु पर्दछ ।
४) नेपाल टेलिभिजनले महिनामा न्युनतम २ पटक सुरक्षा सचेतना अध्यावधिक प्रसारण गर्नु पर्दछ ।
५) वैदेशिक रोजगार प्रवद्र्धन बोर्डमा मल्टी डिसीप्लीनरी एक्सपर्टहरुलाई समावेश गरी वर्षमा तीन पटक नीति नियम र कार्यान्वयन पक्षलाई विहंगावलोकन गर्न सक्नु पर्दछ ।
६) राजकीय प्रतिनीधी भ्रमणमा जाने सरकारी प्रतिनिधी मण्डलले सार्क सम्मेलनमा क्षेत्रीय समस्याको रुपमा यस्लाई स्थापति गराउनुपर्दछ ।
७) यू एन ओ मा भाग लिने प्रतिनिधी मण्डलले आई एल ओलाई ध्यानाकर्षण गराउनुपर्दछ ।
८) नेपाल सरकारले न्यायिक प्राधिकरणलाई सुदृढ र प्रभावकारी गराउनु पर्दछ ।
९) विश्व विद्यालय अनुदान आयोगले कमसे कम एउटा क्याम्पसमा सेप्टी इन्जीनीयर्स को अध्ययन अध्यापन सुरु गर्नुपर्दछ ।
१०) राजनीतिक दलहरु दलगत भावनाबाट माथि उठी देशभित्र र प्रवासी श्रमिकहरुको कल्याणवारे ठोस नीति नियम र कार्यान्वयन पक्षलाई मानव अधिकार आयोग, महिला आयोगद्धारा मोनिटरिंग गर्नुपर्दछ ।
११) वर्षमा प्रधानमन्त्रीले कहाँ के क्षति भयो प्रतिवेदन राष्ट्रपति समक्ष पेश गर्नुपर्दछ ।
१२) श्रम केन्द्रित नियोगहरुलाई आर्थिक एवं प्राविधिक रुपले अविलम्ब सक्षम बनाउनुपर्दछ । साथै नियोगलाई केहि स्वविवेकीय अधिकार दिनुपर्दछ ।
१३) हालसम्म प्रवासमा ७५०० भन्दा बढी श्रमिकहरुले प्राण उत्सगै गरीसकेका छन् र १००० भन्दा कम मात्रले क्षतिपूर्ति पाएका छन् । बाँकीका आश्रितले कल्याणकारी राज्यको मायाबाट बञ्चित छन् । यसको लागि पनि स्पष्ट व्यवस्था गरिनुपर्दछ ।
१४) वैदेशिक रोजगार राष्ट्रको आर्थिक मेरुदण्ड सावित भएकोले कमसेकम राज्यको बजेटको २ प्रतिशत महिला स्वरोजगारमा खर्चिनुपर्दछ र १ प्रतिशत रकम कल्याणकारी कोषमा उपलव्ध गराउनुपर्दछ ।
१५) कल्याणकारी कोषले वित्तिय संरचना बनाई सुलभ ऋण श्रमिकहरुका बीच प्रवाह गर्नुपर्दछ ।
१६) प्रतिभाशाली र बहुआयामिक मानसिकताको विकास भएका कार्यकारी अधिकृतको हातमा कोष संचालन हुनुपर्दछ ।
१७) राष्ट्रपति, उपराष्ट्रपति वा प्रधानमन्त्री मध्ये एकले प्रभावित राष्ट्रहरुमा मैत्री भ्रमण गरी जेल जीवन बिताईरहेका श्रमिकहरुको माफी एम्नेष्टी मार्फत माग गर्नुपर्दछ ।


17. Radha Krishna Deo
Dear Organizers of This discussion: The table presented here is representative with some variance but reliable.............Read more carefully.

Mortality Vs Cardaic Arrest in Nepali Workforce in Qatar Who are the Victims: Mostly unorganised Voiceless Workers
Case study by SACNepal� under patronage of Embassy of Nepal Relegion:Hindu,Islam,Budhist and� christian (Nepali)

Socio-Economic Status: Ultra Poor to Poor with poor litracy. Concerned are requested to see the Table. Support to date : Not satisfactory, only� in terrace by Gov of Nepal. Sno Year Population Toatal fetalities Death /lakh � � Cardaic case per lakh � % others % Remark New challengge in Way due to 2022 Event create huge opportunity. CA� CASE � Favourable Factors 1 2006 125000 142 114 114 72 58 58 51 49 � 1.Declaration of labour laws by Qatar Government 2005 2 2007 155000 162 105 105 64 41 41 40 60 � 2. Induction of SACNEPAL in Nepali community 2006 3 2008 240000 175 73 73 62 26 26 35 65 � 3.Shelter House by Nepal Embassy in 2008 -very effective. 4 2009 305000 217 71 68 53 17 18 24 76 205+12=217 4.Labour Agreement by Government of Nepal-Good 5 2010 350000 169 48 48 63 18 18 37 63 Up to Nov: 5.FEPB by Nepali Government (Vision & mission� not clear for awareness workers are contibuting in fund since 2008). � � � � � � � � � � � � 6. Activeness of nepali community almost Promt. � Conclusion from the above chart.

7.Awareness program by various community organisations a The� chart shows the drop in mortality from 114persons per lakh to 48 persons for all cases within last five year. 8.Awareness by FEPB, Nepal not enough as expected. �

9. support by Nepali communities very positive. b The cases of cardaic arrest drop from 58 to 18

10 Support� by international communities seldom but effective. �

Now Who should come to address the problem. c An increase in� population from 125,000 to 355,000 persons within last five year. 1. The who are holding honrable position in nation �

d MORTALITY FIGURE� INCREASESE FROM 142 TO 169 may CROSS 184 PERSONs DECEMBER 2010 is balance. 2.One who think he is responsible to humanity to create better �

world free from pains and unathorised gains. e Additional effort required by every one concerned to the cause and issues. 3. one whose business envolved human being as workforce for �

their growth and sustainibility. f The nos of casualities are more room is avaliable for improvement 4. one who by Nation and concerned to this cause. NOTE*This is performance of Nepali communitty organizations more than 100 present In Qatar and Nepali Mission.

Reccomendations for Nepali community
Causes of death :BY Percentage of death

1. Safety Awareness should be broad casted by radio in GCC &Malaysia

2.Best option is to upgrade the transmition capacity of Radio Nepal 1 Cardaic Arrest 40-45%

3.Community should trained potential candidate for Cpr not enogh in host country 2 Roadtraffic accidents 15-20%

4. More and more people should be awre know safety no pain. 3 Occupational hazards 15-20%

5.Expateriate should share 24 hour insurance policies 4 Exploitation of workers 7-10% (Leadings to suicides)

6. Exploitations of worker should be bring to book 5 Drawn, fire &trafficking 3-5%

7. Deep breathing exercise with balace food advised.

COORDINATION EFFORT&RESOURCE 8. stop yourself learn how to cross fast track road , here RH drive.
Root reasons very complex in nature

TARGET 2011 9. Luma shoud be sold on producing of ID only. 10. salary must be paid Every month without delay.


Ladies and Gentlemen:

As expresed by Nepali concened seems not serious and honest on his her part.Many Big bosses come in last three years in Doha and Inter actions held on this topics.few dont open their


mouth and few smart leader take decision but total and comprehensive

solution yet awaited by millions of workers.Ministry of labour/Foreign

only canot  reach at the conclusion take broader cirle concerned in abovecomments  and reorganised if circustances allow to discuss fruitfuly.

Mohatari Sewasaj

PResident Doha Qatar.

19. Rupesh kumar Jha

Dear sirs

Kindly note that agents of manpowers in comunnity shows unrealastic dreams to inocent peoples and trap additional money and bear no responsibilities. agent must be registered in vdc office or cdo office to deal the basic worker. Must be responsible up to return bac to community.

20. ismail puthiyottil
Friends : Take it very seriously and handle with utmost care What the Expert
Speaks in In the  Article(The Raising Nepal ).Would Dear Gurung from Planning commission will Pay his attention to up date the policy and program.
Read more in this connection:-

Recent News

Nepal�s productive labour force going abroad: Experts

By Suraksha Adhikari


Kathmandu, Dec 25

The economy base of Nepal is fragile with low human development and dominant informal activities due to which the economy has remained least developed with ubiquitous poverty.

Nepal is predominantly a rural society with the exodus of productive labor force abroad. Agriculture is the main occupation of the Nepalese people but the farmers and labourers productivity remained low.

Meanwhile the industrial base is fragile too. Tourism potential of the nation is yet to be utilized and the export is in doldrums.

In short, the fragile economy lingers on with no prospect of becoming vibrant in short run because the investment climate to realize productive investments in both infrastructure and production is pathetic.

Various experts expressed these views in a bid to inform the people about the impact of the global financial crisis on Nepalese economy, the Center for Economic Development and Administration (CEDA), Tribhuwan University in cooperation with Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Nepal, organized a two-day seminar entitled �Impact of Global Financial Crisis on Nepalese Economy.�

Inaugurating the seminar, Professor Dr. Arun Sayami, Dean of Tribhuwan University Teaching Hospital, said that as whole body is affected with the small illness in the part of the body, similarly the Nepalese economy is also facing the problem because of the global economic crisis.

Claiming that the weaker political system of the country is the main cause of the entire crisis in the country, Sayami said that if the politics of the country is stable then the economic crisis could also be solved easily.

Dev Raj Dahal, chief of FES, Nepal, said that the economy is the determining factor of the prosperity of any country so the management of the economy must be done properly and there should be the improvement in the defective economic policy of the country.

Dahal said that the global crisis can lead our country towards the age of wealth destruction so we, along with other developing countries, must forge cooperation to make the multilateral system for the welfare of the economic aspects of the world.

People need to be transformed into the citizens from the consumers to manage the unemployed population of the country and minimize the livelihood inequality as well as balance the climate change, he added.

Dahal stressed that the economy of the country should be transformed into production based from the existing revenue based.

He said that the global financial crisis is the systematic crisis so we must be aware about its negative impact and should be focussed towards the preventive measures.

Bharat pokhrel, executive director of CEDA, said that this seminar can play a great role in making people aware about the negative aspects of financial crisis on the Nepalese economy.

During the programme, a journal of CEDA, �Journal of Development and Administrative Studies� was also released.


21. Moharam Nadaf
Dear Madam/sirs
This is grave concerned to nation State Affairs Committee (SAC) should
take it. Few leaders like Hon. R. Lekhak & Hon Bhatt have contibuted a lot
Few more like Mr Gagan Thapa  and others should be in special committee
to resolve the issue at least to a time frame of 20 years.planning commission
must be responsible for worthy plan for surplus labor migration policies .
we hope the year 2011 will be as achievement  to Nepali migrants.Every one
concerned should come with open mind & heart. kindly keep heartless people off.

22. yassin muhammed
Dear Honorables can you Analise and reach on conclusion.Read more From The Peninsula English news Paper

Expats a threat to GCC identity: Dubai official Sunday, 26 December 2010 02:41


DOHA: Dubai�s Police Chief yesterday agreed to a suggestion that if the population of expatriate workers continued to rise in the GCC at the current pace, the day is not far when its citizens would be marginalised and become like Red Indians
in the US.

�Yes, the possibility of GCC nationals turning into a minority in their own countries cannot be ruled out if a law is, for instance, enforced making expatriates naturalised citizens,� said Lieutenant-Colonel Dahi Khalfan last night.

He was responding to questions from the audience at the popular monthly call-in programme of Qatar Television titled �Laqum Al Qarar� (The Decision is Yours).

The audience comprised mostly young citizens�both men and women�from across the Gulf, including Oman, UAE, Kuwait and Bahrain. Qatari participants were, though, in the majority.

The topic of the discussion was �Whether the rising numbers of foreign workers posed a serious threat to the GCC identity and culture� and if so, what steps the governments in the region could take to reduce the �danger�.

If the GCC governments do not take �bold steps� to check the inflow of foreign workforce, a day could come when locals would be marginalised in their own countries and become like Red Indians in the US, he said.

Citing examples, he said look at the �Malabaris� (a reference to Indians from Kerala) and Iranians who come here and run small neighbourhood stores and eventually become millionaires.

�Why can�t we run these stores which, after all, we legally own? But we are shy of doing such work,� he said in a veiled criticism of his own people and their �snobbish� attitude.

An Indian driver is hired by a GCC household and then he manages to bring a relative even if there is no job for him. The relative hunts for a job and lands one. This is an unending chain, hinted Khalfan. He said the ministers should bring to the notice of the GCC rulers the rising threat the heavy influx of foreign workers poses to GCC identity
and culture.

Asked if the problem could be tackled to some extent if more workers were brought from sister Arab countries, Khalfan quipped: �I do agree that they (Arab expatriates) are better than non-Arabs.�

In this regard, he said Asian workers (a reference to non-Arabs) were the ones who have raised the issue of human rights in the GCC. The anchor of the programme called Hassan Al Mohannadi of Qatar�s Permanent Population Committee and wanted to know the adverse impact of the rising inflow of foreign workers. Al Mohannadi said increasing incidence of crime, perversion, behavioural disorders and diseases were the
major fallout. The Peninsula


23. Shakir ALI
Dear Policies Makers you people are still sleeping read more.....

Glittering Gulf states' dark labor secret originally ran in Sept 3, 2010, Christian Science Monitor, with Qatar

The rise of the Arab states of the Persian Gulf is a now-familiar tale. Tiny societies of pearl divers, coastal merchants, and nomadic Bedouin were transformed in the last half of the 20th century by oil and natural-gas wealth. Sparkling office towers and hotels sprang into the muggy air, the monarchs that rule these tiny emirates became bywords for financial excess, and newspapers described the region's economic "miracle."
Now, countries like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates are seeking to polish all that glitter, spending hundreds of millions on universities in association with the likes of Harvard and on museums with organizations like France's famed Louvre.
But as they do so, one fact about their astonishing economic success has remained largely unchanged: The vast majority of the workers who have built these states are foreigners who are often exploited, rarely protected by local laws, and frequently return home after years of work as poor as when they got here. Promises have been made in recent years to protect the migrants, but labor advocates say millions are still being abused.
"It's breathtaking hypocrisy," says Azfar Khan, with the International Labor Organization (ILO). "They flout the most basic laws protecting the rights of workers."
Tiny Qatar is just one of the examples. The leading exporter of liquid natural gas is smaller than Connecticut, but state-funded Al Jazeera News is a powerful regional voice, and Education City, built in association with Georgetown, Northwestern, and four other US universities, is seen as a beacon of progress for the Arab world.
But not far from the futuristic campus, Rajan Sapkota and many like him are working in conditions that activists liken to indentured servitude.
The young Nepali shares a room with nine of his countrymen. More than 140 Nepali laborers have died in Qatar this year, according to the Safety Awareness Center, which tracks deaths among Nepalis. And in a country where the average wage for citizens is $83,000 per year, the world's highest, according to the International Monetary Fund, he is paid about 60 cents an hour.
Mr. Sapkota can't quit or leave as his boss has taken his passport. "Work here is not so good," said Sapkota, his eyes heavy-lidded after a 12-hour workday in 116-degree F. heat. "Sometimes we get tired and thirsty; it is very hot here."
So hot that leading Sunni cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi called for construction in Gulf states to be halted for Ramadan, the holy month during which Muslims fast in the daytime.
Because it is illegal in these countries to consume food or water in public during daylight hours during Ramadan, construction workers are compelled to fast, to a certain extent.
The number of expatriate workers in the Gulf has nearly doubled, from close to 9 million in 1990 to 17 million today. In Qatar and the UAE, foreign workers are more than 90 percent of the workforce.
In recent years, workers in Bahrain, Kuwait, and the UAE have protested conditions, with many complaints stemming from the system of kafallah: Foreign workers are sponsored by an employer and barred from changing jobs, leaving the country, or renting a home without his approval. A 2009 State Department report said the law leads to "forced labor activities and slave-like conditions."
Qatar has created the National Office to Combat Trafficking in Persons and boosted labor camp inspections. The UAE moved to improve conditions and Kuwait announced a reform of labor laws. Yet Kuwait's new minimum wage for laborers of about $209 per month excludes 500,000-plus domestic workers.
"Reforms often encounter stiff resistance from employers fearing higher costs and fewer entitlements, labor brokers profiting off a poorly regulated system, and government officials who view migrants as a security threat," Human Rights Watch wrote in May.
"We must ensure that the laws are enforced strictly and fairly," says Hasan al-Mohannadi, head of Qatar's Permanent Population Committee. Yet Qatari sponsors still hold workers' passports, despite a prohibition, and laborers regularly work more than the legal limit of 10 hours a day.
"The UAE and Qatar have definitely regressed," says the ILO's Mr. Khan.
For Nepalis in Qatar, the situation is bleak. Most take high-interest loans to pay a recruiter $2,000 for a visa and a job. For Bharat Bika, a father of four, his $216 monthly salary is inadequate. "It is so difficult to pay my loan," said Bika, who still owes more than $1,400 after a year. "I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do it."
Thousands of workers in the UAE have gone unpaid for six months or more because indebted employers fled the country. In Kuwait, activists say worker suicides are common. In Qatar, activists say deaths among the migrant Nepali workforce are rising. "They do not have enough doctors and the health care is extremely poor," said Radha Krishna Deo, president of the Safety Awareness Center.

Qatar says it plans to build three clinics and two health centers for male laborers. "They have health problems that are difficult to address and they impose problems with their huge demand on hospitals here," said Jamal Khanji, of the Supreme Council of Health.

Yet Qatar's progressive reputation may suffer as abuses continue and the worker population grows. "The world community has to bring pressure on the governments to redress the situation," said Khan. "You can only fool people so many times

Read More from NRNA

Source: कान्तिपुर

खाडीमा श्रमिक र साझा समस्या (हरि खड्का) �

 लेख हरि खड्का

युनाइटेड अरब इमिरेट्स -यर्ुर्एइ) खाडी मुलुकमध्ये आर्थिक फड्को मार्न सफल भएको एक सम्पन्नशाली मुस्लिम देश हो । यर्ुर्एइ ७ वटा साना राज्य मिलेर बनेको र यस्ता राज्यमा स्थानीय शासक रहे पनि ती सबै राज्य केन्द्रीय सरकारबाट नियन्त्रण र निर्देशित रहन्छन् ।  । विदेशी कामदारमा विशेषगरी भारत, पाकिस्तान, बंगलादेश, नेपाल, फिलिपिन्स, चीन लगायत अमेरिकी र युरोपेली छन् । यर्ुर्एइ बहुभाषा, बहुराष्ट्रिय र बहुसंस्कृतिका मानिस अटाउन सफल एक खाडी मुलुक हो ।

नेपालीका साझा समस्या
यर्ुर्एइस्थित नेपालीका साझा समस्याहरू प्रायः खाडी मुलुकका नेपालीका समस्याहरूसग मिल्दाजुल्दै छन् । मुख्यतः भाषाको समस्या, प्राविधिक ज्ञानको कमी, ट्राफिक ज्ञानको कमी, न्यून तलब सुविधा र लामो कामको अवधि हुन् । त्यसैगरी खाना र बस्ने अव्यवस्था, सीपको अभाव, मालिक तथा माथिल्लो निकायबाट मानसिक दबाब, मेनपावरबाट ठगी, सम्झौतापत्र अनुसारको सुविधा नपाउनु, नक्कली सम्झौतापत्र बनाएर पठाउनु, समयमा तलब नपाउनु, सेवा शुल्कबापत मेनपावरले ठूलो धनराशि लिनाले प्रायः यर्ुर्एइस्थित नेपाली कामदारको कमाइले ऋण तिर्न वर्षौं लाग्ने र बिरामी पर्दा कम्पनीबाट औषधी-उपचारको व्यवस्था नहुने पनि उत्तिकै महत्त्वपर्ूण्ा समस्या हुन्


 सरकारको दायित्व

देशको ब्रि्रदो आर्थिक अवस्थालाई रेमिटेन्सले धान्न सफल भएको पक्ष भाषणमा मात्र सीमित नराखी, सुरक्षाको प्रत्याभुति तथा सुविधा दिनु सरकारको दायित्व हो । अतः नेपाल सरकारले केही विषयमा महत्त्वसाथ ध्यान दिन आवश्यक छ । जस्तो, वैदेशिक रोजगारमा पठाउदा सम्बन्धित कामको सम्बन्धमा तालिम दिएर पठाउने, जुन व्यवहारमा लागू छैन । अनिवार्य जीवन बिमा -व्यवहारमा लागू नभएको) गराउने, कामको सिलसिलामा मृत्यु तथा घाइते भएमा सम्बन्धित कम्पनीसग बिमा र क्षतिपर्ूर्तिका लागि कानुनी लडाइलड्नुपर्ने जुन जनशक्तिको कमी र लामो कानुनी प्रक्रियाको कारण कानुनी कारबाही प्रायः अगाडि बढ्नसकेको छैन । त्यसैगरी मृतकको लास समयमै सरकारी पहलमा नेपाल पठाउने व्यवस्था मिलाउने -प्रायः कम्पनी छोडेर काम गर्नेको हकमा लास अलपत्र पर्ने देखिएको), नेपाल सरकारबाट न्यूनतम तलबमा वृद्धि गर्ने र सोही मुताविक यर्ुर्एइ सरकारसग समन्वय गर्ने, पासपोर्ट नवीकरण शुल्क नेपालको तुलनामा महगो भएको हुदा नवीकरण शुल्क कम गर्नुपर्ने, नेपालको राहदानी लिएर नेपालीमूलका भारतीय तथा भुटानी आएको पाइएकाले नेपाल सरकारबाट राहदानी वितरणमा कडाइका साथ नियन्त्रण गर्नुपर्ने, एयरपोर्टमा अनावश्यक झमेला र दुःख दिने तथा खाडी मुलुकबाट आउने-जाने नेपालीलाई हर्ेर्ने दृष्टिकोणमा परिवर्तन हुनुपर्ने पनि ज्यादै आवश्यक छ । त्यतिमात्र होइन, मेनपावर एजेन्सीलाई कडाइ गरी पारदर्शी र जिम्मेवारीबोध गराउनुपर्ने, वैदेशिक रोजगारीको कमाइलाई नेपालमा दिगो रूपमा लगानी गर्ने व्यवस्था मिलाउने र स्वआर्जनको व्यवस्था गर्नुपर्ने, नेपाली घरेलु महिला कामदार पठाउन सरकारी स्तरबाटै स्वीकृति हुनुपर्ने - अन्य मुलुक भएर थुप्रै नेपाली महिला भित्रिएका), महिला सुरक्षाको प्रत्याभूति हुनुपर्ने र अनुगमन व्यवस्थित हुनुपर्ने पनि आवश्यक हो भनिरहनु नपर्ला ।

दूतावास तथा जनशक्ति

यर्ुर्एइमा नेपालीको संख्याको अनुपातमा समस्याहरू पनि वृद्धि भइरहेको र हालको दूतावासको जनशक्तिले सबै यर्ुर्एइवासीको समस्या समेट्न नसकिएको प्रस्ट छ । सरकारसग आवश्यक जनशक्तिको लागि माग गर्ने, करिब १ लाख २० हजार श्रमिक रहेको र थपिने सम्भावना दृष्टिगत गरी श्रम सहचारीको व्यवस्था गर्नुपर्ने, संघ-संस्था तथा व्यक्तिगत रूपमा पनि दूतावासमा स्वयम्सेवकको रूपमा काम गर्न-गराउन सकिने, यर्ुर्एइवासी नेपालीको तथ्यांक संकलन गर्नुपर्ने, जसले समस्या समाधानमा शुलभ हुने र त्यसका लागि संघ-संस्थाबाट पनि सहयोग लिन सकिने, कम्प्युटराइज राहदानी हुनुपर्ने र डाटा कम्प्युटरमा व्यवस्थित हुनुपर्नेमा ध्यान दिनु आवश्यक छ ।


25. Bidrohi Kanchha
Would you conclude read more...... from Amnesty international

Malaysia must end abuse of migrant workers� amnesty internationalTestimonies of exploitation, forced labour and violence in MalaysiaSome migrants are held in deplorable conditions in immigration detention centresMany migrants are forced to work in hazardous situations, often against their willLarge-scale, public roundups of migrants in markets and on city streets are commonMost workers have taken out high interest loans and can't afford to return home

24 March 2010The Malaysian authorities should take action to end widespread workplace and police abuses of the migrant workers who make up more than 20 per cent of the country's workforce, Amnesty International said in a report released on Wednesday.

Trapped: The Exploitation of Migrant Workers in Malaysia documents widespread abuses against migrant workers from eight South Asian and Southeast Asian countries who are lured to Malaysia by the promise of jobs but are instead used in forced labour or exploited in other ways.

"Migrant workers are critical to Malaysia's economy, but they systematically receive less legal protection than other workers," said Michael Bochenek, the report author and director of policy at Amnesty International. "They are easy prey for unscrupulous recruitment agents, employers and corrupt police."

Migrants, many from Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Nepal, are forced to work in hazardous situations, often against their will, and toil for 12 hours a day or more. Many are subject to verbal, physical and sexual abuse.Most pay recruitment agents substantial sums of money to secure jobs, work permits and training. Once they arrive, they often find that much of what their agents told them about their new jobs is untrue � the pay, type of work, even the existence of those jobs or their legal status in the country.

Most workers have taken out loans at exorbitant interest rates and simply cannot afford to return to their home countries. Some are in situations close to bonded labour.Nearly all employers hold their workers' passports, placing workers at risk of arrest and in practice preventing them from leaving abusive workplaces. Coercive practices such as these are indicators of forced labour.

Labour laws are not effectively enforced, and labour courts may take months or years to resolve cases. For domestic workers, who are not covered by most of the labour laws, recourse to the courts is usually not an option."Malaysia can and must do better for its workforce. Everyone, regardless of immigration status, is entitled to safe and fair working conditions and to equal treatment under the law," said Michael Bochenek.

Amnesty International's report concludes that many workers are victims of human trafficking. The Malaysian government has the responsibility to prevent such abuses but instead facilitates trafficking through its loose regulation of recruitment agents and through laws and policies that fail to protect workers.In addition, Amnesty International heard over a dozen cases in which Malaysian authorities delivered immigration detainees to traffickers operating on the Thai border between 2006 and 2009.Malaysia imposes severe and excessive criminal penalties � in some cases caning � on migrants who work without proper permits, even when errors by the employer are the reason for immigration violations.

Large-scale, public roundups in markets and on city streets and indiscriminate, warrantless raids on private dwellings in poorer neighbourhoods are common. Police frequently ask migrants for bribes. Those who cannot pay are arrested and held in deplorable conditions in immigration detention centres."The Malaysian government must stop criminalizing its migrant worker force and instead tackle forced and compulsory labour," said Michael Bochenek. "Until Malaysia's labour laws offer effective protection and are effectively enforced, exploitation will continue."

Amnesty International called on the Malaysian government to reform its labour laws and promptly investigate abuses in the workplace and by police. Malaysia should also make more effective use of its Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act to prosecute individuals who recruit, transport or receive workers through fraud or deception in order to exploit them.This work is part of Amnesty International's Demand Dignity campaign, which aims to end the human rights violations that drive and deepen global poverty. The campaign will mobilize people all over the world to demand that governments, corporations and others who have power listen to the voices of those living in poverty and recognise and protect their rights. For more information visit the
Demand Dignity website.

26. Purvagrahi Dalit
IS IT NOT ENOUGH ....................................READ MORE

Death and Domesticity:The Plight of Saudi Migrant Workers

By Nesima Aberra

They say history is doomed to repeat itself. I agree, but I also believe history runs parallel courses in various parts of the world because people fail to learn from their mistakes and realize the consequences of their actions.Take slavery for example. Most people would say slavery is relatively non-existent as it was outlawed by the United States Constitution and other legislative documents and international law. Slavery is a thing of the past, a lecture in history class, a theme in Uncle Tom�s Cabin or Huckleberry Finn, one of the reasons we fought the Civil War between the North and South.

Sadly, slavery has not vanished from the Earth. It is alive and well, breathing its disgusting breath down the necks of poor, desperate people caught up in human and sex trafficking, migrant work, pornography, sweatshops and child labor. It�s an underground, invisible institution that is slowly coming to light.One particularly distressing issues is that of migrant workers in the Middle East. They are to the Middle East what Mexican illegal immigrants are to the United States�forged paperwork, hidden identities, forced trafficking and a belittling, subhuman status in society.

Migrant workers in the Middle East come predominantly from Southeast Asia and Africa, eager to send money back to their families as they work for the oil-rich, decadent employers as maids, drivers and cleaners, but Saudi Arabia is a very popular destination. Approximately 1.5 million migrant women, primarily from Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines, are employed as domestic workers in Saudi Arabia, according to Human Rights Watch.

Human rights are checked at the door and migrant workers quickly learn things aren�t going to be as comfy as they thought. Most are promised better jobs than they expect and find out they were tricked. Abuse, blackmail, withholding passports and death are only some of the horrors migrant workers endure in their new lives where they are subject to a completely foreign culture, people, laws and language.The Saudi legal system is complex, intimidating and unresponsive to the needs of migrant workers. There are no legal protections offered to workers that outline working hours, payment or rest. The kafala system or sponsorship system is a common practice in the Gulf states that ties the worker�s status to their employer�s will. A worker cannot enter or leave the country, find work or move freely within the country without the expressed authorization of their sponsoring family. They are considered undocumented, unrecognized domestic workers so any normal worker�s rights are not afforded to migrant workers.

Ironically, kafala in Islamic law refers to the guardianship of orphans until they reach the age of majority, a pledge to take care of the child while not cutting ties to their true biological family. Considering the high honor placed on looking out of orphans in the Quran, you wouldn�t expect such a system to be now linked to human rights violations.Kuwait recently moved to abolish the system, with words by the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Mohammed Al-Afasi that kafala is rife with �oppression and injustice, especially by some employers.� The same reform initiatives need to happen in Saudi Arabia as well.

Here are just a few of recent abuse cases:

Global Post covered the case of Rizana Nafeek, a Sri Lankan girl accused of killing her employer�s 4-month old baby at age 17 and who is now facing the death penalty in Saudi Arabia�s court. Rizana only speaks Tamil and says she was forced to sign a confession at the police station, was given no legal representation and was convicted just on her �confession.� Sumiati Binti Salan Mustapa, a maid from Indonesia was brutally beat, mutilated and scalded in Saudi Arabia by her employers.  Now, many in Indonesia are calling out for a halt of migrant workers sent to Saudi or at least better protection against such violence. However, as an article from The Jakarta Post notes, the Indonesian government �must engage in consistent and active diplomacy to protect Indonesian migrant workers and prevent their abuse.� Al-Jazeera featured Filipino maid workers� abuse in the Middle East as well as the story of Romilyn Eroy-Ybanez, a Filipino maid killed in Saudi Arabia in September 2010.

The list obviously goes on and on, but what can be done about this?Mideast Youth created a great watchdog website, Migrant Rights, to raise awareness about migrant rights, document cases of abuse and advocate for just laws. The site has numerous resources on how to get involved further.�It�s not enough for us just to be appalled and to shrug it off, saying that our actions can never achieve change. Even if you just write to your local paper, MP, government or embassy then that goes some way towards breaking down the taboo of discussing the human rights of migrants.�Muslims are taught to treat their neighbors, workers and servants with respects. To see this kind of violation of human rights in so-called Muslim countries is unbelievable and outrageous. Where is the respect for humanity? Where is the respect for the poor and needy? These migrant workers hold that country up with their hard labor and do the tasks that none of the Saudis want to do or are able to, yet they treat them like dirt.It�s sad how easily money can be used to cover up atrocity, how immorality can be bought away with prestige.We need to hold those in power accountable for their actions and work towards creating legitimate migration processes, just laws and respectable working and living conditions for migrants. Don�t let slavery reign in our modern era of justice and civility. There�s no excuse.

December 18th is International Migrants Day. Report, report, report.


Grim prospects for deported HIV positive migrants in South Asia, says new UNDP Report

Source: International Labour Organization (ILO); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)Date: 30 Nov 2010
30 November, New Delhi � HIV/AIDS support services and treatment for migrants in South Asia are largely absent and should be stepped up, says a new report launched today by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Countries in the region that send migrants out as well as those receiving them should strengthen efforts to uphold migrant rights and access to health services, according to the report, published by UNDP, The Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and the International Labour Organization (ILO).

"Protecting and promoting the right to health of migrants including access to HIV services is vital for safe mobility," says Clifton Cortez, from UNDPs Asia Pacific Regional Centre. The report, �HIV/AIDS and Mobility in South Asia, offers an analysis and recommendations to address current HIV and migration trends in seven countries of the Asian sub-region which is home to 2 to 3.5 million of the estimated 33.3 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide.

The regions HIV epidemic is concentrated among vulnerable groups such as injecting drug users, men who have sex with men, and sex workers and their clients. Several million migrant male workers are at risk of infection as they tend to buy sex when they are away from home."While migration itself is not considered a vulnerability factor for HIV infections, the unsafe conditions under which people migrate exposes them to a greater risk of infection," says Caitlin Wiesen, UNDP Country Director in India.

"HIV-positive returnees often prefer to hide their deported status, as well as their HIV status, for fear of exclusion and humiliation," says the report which calls for a strong support system for the reintegration of migrants. In Bangladesh, 67 percent of identified HIV positive cases are returned migrant workers and their spouses. In Nepal, 2007 statistics showed that 41 percent of reported HIV cases were among migrant workers. More than 40 percent of Sri Lankan women who have tested positive, abroad and at home, are or have been international migrants.

Countries that send migrants out, such as Bangladesh, India and Nepal, have clear national policies against mandatory HIV testing. In Sri Lanka, mandatory medical testing for departing

migrant workers is approved by the government. In Maldives, HIV screening is required for all jobseekers and all workers who spend more than a year outside the country.

Bhutan's Royal Decree on HIV and AIDS calls for "care and compassion to those infected" and basic primary health care is provided free to everyone who accesses the health care system. Pre-departure training for migrants in Sri Lanka includes a two-hour session on HIV prevention and protection.

Among the reports recommendations are safe mobility and migration under international labour standards and conventions; non-discrimination and protection against abuse and other human rights violations; minimum wage and gender equity; improved access to HIV services, welfare, security and safety as well as information, counseling services and legal aid; and protection from deportation on grounds of HIV positive status.

"This report supports our effort to create quality programs to improve working conditions and health of migrant workers," says Richard Howard, Senior Specialist on HIV and AIDS from ILO.

To access the Regional Report or Individual Country reports go to:

- For information or interviews, contact:

- In India: Surekha Subarwal [email protected] Mobile: +919810153924

- In Bangkok, UNDP Asia Pacific Regional Centre: Marta Vallejo Mestres [email protected] Mobile: +66847004912

Friends: Time and again we have requested Nepali concern to improve the
circumstances to international standard.We observed conservancy in this migration trade. In panchayat regime BAN face this problem Now during last
18 years JAN shares this.We hope Republican Government will do as last three years.. All the best.
Ex. President NEA Qatar
President NRNS QATAR
Er. Ravikant & Friends from Society

29. Bidyanand Chaudhary
Hi Respected Policies Makers
distinguished Participants and
Friends: We appreciate Himalmedia for Organizing this Round table Discussion and open the discussion for comments Globally.Nepali Migrants
in Europe, America or Australia belongs to upper middle class or Elite Section of Nepali But In Middle East and Malaysia belongs to poor to middle class approx 1,500.000 person.We are loosing lives Every year more than nos of Hon. CA Members. More int-resting all the victims are voice less and double figures are victims of disability or severely Sick, thousand are in jail or deportation centers, very rarely workers killed in roits(Malaysia) / massacred in Iraq but GON not come with firm Policies
and practices. It is Our inability ........thanks God Foreign Agencies are
supportive but our brilliants don't catch.
President Tharu Kalayan Kari Shabha
and Hon. Member to SACNEPAL

Well concern !
Women engaged in Entertainment business with well popular word Mubai life style ...... road more safe in compression to push Nepali Girls in maids job Many CATS, Wolves & Jackals will deprived from fat
commission in migration business.......... do you work on it. READ MORE

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Sri-Lankan Maids in Kuwait and Jordan Tortured with Nails

November 15th, 2010

Abusive employers Housemaids Jordan Kuwait Saudi Arabia

In the last couple of days two reports have come out from Amman and Kuwait about Sri-Lankan maids who were tortured using nails. A similar case we reported in August involved Ariyawathie, a Sri-Lankan maid who had over 20 nails inserted into her by her Saudi employers.

In the Kuwaiti case, V. R. Letchumi, a 38-year-old maid had 23 nails hammered into her body by her Kuwaiti sponsors when she would ask them for her wages. Letchumi had nine nails removed from her body thus far in a Sri Lankan hospital, and she will undergo additional surgeries in the coming days to remove the rest of them. In the case from Jordan, D. M. Chandima, a maid, reported to the Sri Lankan consulate in Amman that she was forced to swallow six nails by her sponsors.

The Sponsorship system that governs employment and immigration status of foreign workers in Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia and Jordan creates a near-total dependence of the worker on his sponsor. Workers� contracts can be terminated at will by the sponsor, but not by the worker who is unable to change employers. Workers cannot leave their employer, even in cases of abuse, unless they�re desperate enough to risk imprisonment followed by deportation. Domestic workers are the most vulnerable migrant workers since their employment is away from the public eye and the government�s ability and willingness to prevent abuse is close to zero.

NEPALI Embassies Even nave no data base records thousand of cases register in their offices each Embassy . Ministry of Lab our Nepal and related departments have their web sites with Pboto off office bearer but they have nothing about the abuses, human right voilen

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Sri-Lankan Maids in Kuwait and Jordan Tortured with Nails

November 15th, 2010

Abusive employers Housemaids Jordan Kuwait Saudi Arabia

In the last couple of days two reports have come out from Amman and Kuwait about Sri-Lankan maids who were tortured using nails. A similar case we reported in August involved Ariyawathie, a Sri-Lankan maid who had over 20 nails inserted into her by her Saudi employers.

In the Kuwaiti case, V. R. Letchumi, a 38-year-old maid had 23 nails hammered into her body by her Kuwaiti sponsors when she would ask them for her wages. Letchumi had nine nails removed from her body thus far in a Sri Lankan hospital, and she will undergo additional surgeries in the coming days to remove the rest of them. In the case from Jordan, D. M. Chandima, a maid, reported to the Sri Lankan consulate in Amman that she was forced to swallow six nails by her sponsors.

The Sponsorship system that governs employment and immigration status of foreign workers in Kuwait, Saudi-Arabia and Jordan creates a near-total dependence of the worker on his sponsor. Workers� contracts can be terminated at will by the sponsor, but not by the worker who is unable to change employers. Workers cannot leave their employer, even in cases of abuse, unless they�re desperate enough to risk imprisonment followed by deportation. Domestic workers are the most vulnerable migrant workers since their employment is away from the public eye and the government�s ability and willingness to prevent abuse is close to zero.




In addition to above views from Respected Participants and Comments or Opinion Providers We will like to add here OSH- Report of ILO , our OHS
project working under MOL&T will� be interpreted� since 16� years.


कतारका नेपालीमाझ प्रधानमन्त्रीको प्रतिबद्वता - बैदेशिक रोजगारीलाई उच्च महत्व (ABSTRACT)

दीपक पौडेल/दोहा-  दोहामा प्रधानमन्त्री नेपालले मुलुकको समसामयिक जटिल राजनीति र बैदेशिक रोजगारका विषयमा सम्वोधन गरेका छन् ।नेपाली महिलाहरुलाई घरेलु कामदारमा पठाउनेवारे नेपाल सरकारले कुनै पनि निर्ण्र्नगरेको स्पष्ट पार्दै वैदेशिक रोजगारमा जान चाहने इच्छुक नेपाली महिला कामदारहरुलाई संगठित क्षेत्रमा जानको लागि मात्र नेपाल सरकारले व्यवस्था गर्ने प्रतिबद्वता प्रधानमन्त्रीले ब्यक्त गरे । 'घरेलु कामदारमा महिला पठाउने विषयमा म आफै पनि कडा विरोधी हुँ' प्रधानमन्त्रीले भने- 'यस्तो सहमति भएको छैन । यसवारे छानविन गर्नेछु ।' बैदेशिक रोजगारीलाई सुरक्षित र मर्यादित बनाउन विशेष पहल गर्ने र उच्च महत्व दिने प्रधानमन्त्रीले बताए । 'सरकारले गरेर हुने हरेक काम गर्नेछौं' प्रधानमन्त्रीले भने- 'ढुक्क हुनोस् । अन्य कुनै पक्षबाट गडबडी भएको छ भने हामी त्यसलाई पनि रोक्नेछौं ।'

खाडी क्षेत्रका नियोग प्रमुखहरू पाँचै जनालाई बोलाएर एक गोष्ठिको आयोजना गर्ने आफ्नो योजना रहेको प्रधानमन्त्रीले बताए ,श्रम मन्त्रालयलाई छुट्टै बनाउन पहल गर्ने, तेस्रो मुलुकमा जाँदा आफ्नै अध्यागमनको वाटो जाने ब्यवस्था मिलाउने, बदमासलाई दण्डित र असललाई पुरस्कृत गर्ने, श्रम र परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालयमा नियोगहरूले पठाएका कागजात एवं कारवाहीका सिफारिसहरू प्रधानमन्त्रीको कार्यालयमा लगि छानविन एवं आवश्यक कारवाहीको प्रकृयामा कडाइ गरिने, जनचेतनामुलक कार्यक्रम गर्ने, सिप विकासमा जोड दिने, पासपोर्ट दुरुपयोगवारे छानविन एवं कडा कारवाही गर्ने लगायतका विषयमा आफु प्रतिबद्व रहेको प्रधानमन्त्री नेपालले विश्वास दिलाएका छन् । चोरीको बाटोबाट बैदेशिक रोजगारीमा जानेलाई ५ लाखको विमा दिन नसकिने प्रधानमन्त्रीले स्पष्ट पारे । दुतावासलाइ सामाजिक सुरक्षा अनुदान र कर्मचारी बढाउन कोष उपलब्ध होस् भन्ने आफ्नो चाहना रहेको नेपालले बताए । 'जहाँ नियोग छ, मागपत्र त्यहिँबाट नै प्रमाणित हुनर्पर्छ' प्रधानमन्त्रीको पनि सहमति थियो- 'कानुनमा अस्पष्ट र दुरुपयोग हुनसक्ने प्रावधानहरू राखिनुहँदैन ।'

सम्वोधनको क्रममा शान्ति र संविधानको लागि आफुले कुनै पनि कसर वाँकी नराख्ने प्रतिबद्वता प्रधानमन्त्रीले ब्यक्त गरे ।  सन् २०२२ को विश्वकप फुटवल प्रतियोगिता कतारले आयोजना गर्ने अवसर पाएकोमा कतारमा अमिर हिज हाइनेश शेख हमद बिन खलिफा अल थानी, युवराज हिज हाइनेश शेख तमिम बिन हमद बिन खलिफा अल थानी, 'कतारको विश्वकप दावी समितिका अध्यक्ष हिज एक्सिलेन्सी शेख मोहम्मद बिन हमद बिन खलिफा अल थानी, कतारका सम्पर्णा जनतालाई नेपाल सरकारको तर्फाट प्रधानमन्त्रीले हार्दिक बधाई तथा शुभकामना तथा सफलताको सुभेच्छा ब्यक्त गरे ।

महासंघद्वारा प्रधानमन्त्रीको ध्यानाकर्षण
इश्वर दाहाल/दोहा- गत ९ डिसेम्बरमा कतार ट्रान्जिटमा रहेका प्रधानमन्त्री माधव नेपाललाई नेपाल प्रवासी आदिवासी जनजाति महासंघ कतारले ज्ञापन पत्रमार्फ प्रवासीका समस्या समाधानवारे ध्यानाकर्षा गराएको छ ।राज्यले बैदेशिक रोजगार सम्बन्धी ठोस योजना र कानुन बनाउन नसकेको कारण खाडीमा श्रमिकहरु पठाउने ठग दलालहरु त्यसमा पनि ठुलो पैसा असुलेर अवैधानिक रुपमा श्रमिकहरु पर्ठाई रहेकोमा महासंघले प्रधानमन्त्री र सम्बन्धित निकायको ध्यानाकर्षा गराएको छ । दोहास्थित नेपाली नियोगबाट नेपाल सरकारलाई पटक पटक कारवाहीको लागि सिफारिस गरी पठाइएका बैदेशिक रोजगार कम्पनीहरुलाई समेत नेपाल सरकारले हालसम्म कुनै किसिमको कारवाहीको प्रकृया अगाडि बढाउन नसक्नुले कतारमा कार्यरत श्रमिकहरु अत्यन्तै दुःखी रहेको महासंघले उल्लेख गरेको छ ।

 ज्ञापनपत्रमा अवैधानिक श्रमिकहरु भित्रयाएर केहि कम्पनीहरूले विविध समस्याहरु खडा गरिरहेको र सो समस्याको समाधानका लागि नेपाल सरकारले श्रम मन्त्रालय र परराष्ट्र मन्त्रालय बिच समन्वय गरी बैदेशिक रोजगार ऐनलाई बिभिन्न देशको नियोग प्रमुखहरुको प्रतिनिधित्वमा संशोधन र कार्यान्वयन गराउन पर्ने तर्क महासंघले गरेको छ ।वैदेशिक रोजगारलाई सुलभ र सरल ढंग बाट साधारण श्रमिकहरु मात्र नभएर दक्ष जनशक्तिहरु र्-इन्जीनियर, डाक्टर, नर्स, चार्टड एकाउन्टेन्ट, एकाउन्टेन्ट, म्यानेजर, टेक्नीसियन, सेल्सम्यान, कुक, वेटर) पठाउनको लागि सरकारले नै मध्यस्थताको भुमिका निर्वाह गरी बैदेशिक रोजगार कम्पनीहरुलाई मनोमानी पैसा असुल्ने कार्यलाई रोक्नुपर्ने, समय र परिस्थितिको मागलाई मध्यनजर राखी बैदेशिक रोजगार सम्बन्धी श्रमऐनलाई संशोधन गरी कार्यान्वयन गराउनुपर्ने, कुनैपनि कम्पनीको डिमान्ड लेटरलाई नेपाली दूतावासबाट अनिवार्य रुपमा प्रमाणित गराउनु पर्ने, भिसा निस्कीसकेपछि पनि कतारमा आउने श्रमिकको एग्रिमेन्टलाई नेपाली दुतावासबाटै प्रमाणित गर्नुपर्ने जसले गर्दा कालो सुचिमा रहेका कम्पनीहरुको नाममा झुठो कागजातहरु तयार गरी श्रमिकहरु ठगी गर्ने ठग दलालहरुलाई रोक्न सकियोस्, नेपाली दूतावासबाट कार्वाहीको लागि सिफारिस गरिएका बैदेशिक रोजगार कम्पनीहरुलाई तुरुन्त खारेज गरिनुपर्ने, बैदेशिक रोजगार कम्पनीहरुले श्रमिकलाई पठाउदा नेपाली भुमिबाट मात्र पठाउनको लागि

33. Chanakaya
 Dear colleagues
This is just to understand the impact of loan @ up to 60% in community and
many don't get opportunity to payback in two years. In few case social dis interrogation  ( srimati paule jane/arule phakhayr lagane etc)...due to heavy
farmers in India Will Illustrate.

हर साल हज़ारो किसानों की आत्महत्या जारी

 पवन नारा बीबीसी हिंदी डॉट कॉम के लिए

अगर किसानों की आत्महत्या को किसानों की स्थिती का पैमाना माना जाए तो 2009 में किसानों के हालात बदतर हुए हैं.राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकार्ड ब्यूरो के आकंडों के अनुसार भारत भर में 2009 के दौरान 17368 किसानों ने आत्महत्या की है.

किसानों के हालात बुरे हुए हैं, इस बात का अंदाज़ा इसी बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि किसानों की आत्महत्या की ये घटनाएँ, 2008 के मुकाबले 1172 ज़्यादा है. इससे पहले 2008 में 16196 किसानों ने आत्महत्या की थी.जिन राज्यों में किसानों की स्थिति सबसे ज़्यादा खराब है उनमें महाराष्ट्र, कर्नाटक, आंध्रप्रदेश, मध्यप्रदेश और छत्तीसगढ़ सबसे आगे हैं.किसानों की आत्महत्या की कुल घटनाओं में से 10765 यानी 62 प्रतिशत आत्महत्याएँ इन पाँच राज्यों में ही हुई है.

तमिलनाडु में हालत बदतर

इन पाँच राज्यों के अलावा सबसे बुरी खबर तमिलनाडु से है. 2009 में यहाँ दोगुने किसानों ने आत्महत्या की. 2008 में यहाँ 512 किसानों ने आत्महत्याएँ कीं जो 2009 में 1060 पर जा पहुँची.

पिछले दस वर्षों से किसान आत्महत्याओं के आंकड़ो में अव्वल रहने के लिए बदनाम महाराष्ट्र 2009 में भी सबसे आगे रहा, हालांकि यहाँ आत्महत्या की घटनाओं में कमी हुई है.महाराष्ट्र में 2009 के दौरान 2872 किसानों ने आत्महत्या की जो कि 2008 के मुकाबले 930 कम है.

इसके बाद कर्नाटक में सबसे ज़्यादा 2282 किसानों ने आत्महत्याएँ की.केन्द्रशासित प्रदेशों में पोडिचेरी में सबसे ज्यादा 154 किसानों ने आत्महत्या की.पश्चिम बंगाल में 1054, राजस्थान में 851, उत्तर प्रदेश में 656, गुजरात में 588 और हरियाणा में 230 किसानों मे आत्महत्या की.राष्ट्रीय अपराध रिकार्ड ब्यूरो के आकंडों के अनुसार 1997 से 2009 तक भारत में दो लाख सौलह हज़ार पाँच सौ किसान आत्महत्या कर चुके हैं.कुल 28 राज्यों में से 18 राज्यों में किसान आत्महत्याओं की संख्या में इज़ाफा हुआ है.जम्मू-कश्मीर और उत्तराखंड में किसान आत्महत्याओं में ना के बराबर इज़ाफ़ा हुआ है.

34. Pankaj
Friends: Many many thanks to Prime Minister Madhav Kumar Nepal, in spite of busy Schedule he has prompt initiated to call meeting of Concern Excellencies.We appeal to them come with deep study and Save the Voice
less people and continue remittance flow in Nation it will prove superior to hydro power and support many sectors for Economical growth in Nepal.
Founder Members
and Friends

You have correctly catch why Women Select to be Maids , from where they will earn Rs 5000- 6000 per month to survive in community.
Nepal import Meat or Meat product every year in billions of Rupees but their
Program for goat farming still extreme poor where thousand of women can be Employed other are also feasibility but when ever issue comes concern
Push them in Dark world , 200 CA Women are elected but many are Voiceless this is reality.How to solve every concern should expedite all possible sectors and feasibility of Employments of women in nation other
wise very soo the figure of HIV victims increase from 64000 to 100000 or more.

Respected Concerned Personalities: We don't see proper person who will solve the problems here best related to marginal farmers, workers and deprived women in the nation it seems few leaders only advocating  the issues where is committee in CA, where country is named 5th remittance Earner in World ? Did you see any budget located in recent budget announcement in Nation? How the related Ministries/ Comissions/Departments are working ? Are you Satisfied ? President and
vice president also playing the role of Emperor in famous story ''Emperor's new clothes". This secret of FDR Nepal



वास्तवमा समस्यालाई कोतार्दैमा यसको समाधान होला भन्नेकुरा नसोच्नुहोला, बरु  दिन प्रतिदिन समस्याहरु थ्पिंदै गईरहेको छंदा पनि नेपाली यूवाहरु रोजगारको लागि विदेशीने क्रम भने रोकेको छैन् । तर दुःखको कुरो, गरिब गाउँलेहरु, गाउँमा द्वीपक्षीय/त्रीपक्षीय शक्तिहरुबाट पिल्सीएर आफ्नो परिवारको लागि र स्वंयमको जिऊ ज्यान सुरक्षाको लागि केही कमाउँन उदेश्य बोकि नेपाली यूवाशक्तिहरु विदेशीनु क्रममा त्रि्रता आउँनु नै बैदेशीक रोजगार व्यवसाय तथा मानव तस्करका व्यापारहरु फस्ताईरहनु र बैदेशीक रोजगारमा देखिएको समस्या नसुल्भिकन झन झन जटिल भएर जानुको उपज हो

यो देश र जनताको लागि एकपक्ष विदेशी वितिय आर्जन तथा स्वदेशको आर्थीक बजेटमा टेवा पुग्नु हितकार्य नै हो तर यस्तै हित कार्यलाई मात्रै ध्यान दिएर जाने हो भने एकदिन राज्यले यस समस्याबाट ठूलो नोक्सान भोग्नु पर्नेछ । यस्तै वास्ता नगरि, "काग कराउँदै जान्छ, पिना सुक्दै जान्छ" भन्ने हो भने एकदिन राज्य पक्षले यसको ठूलो मूल्य चुकाउँनु पर्नेछ । तपाईहरुलाई थाहा छ- खुल्ला आगनमा छरिरहेको कुखुराका चल्लाहरुलाई आकाशमा घुमिरहेका चील तथा गीद्धहरुले च्याप्प टीपेर लानु स्वाभाविक हो । तर घरको मालिकले सोच्नु पर्‍र्यो कि ती चल्लाहरुलाई चील तथा गीद्धहरुबाट कसरी बचाउँने भन्ने कुरा...। तर आजको स्थिति देख्दा घरको मालिकलाई यस बारे अट्तो पट्तो छैन् र साथमा केही मतलब छैन् भने खुल्ला रुपमा भेटेका ति चल्लाहरुलाई यी चील तथा गिद्धहरुका आहारा बन्नु स्वाभाविक हो ।वास्तवमा देशको सरकारले यस बैदेशीक रोजगारमा देखा परेको समस्यालाई समाधान गर्ने उपाय तिर सोच्नु अत्यन्त जरुरी छ ।

मैले अन्तरवार्ता लिंदा निश्केको निश्कर्षअनुरुप बैदेशीक रोजगारबारे विदेशीन लागेका नेपाली यूवाहरुलाई बैदेशकीक रोजगार सम्बन्धि जानकारी नभएर पनि यस्ता घटनाहरु घटिरहेको पाईएको छ । विदेश जान भिषा आयो भन्नासाथ नेपालीहरु जति पनि पैसा तिरेर हत्तारमार् इनारमा हाम फाल्छन् । तर उसले पहिला बुझेको हुंदैन कि विदेशमा के कस्तो छ- काम गर्ने वातावरण कस्तो हुन्छन्- यहाँबाट अथवा नेपालबाट ठूलो प्लेनमा चढेर रमेर गईसके पछि, विदेशी भूमिमा के कस्ता समस्याहरु संग लड्नु पर्छ के कस्ता काम कुराहरु सिक्नु पर्छ भन्ने कुरा त्यस व्यक्तिले सिकेका हुंदैन् ।  त्यो किन भयो- भन्दा नेपालमा बैदेशीक रोजगार बारे अहिले सम्म कुनै पनि ठाउँमा, कुनै पनि शिक्षण सस्थान तथा सञ्चार माध्यमहरुमा यस बैदेशीक रोजगार बारे कसैले कसैलाई जानकारि गराएका छैनन् र सकिरहेका छैनन् पनि ..।

एग्रीमेन्ट पेपरमा सहिछाप गरिसकेपछि, औपचारिक्ताको नाउँमा मेनपावर तथा दलालहरुले थोरबहुत देखावति ट्रेनिङ्ग तथा जानकारि दिदैमा बेरोजगारी नेपाली यूवाहरुले विदेशी भूमिमा गएर त्यहाँको काम कार्य तथा वातावरण संग घुलमिल होलान तथा काम गर्न सक्लान भनेर तपाई कस्तो अनुमान लिनुहुन्छ- जहाँ १ वर्षएउटै कक्षामा दिनहु पढेर पनि मानिसहरु जाँचमा फेल हुन्छन् भने के बैदेशीक रोजगारको लागि २ दिन तालिम दिएर पठाएर हुन्छ- यसको परिणाम जुन आज देश तथा राष्ट्रले विद्यमान समस्याको रुपमा भोगिरहेको छ । देशमा कयौं ट्रनिङ्ग सेन्टरहरु खुलिरहेका छन् जसको संख्या हातका औंलामा गिन्ति गर्न नसक्ने अवस्था आईसक्यो तर देशकै समस्याको रुपमा आईरहेको बैदेशीक रोजगारको समस्या समाधान प्रति किन राष्ट्र तथा जिम्बेवार व्यक्तिहरु तथा सस्थाहरुले ध्यान पुर्‍याएका छैनन्-

सरकार तथा राज्य पक्षले विभिन्न सञ्चार माध्यमबाट बैदेशीक रोजगार सम्बन्धी विभिन्न कार्यक्रमहरु राख्नु पर्‍र्यो जसले विदेशीन लागेका बेरोजगार यूवाहरुलाई बैदेशीक रोजगारबारे राम्रो जानकारी पाईयोस् । जसलाई खुल्ला आकाश तथा जमिनमा उड्ने जनताको पसिना तथा मासु लुछ्ने चिल तथा गीद्धहरुबाट बच्न सकोस् राट्रबाट यस्तो प्रकारको शिक्षाहरु प्रदान गर्न सक्नु पर्यो । जसबाट रोग निको पार्नु भन्दा रोगै लाग्न बाट बचाउँन सकिन्छ । उदाहरणको लागि विदेशको काम कार्य सम्बन्धी निति नियम, भाषा सम्बन्धी जानकारी, काम सम्बन्धी जानकारी, देशको भौगोलिक अवस्था र विदेशमा गएर विभिन्न समस्याहरु पाएमा यस समस्याहरुका समाधान विषय, अनि नेपालमा पनि मेनपावर र दलालहरु संग डिलगर्ने तरिका, सम्बन्धित काम तथा कार्य विषयमा गोष्ठी तथा जानकारी, तलब र सुविधा अनि कम्पनी सम्बन्धि जानकारी, विदेश जाँदा यरपोर्ट तथा प्लेन भित्र सिक्नु पर्ने गर्नुपर्ने कार्य सम्बन्धि जानकारी, मेनपावरमा विभिन्न एग्रीमेन्ट पेपरमा सहिछाप गर्दा ध्यान दिनु पर्ने कुराहरु सम्बन्धि जानकारी का साथै र्सव प्रथम विदेशको र अर्न्तराष्ट्रिए भाषा सम्बन्धी विस्तृत जानकारी बारे सरकारले ध्यान दिएर एउटा छुट्टै प्याकेज तयार पारेर देशको विभिन्न सञ्चार माध्यमहरुबाट नेपालीहरुको घर दैलोदैलोमा पुर्‍याउँन सक्यो भने आशा छ नेपाली यूवाहरुले र राष्ट्र, राज्यपक्षले अबको केही वर्षा यि विद्यमान समस्याबारे छुट्कारा पाउँन सक्नु हुनेछ । भन्नुस, यस बारे जानकारी तथा कार्यक्रम सञ्चालनको विषयमा आवश्यक जानकारी चाहिएमा हामी कोर्षतथा प्याकेज बनाएर सहयोग गर्न सक्छौं । ।

वास्तवमा सरकारबाट यस विषयमा चासो नराखेको भनौ या जानकारी नभएको भनौ ..हो यस्ता समस्याहरुबाट, यस्ता जानकारीहरुको अभावका कारण बैदेशीक रोजगारमा नेपालीहरु फसिनु र &a


Hi Concern (Especially Hon.Members of PSAC)!

Now you have to tax the remittance dealing company or you have to search donor to make master plan, iplimentation , monitoring etc.There is

is now way .Decisions are Yours.



39. Workers
Sorry to add more: This reflects real picture of Nepali workers in home and
abroad. Nepali community has every thing but don't up grate their system
to challenges. All the resources, access to science and technology etc concerned don't Even now the have huge fund but still conservative .When
they get money trapped fly with third Eyes Of Lord Shiva and leave basic things to other. read more of premature death is invited.

Villagers sink into grief  By Our Correspondent Bajhang, Dec 31

Following the death of five villagers in the sand mound collapse in Byasi on Thursday, the whole village has sunk into grief.The villagers� eyes have not yet dried in the loss of the life of locals including Laxmi Primary School teacher Deepak Sarki, Bannichaur Higher Secondary School student Basanti KC and Kausilya Devi Sharki, a pregnant woman.

Thursday was public holiday as there was Lhosar festiavl and teachers and students used to work for daily wages.

Both the schools remained close because of the demise of the teacher and the student, said Bisnu Prasad Upadhaya, a teacher of the school said.With the death of their bread earners, the dependents of the families are in trouble.

They were involved in the construction of Harish Chandra Upadhaya�s house.

Those killed in the incident were identified as Chakra Sarki, 45, Kausalya Sarki, 25, Deepak Sarki, 30, Kiti Devi K.C, 32 and 13-year Basanti Kumari Devi K.C.

Manju Sarki, 36, Junu Sarki, 40 and Jasu Sarki, 55 were injured.

The incident is not owing to natural disaster but due to the negligence of the people, District Administration Officer, Kamal Kanta Regmi, said.

Kandel and Byasi Village Development Committee residents collect big amount of sand from Dalkanedada in every year. If the locals do not take lesson from this incident, they will face similar tragedy in the days to come, warned the police.


Dear Organizers:Majority of Government officers and Public Representative
are with view of similar to Mr. KK Regmi (above article)because they have not trained for Public safety how to manage it. Hence Smart Journalist like
Mr. Rabindra Mishra , President of HeNN. Let's join our hand tobring alot change in the year 2011. Happy New Year  to all concern......Do you see GoN expenses Rs 2/-  Per Migrants worker ... Rs 200/- not enough to polish the shoes annually.This the fact how you Expect Something Worthy
from this brilliant leaders

Dear Participants: In 2008 the welfare fund created by the mandatory contribution of Migrant workers. The fund matured to Rs 625 million by end2010.From FEPB 212 million budget also announced.More than 10 million expended by Chairperson on his office and Vehicles .....No representatives from Workers Organization in home or abroad. Effectiveness
of the fund being unpopular.......Who will care lives of Voiceless has no meaning for them.

We have no target .....advancing haphazardly did you see MOFA &MOLT
how they are moving for these issues.The problems accumulated within last 15 years, few initiation from last 3 years but 2010 meaningless. Who will punished the Concern .



वैदेशिक रोजगारका बाछिटा

वैदेशिक रोजगारीले रेमिट्यान्स मात्रै भित्र्याएको छैन, सँगसँगै पारविारकि विखण्डन पनि गररिहेको छ। पुरूषहरू विदेशमा दुःख गरी कमाएको रकम श्रीमतीका नाममा नेपाल पठाउँछन्। केही घटना यस्ता पनि फेला परेका छन् कि लामो समयपछि र्फकंदा उनीहरूसँग न श्रीमती हुन्छिन् न श्रीसम्पत्ति। मलेसियाबाट चार वर्षपछि स्वदेश फर्केका रानु मगर, २८, यसका ताजा उदाहरण हुन्। उनी विदेश गएपछि उनकी श्रीमती हेटौँडाबाट कीर्तिपुर आएर बसिन्। चार वर्षको अवधिमा श्रीमतीका नाममा ८ लाख ५० हजार रुपियाँ पठाए उनले। छोरा र श्रीमतीसँग काठमाडौँ सुखशान्तिले बस्ने र यतै बन्द व्यापार गर्ने सपना साँचेर काठमाडौँ आउँदा उनकी श्रीमतीले अर्कैसँग बिहे गरसिकेकी रहिछन्। आफूले पठाएको पैसा पनि सबै नयाँ श्रीमान्लाई बुझाइसकिछन्। अहिले उनी प्रहरीसँग आफ्नो सम्पत्ति फिर्ताका लागि हारगुहार गर्दै छन्। तर, प्रहरीसँग यसको कुनै उपाय छैन। दुवै पक्षलाई राखेर अहिलेसम्मको घरखर्च, छोराको पालनपोषण खर्च कटाएर बाँकी रहने रकममध्ये तीन भागको एक भाग उनलाई दिलाउन सकिने प्रहरीले बताएको छ। यो रकम उनको एक महिनाको तलबबराबर पनि हुँदैन।

काठमाडौँ जिल्ला प्रशासन, प्रहरी महिला सेल तथा प्रहरीकै विभिन्न प्रभाग, वृत्त र परसिरमा यस्ता उजुरी पुग्ने गरेका छन्, जसको एकमुष्ट आँकडा कुनै निकायसँग छैन। ललितपुर प्रहरी महिला सेलमा पुगेका घटना विवरण अनुसार, वर्षौं विदेश बसेर आएका पुरुषले जति दाबी गरे पनि अहिलेसम्म एक लाख रुपियाँभन्दा बढी रकम फिर्ता गराउन प्रहरीले सकेको छैन। विदेशमा रोजगारीमा रहेका नेपाली आठ-नौ वर्षपछि आउँदा भएभरको सम्पत्ति लिएर श्रीमती बेपत्ता भएका कैयौँ घटना छन्। उनीहरूमध्ये कतिले एक रुपियाँसमेत फिर्ता पाएका छैनन्। काठमाडौँ महानगरपालिकाको कानुन महाशाखाको अभिलेख अनुसार, वाषिर्क औसत ५० मुद्दा सम्बन्धविच्छेदका लागि आउँछन्। यीमध्ये सबैजसोमा श्रीमतीको आचरणमा प्रश्न उठाउँदै पुरुषले गरेका हुन्छन्। यसमा वैदेशिक रोजगारीमा गएका पुरुषहरूको संख्या अत्यधिक छ। महिलाले भने सम्बन्धविच्छेदका लागि सीधै अदालतमा मुद्दा दिन सक्छन्। पुरुषले मात्रै स्थानीय निकाय हुँदै अदालत पुग्नुपर्छ। विदेश गएका श्रीमतीका कारण प्रताडित पुरुषका कथा बेग्लै छन्। एकपटक विदेश गएपछि सम्पर्कहीन भइदिने, फर्केर आएपछि राम्रोसँग बोल्दै नबोली छुट्टै घरजम गर्ने, दुःखजिलो गरी विदेश पठाउन सहयोग गर्ने श्रीमान् र परविारलाई बेवास्ता गर्ने महिलाका कारण पनि पुरुष पीडित भएका घटना छन्।

नेपालस्िथत अमेरकिी दूताबासको उच्च तहमा काम गर्ने एक पुरुष अहिले यस्तै अवस्थामा पुगेका छन्। ती पुरुषले चार वर्ष इजरायल बसेर केही समयअघि आएकी श्रीमतीसँग चार दिन पनि राम्रोसँग बिताउन पाएनन्। "यसरी टाढाटाढा कति दिन बस्नू ? दूताबासले मलाई दिने तलब पनि राम्रै छ। यतै काम खोजौँला," उनले भने। तर, श्रीमती बस्न मानिनन्। अब श्रीमती नफर्किने संकेत उनले पाएका छन्। श्रीमतीका नाममा रहेको जग्गा रोक्काका लागि उनले काठमाडौँ जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयमा निवेदन पनि दिएका छन्। "कति दिन आशैआशमा बस्नू ? हाम्रो दाम्पत्यको के अर्थ रह्यो र !," उनी भन्छन्, "उनले छाडेर गएकी सात वर्षकी छोरी १२ वर्षकी भई। साँझबिहान आमाआमा भन्छे।" असहाय बाल्यकाल बिताएका उनी आफ्नो सुखदुःखमा साथ दिने आशमा आफूजस्तै टुहुरीसँग बिहे गरेका थिए। तर, उनी श्रीमतीबाट उपेक्षा, मानसिक यातनाबाहेक केही नपाएको भन्दै दुःख सुनाउँछन्।

अर्को रोचक पाटो के भने उजुरीका आधारमा धेरै आम्दानी हुने घरमा पुरुषहरू महिलाबाट बढी पीडित देखिएका छन्। काठमाडौँ जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयका सहायक प्रमुख जिल्ला अधिकारी -भर्खरै सरुवा) तेजप्रसाद पौडेल आफूकहाँ आएका उजुरीमध्ये धेरैजसो उच्च आम्दानी भएका घरमा महिलाले पुरुषलाई मानसिक आघात पार्ने घटना बढी देखिएको बताउँछन्।


This is burning and grave concern to Nepal and Nepali. PLA is Feed by Nation but Migrants workers are allow to die. This is strange perhaps undermined by political crisis or world not focus or Workers not organised.
This is completely unhumanitarian approach of GON. What we Expect from them...........

47. Radha Krishna Deo
Friends & colleagues:The Safe Migration of Nepali Work forces is Nation
Challenge it is related to Regional (SAARC) practices and Global leaders are
also linked. We are very hopeful New policies, program and efficient system
will come to address all above concepts and comments. Thanks to Every one Nation is listening now.Dicisions are in the hand of Key Leaders.

1. Cardiac Arrest(CA) is Highest up to 34 persons
2. Road Traffic accident(RTA) up to 16 persons
3. Suicides(SC) various reasons. up to7 persons
4.Industrial Accidents (IA) up to 6 person
5 Drown case up to 1 per lakh.
Some variance allow to particular Nation.

49. NRNA

चौथो गैरआवासीय नेपाली विश्व सम्मेलन २०६६ द्वारा जारी काठमाडौं घोषणापत्र
October 15, 2009 (ABSTRACT MATCHING  ONLY)
२०६६ असोज २९ गते, काठमाडौं ।

नेपाल सरकार, नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघ र गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघको संयुक्त आयोजनामा चौथो गैरआवासीय नेपाली विश्व सम्मेलन असोज २७ देखि २९, २०६६ (अक्टोबर १३-१५, २००९) मा काठमाडौमा सम्पन्न भयो । सम्मेलनलाई सम्माननीय राष्ट्रपति, सम्माननीय प्रधानमन्त्री, माननीय उपप्रधानमन्त्री तथा परराष्ट्रमन्त्री, विभिन्न राजनीतिक दलका शीर्षस्थ नेताहरु, नेपाल सरकारका उच्चपदस्थ अधिकारीहरु, निजी क्षेत्रका प्रतिनिधिहरु, राष्ट्रिय जीवनका विविध क्षेत्रका व्यक्तित्वहरु र गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघका प्रतिनिधिहरुले सम्वोधन गर्नु भएको थियो । सम्मेलनमा अभिव्यक्त विचार र धारणाहरुलाई समावेश गर्दै चौथो गैरआवासीय नेपाली विश्व सम्मेलन २०६६ काठमाडौ घोषणापत्र जारी गरिएको छ ।

A) मुलुकको सार्वभौमसत्ता, राष्ट्रिय स्वाधीनता, राष्ट्रिय एकता, क्षेत्रीय अखण्डताको संरक्षण, दिगो शान्ति, लोकतान्त्रिक एवम समावेशी गणतन्त्रको संस्थागत विकास, मानवअधिकार र मौलिक स्वतन्त्रताको प्रत्याभूति, देश भित्र र वाहिर रहेका सम्पूर्ण नेपालीहरुको साझा चाहना र जिम्मेवारी हो भन्ने सम्मेलन उद्घोष गर्दछ ।

B) गैरआवासीय नेपालीको पहिचान र उनीहरुको मुलुकको आर्थिक र सामाजिक रुपान्तरणमा सहभागी हुने आकांक्षालाई मूर्तरुप दिन नेपाल सरकारले ल्याएको गैरआवासीय नेपाली सम्बन्धी ऐन २०६४ तथा नियमावली २०६६ को यो सम्मेलन स्वागत गर्दै यसको कार्यान्वयनमा जोड दिन्छ । साथै, गैरआवासीय नेपालीको परिभाषा लगायत अन्य विषयमा सम्मेलनमा उठेका समसामयिक सुझावलाई सम्वोधन गर्न राष्ट्रिय सहमतिका आधारमा उपयुक्त कदम चाल्न आव्हान गर्दछ ।

C) नेपाल सरकारले आर्थिक कूटनीतिलाई आफ्नो परराष्ट्र नीतिको एक अभिन्न अंगको रुपमा अघि सारेको परिप्रेक्षमा विदेशस्थित नेपाली नियोगहरुले नेपालको पर्यटन, व्यापार, लगानी तथा वैदेशिक रोजगार प्रवर्द्धन जस्ता आधारभूत क्षेत्रमा गैरआवासीय नेपालीको संलग्नता सशक्त र दिगो पार्दै लैजाने सरकारको नीतिको यो सम्मेलन पूर्ण समर्थन गर्दछ । नेपालको आर्थिक कूटनीतिलाई सफल बनाउन गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघको संजाललाई पूर्णरुपमा परिचालन गरिनेछ । मुलुकको दिगो विकासका लागि ज्ञान र सीपको पूवाधार विकास गर्न विज्ञान र प्रविधिको महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका हुने भएकाले राष्ट्रिय योजना तर्जुमा गर्दा यस क्षेत्रलाई उचित प्राथमिकता दिन यो सम्मेलन जोड दिन्छ ।

D) वैदेशिक रोजगारवाट प्राप्त विप्रेषणले नेपालको अर्थतन्त्रमा पुर्‍याएको योगदानको उच्च मूल्यांकन गर्दै त्यस क्षेत्रमा रहेका विसंगती र चुनौतीको अध्ययन गर्न नेपाल सरकार, नेपाल उद्योग वाणिज्य महासंघ र गैरआवासीय नेपाली संघको संयुक्त पहलमा यथाशीघ्र एक कार्यदल बनाई सुझाव संकलन गर्ने प्रक्रिया शुरु गर्ने प्रतिवद्धता यो सम्मेलन व्यक्त गर्दछचालू आर्थिक बर्षको बजेटमा उल्लेखित वैदेशिक रोजगार बचतपत्रको अवधारणालाई स्वागत गर्दै विप्रेषणवाट प्राप्त रकमलाई उत्पादनशील क्षेत्रमा लगानी गर्ने वातावरण तयार गरी देशभित्र रोजगारीका अवसरहरु बृद्धि गर्दै समग्र अर्थतन्त्रको विकासमा परिचालन गर्ने आवश्यकतामा यो सम्मेलन जोड दिन्छ ।

E) रोजगारी तथा सीप विकासको उद्देश्यले स्थापित इलम प्रशिक्षण केन्द्रहरुको विस्तार एवं प्रभावकारी संचालनका लागि तीनवटै पक्षको सहकार्यलाई यो सम्मेलन जोड दिन्छ । वैदेशिक रोजगारीलाई श्रमिकको दक्षता बृद्धि र सीप विकाससंग आवद्ध गर्दै लैजानु पर्छ भन्ने कुरामा यो सम्मेलन जोड दिन्छ ।


Many victims keep their sorrow to themselves NIRJANA SHARMA KATHMANDU, JAN 03

- A large number of trafficked women are returning to their home country on their own or leaving rehabilitation centres in short periods of repatriation. These are the women who do not want to be known as �victims� in the society.Anti-trafficking researchers say many trafficked women have returned home since 2003. Maiti Nepal alone has rescued and rehabilitated some 12,000 women and children since 1993 while NGOs such as ABC Nepal and CWISH have also been facilitating the victims� return. Apart from this, a sizeable number of women return on their own and do not come in contact of any organisation for their rehabilitation.

Meena Poudel, who holds a PhD from Newcastle University in exploring social rejection experienced by trafficked women in Nepal, says she met more than 20 such returnees within few months. They neither want their association with any organisation working for them nor let others know what hurdles they faced in their past life.�It is because they want to lead their lives with respect and dignity. For this, they move to another end of the country where nobody knows them,� said Poudel. �Many settle in (re)married life but the relationships do not last long due to sexual and physical violence.�

Poudel says the husbands of (re)married trafficked women take earnings from the women and throw them out of their �new homes�. Thus, they are re-victimised and also deprived of citizenship. Their other hurdles are being homeless and without resources at disposal.Maya (name changed) 27, belongs to an ethnic group in Sindhupalchowk district. She could speak and understand only her mother tongue when she was trafficked to India by her so-called boyfriend 12 years ago. The only thing she can remember is that she was taken to a Tarai zone and does not know which part she crossed the border from.

�Going back to my parents was the worst option for me. My village is small to fulfill my aspirations. I have a footpath shop which helps me recover from my past suffering and trauma,� said HIV-infected Maya, who is living two kids. She admits that nothing is easy for a woman like her giving an example that one of her friends committed suicide when all her efforts went in vain. She says many of her friends work in dance bars and restaurants here. �Some even tried to return to India but realised that none needed them then.�

The scenario is quite different between the returnees from India and those from other countries including Middle East and Western Europe. Researcher Poudel finds returnees from other countries more forward and optimistic in their life and less stigmatised. Once she met a woman who was right back from a European country with a different vision of life.�The 25-year-old woman wanted to complete her study which had remained when she flew abroad. She is confident to hold a respectable position in a high-profile organisation,� Poudel said. Laxmi Prasad Tripathi, spokesperson for the Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare, said the ministry has introduced any scheme to ascertain the number of the self-returnees.

Many analysts argue that legalising sex work works. Is it just for the trafficked women? �We were not born to be prostitutes. Legalisation can never become our issue,� said Sunita Danuwar, President of AATWIN and member of Shakti Samuha, an organisation set up and managed by survivors of trafficking. Nepal is considered to be one of the source countries of sexually trafficked women in South Asia.

Dear Ramesh Badel, GFONT
You have truly raised the issues regarding precise data and human resource development fee thanks for this.perhaps you are ignorant from an event-
A well educated and well honored Ambassador of Nepal start mith matching practice by demanding Qr 1 to Qr 2 through the year 2008 and 2009 but concerned stop him without any alternate. Even PM could not has revert it.Every concern company paying willingly. we think it must be USD 5 per workers. Citizens are the Asset of Nation no one has right to play.but who listen you .......


'अप्रवासन नीति में सुधार की ज़रुरत'-ओबामा

अप्रवासन नीति पर ओबामा का ये सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बयान माना जा रहा है.

अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा ने देश की अप्रवासन नीति में व्यापक बदलावों का आहवान किया है और वर्तमान प्रणाली को 'ख़तरनाक और त्रुटियों भरा' बताया है.

राष्ट्रपति ओबामा के पद संभालने के बाद इस मुद्दे पर यह सबसे विस्तृत बयान है.

उन्होंने कहा है कि राजनीतिक मतभेदों के बावजूद ऐसी किसी व्यवस्था पर सहमति बननी चाहिए जिससे अप्रवासन पर एक सुलझी हुई नीति तैयार की जा सके.

वॉशिंगटन में एक कार्यक्रम के दौरान उन्होंने कहा कि वर्तमान अप्रवासी नीति बिल्कुल बेकार हो चुकी है और इस समस्या का समाधान तभी हो सकता है जब रिपब्लिकन और डेमोक्रेटिक पार्टियों के सदस्य साथ मिलकर काम करें.

लेकिन पर्यवेक्षकों का कहना है कि नवंबर में होने वाले मध्यावधि संसदीय चुनावों से पहले दोनों पार्टियों के बीच इस मुद्दे पर सहमति बनने की संभावना नहीं है.

ओबामा का कहना था कि ये मुद्दा सिर्फ़ राजनीतिक और आर्थिक महत्व का नहीं है बल्कि इसकी नैतिक ज़रूरत भी है.

ऐसा अनुमान है कि अमरीका में क़रीब 1.1 करोड़ प्रवासी बिना किसी दस्तावेज़ के रह रहे हैं.

बराक ओबामा का कहना था कि उनकी सरकार ने अमरीका के दक्षिणी हिस्से में इस मामले में क़ानून के पालन को सुनिश्चित करने के संदर्भ में कई क़दम उठाए हैं.


You are requested to see at least 20 years a head as well as to control the sufferings from mild to severs.These are related to Deceptions, Exploitations,
Frauds,Trafficking, High interest rate , social disintegration, High recruitment
charges, poor literacy rate, lack of vocational training,Abuses, abuses of authority, poor coordination between government concern agencies, in few case inability to catch the issues by concern, environment and adaptation,inadequate financial or technical capacity of concern mission, poor determination of nation to solve the problem to acceptable level. this not the least add more from other sources........ we hope it will help

54. KHADAMA(maids)


नकचरा नेताहरु



हाम्रा नेताहरुमा अरुले के भन्ला भनेर अलिकति पनि लाज भएको भए नेपाल कहाँ पुगिसक्थ्यो। तर शासकहरू लोभी परे। देशभरि देखिएको निराशा अब हाँसोमा परिणत हुन थालेको छ।

कुनै पनि देश अगाडि बढ्नका लागि, मुलुकले फड्को मार्न, जनतामा लगनशीलता चाहिन्छ,  इमान्दारीको खाँचो पर्छ। जापानले आफ्नो संस्कृति र राष्ट्र पहिचानलाई शिक्षा प्रणालीमा नै राखेर राष्ट्रिय लक्ष्यको रुपमा हरेक नागरिकलाई यी कुरा पढाएका हुन्छन्। कोरिया र चीनमा पनि यस्तै खालको राष्ट्र स्वभाव र संस्कृतिको विकास भइसकेको छ। अरुले के भन्लान् भनेर हामीलाई वास्ता नै छैन। प्रधानमन्त्री चुन्न नसकेकोमा देश विकास ठप्प छ,  र संसारभरी हाम्रो बेइज्जत भएको हामीलाई न थाहा छ, न त मतलब।

 ï¿½नेपाल एक सानो र गरीब मुलुक हो� भन्न हामीलाई बानी परिसक्यो किनभने हामीलाई सानैदेखि सिकाइएकै त्यही छ। तर नेपाल सानो देश हैन। ३ करोड जनसंख्या भएको संसारको ४० औं सबैभन्दा ठूलो मुलुक हो। नेपालीहरु गरीब भए पनि नेपाल गरीब देश हैन, खाली हाम्रो दिमाग र मन दरिद्र हो। हाम्रो राजनीतिमा एकताको खाँचो छ, देशको हितभन्दा हामी आफ्नो निजी अथवा दलगत हितलाई प्राथमिकता दिन्छौं। 8० लाख नेपालीहरु देशभित्र काम नपाएर विदेशिएका छन्। तीमध्ये आधा भारतमा काम गर्छन्। तर त्यही भारतलाई हामी चिडाएर बस्छौं। आफू काम दिन नसक्ने अनि अरुले हेप्यो र टेरपुच्छर लाएन भन्न मिल्छ? �म नेपाली हुँ� भनेर गर्व गर्न भारत विरोधी, चीन विरोधी, अथवा अमेरिका विरोधी हुनु पर्दैन। नेपाल र नेपालीको समर्थक भए पुग्छ।

अहिले संसदमा भएको निर्वाचन पनि एक किसिमले हेर्ने हो भने संसदको संख्याको नियम अनुसार नै चलेको छ। कमसेकम दलहरुले आफू आफूलाई मारकाट त गरेका छैनन्। हो निकास चाहिएको छ। संसारको कुन नेताले शक्ति पूजा गर्दैन र!   नयाँ गठबन्धन सरकार गठन हुन सकेको छैन। नेपालमा फरक यति हो कि,  यहाँ सरकार नबन्दा सबै कुरा ठप्प हुन्छ।  हाम्रो जस्तो वैदेशिकरोजगारमा निर्भर देशमा सराजनीतिक अन्यौल भएपनि।हामीकहाँ पनि, झगडियाहरुलाई झगडा गर्न दिऊँ। तर विकासलाई विनास हुन नदिऊँ र सबैले आफ्नो आफ्नो क्षेत्रबाट राष्ट्रलाई बलियो बनाउने कोसिस गरौं।



वर्षमा ८ सय कामदारको मृत्युहोम कार्की काठमाडौ, पुस २७ - नेपाली कामदारका लागि प्रमुख गन्तव्य मानिएका मुलुकमा एक वर्षभित्र आठ सयभन्दा बढी कामदारको मृत्यु भएको छ । जसमध्ये मानसिक तनावका कारण आत्महत्या गर्ने १ सय ६० छन् ।

सन् २०१० मा प्रमुख गन्तव्य साउदी अरेबिया, कतार, यूएई, बहराइन, ओमान र मध्यपूर्व मलेसिया र लेबनानमा ८ सय २६ कामदारको मृत्यु भएको छ । यो अघिल्लो वर्षको तुलनामा झन्डै दुई सयले बढी हो ।

स्थानीय नेपाली नियोगका अनुसार सबैभन्दा बढी साउदी अरेबियामा ३ सय २३, मलेसियामा २ सय १७, कतारमा १ सय ९२, संयुक्त अरब इमिरेट्स -यूएई) मा ८४, लेबनानमा १० भन्दा बढी कामदारको मृत्यु भएको छ । यसमा इराक, अफगानिस्तान, कुबेत र इजरायल समेटिएका छैनन् ।

दूतावासहरूका अनुसार मृत्यु हुने प्रमुख कारण सुतेको सुत्यै (हृदयघात) र आत्महत्या रहेका छन् । त्यसपछि सडक दुर्घटना, कार्यस्थल दुर्घटना पर्छन् । 'तीन जना कामदारको शवको बारेमा जानकारी लिँदा दुई जना हृदयघात र आत्महत्याबाट मृत्यु भएकै पाइएको छ,' साउदीका लागि नेपाली राजदूत हमिद अन्सारीले कान्तिपुरलाई भने, 'त्यसपछि सडक र कार्यस्थल दुर्घटनामा हुन्छ ।' दूतावासका तथ्यांकअनुसार साउदीमा सय, मलेसियामा २८, कतारमा २०, यूएईमा १२ जनाले आत्महत्या गरेका छन् । जसमा महिला कामदार पनि पर्छन् । मृत्यु हुनेमा २५ देखि ४२ वर्षमुनिका छन् ।

कामदार मृत्यु हुनुको मुख्य कारण 'मानसिक तनाव' भएको भन्दै राजदूतहरूले चिन्ता व्यक्त गरेको छ । 'मानसिक तनावले कामदारको ज्यान गइरहेको छ,' कतारका लागि नेपाली राजदूत सूर्यनाथ मिश्रले भने, 'कोही सुत्दासुत्दै गएका छन्, कोहीले आत्महत्या गरिरहेका छन् ।'

दुई दशकदेखि खाडीमा स्वास्थ्य सेवा दिँदै आएका डा.अशोक रैनाका अनुसार स्वदेशमा देखाइएको सपना तुहिँदा कामदारमा मानसिक दबाब सिर्जना हुन्छ । 'उनीहरूलाई भनेजस्तो तनखा, खानपान र बस्ने सुविधा हँुदैन,' उनी भन्छन्, 'त्यसबेला आफ्नो गह्रौं ऋण सम्झना आउँछ । घरेलु समस्या र तनावहरू पनि मनमस्तिष्कमा उत्रन सुरु हुन्छ । यी मनोवैज्ञानिक झट्का हुन्छन् र सुतेको सुत्यै हुन्छन् ।'

हृदयघात हुने र आत्महत्या गर्ने कामदारहरू बढीजसो निर्माण क्षेत्रका अदक्ष र अर्धदक्ष कामदार छन् । राजदूत मिश्रका अनुसार कतार मानसिक अस्पतालमा उपचारमा जाने कामदारको संख्या बढिरहेको छ । 'मनोवैज्ञानिकका डाक्टरहरूसँग भेट हुँदा 'डिप्रेस' भएर आउने कामदार बढिरहेको बताउँछन्,' उनले भने, 'यसले झन् चिन्ता बनाएको छ ।'डा. मिश्रले कामदारको मृत्युदर विषयलाई लिएर कतार सरकारसँग छलफल गरेको बताए । 'कम्पनी मालिकबाट भएमा आफूहरू जिम्मेवार हुन्छौं । अहिलेसम्म गन्तव्य मुलुकबाट भन्दा पठाउने मुलुकबाट कामदारमाथि तनाव दिइएको छ,' कतारी अधिकारीहरूको भनाइ उद्धृत गर्दै उनले भने, 'त्यतैबाट (पठाउने देश) सुधार गर्नु आवश्यक देखिएको छ । सरोकार निकाय जिम्मेवार हुनुपर्‍यो ।'


प्रकाशित मिति: २०६७ पुस २७ ०८:४७


Dear organizer: Really we create the liabilities in interim Constitution.for high profile position holder but if this insects die it is not our obligation to mention in future constitution Every on should keep their mouth close or visit the apex court you will get VERDICT on it.RUBISH TOPICS


दिक्क लाग्छ यि गधाहरुको ताल देखेर� - चमन घले �पिडीत�by nepali on 12 January, 2011

नागर्जुनमा बाउ मुसु मुसु हाँस्दो हो
सिङ्गापुरमा छोरो उफ्रि-उफ्रि नाँच्दो हो
खुसी हुँदै यि गधाहरुको ताल देखेर

राष्ट्रपती जिद्दी उस्तै ट्वाके परेछन्
प्रचण्ड त झन् सोरैआना ख्वाके छदैछन्
दिक्क लाग्छ यि गधाहरुको ताल देखेर

पिडीत�लाई के गरुँ के गरुँ भैसक्यो
शेरु त्यसै भक्-भक्-भक्-भक्-भक्भक्यो
चुनावहरुवा माकुनेको मुख्मा र्र्याल आइसक्यो,

सिंहदरवार भित्रको  कुर्ची देखेर

फोरमले झन्डै सित्तैमा गिफ्ट ह्याम्पर पाइसक्यो


दिक्क लाग्छ यि गधाहरुको ताल देखेर�

स्याऊ र केरा जस्ता नेताको निती देखेर
टायरको हाँडी काठमाण्डु सिटी देखेर�
नेताहरुमा ठप्पै नभाको युनिटी देखेर�



डिसीनेपाल डटकम संवाददाता - नक्कली कागजातका साथ गलत बाटोबाट खाडीको कुवेत पुर्‍याइएर बिचल्ली बनेका अढाई सय नेपाली महिला अहिले त्यहाँको नेपाली दूतावासको आश्रयस्थलमा छन् ।

'दुई सयजति दूतावासको शरणमा छन्, बाँकी आसपासका चर्च र आश्रय केन्द्रमा छन्,' कुवेतस्थित नियोगका राजदूत मधुवन पौडेलले भने, 'यत्रो ठूलो संख्यामा आश्रित भीडका कारण सुरक्षास्थिति मिलाउन पनि हम्मे परिरहेको छ ।'उनीहरूको खानपिन, औषधोपचारसहितमा दैनिक २० हजार रुपैयाँ जति खर्च भइरहेको र उनीहरूमध्ये अधिकांश गैरकानुनी रहेको उनले बताए । यही जनवरीदेखि खाडीमा घरेलु कामदार पठाउन आवश्यक कार्यविधि र सेवार्सतको कडाइ भएकाले बिचल्ली पर्नेको संख्यामा केही कमी आएको समेत उनले बताए ।



कृषि वा कुर्सीप्रधान देश ?



  राजनीतिमा कोही जोगी बन्न आएको हँदैन तर राजनीति भोगविलास, मोजमज्जा, धनसम्पत्ति, पद, पोजिसनको मात्र पर्याय हो भन्ने जो ठान्दछन् तिनले सिकन्दर महानको मृत्यु प्रसङ्गबाट पाठ लिनुपर्छ । सिकन्दरले भनेका थिए, मेरो मृत्युपछि अर्थीबाट मेरा दुवै हात बाहिर राख्नु असङ्ख्य मानिस आए सिकन्दरको लास हेर्न, सिन्दरका दुवै हात खाली थिए । सिकन्दरले जानीजानी हात खाली राख्न निर्देश दिएका थिए ताकि मानिसले हेर्न सकोस्, दिग्बिजयी भएर पनि महान् सिकन्दर संसारबाट खाली हात नै फर्किरहेका छन् । यो पाठलाई हाम्रा नेताहरूले अलिकता पनि मनन गर्नसके, तिनका लागि र राष्ट्रको लागि धेरै सार्थक नतिजा निस्कन सक्छ । हरेक व्यक्ति गान्धी, लिंकन, विनोवा, माक्र्स, मण्डेला, मार्टिन लुथर किङ हुनसक्दैनन् । जयप्रकाश नारायण हुन सक्दैनन् तर निष्पृह राजनीतिका नेपाली उदाहरण पनि कम छैन हामी समक्ष । प्रधानमन्त्री बन्ने अवसर आउँदासमेत अस्वीकार गर्ने रामराजाप्रसादसिंह, गणेशमान सिंह अनि एकदमै पृथक् धारका निस्वार्थ र निर्भीक जनराजनीति गर्ने रूपचन्द्र विस्ट जस्ता मौलिक उहाहरण पनि यहीं छ । हुनत यो उदाहरण पनि तिनकै लागि हो जसले जीवनको सही अर्थ बुझ्दछ । राजनीतिको सही अर्थ पनि तिनले नै बुझ्दछ जसले जीवनको अर्थ बुझेको हुन्छ । कहिलेकाहीँ राजनीतिले सही मानिसलाई पनि गलत बाटोमा लग्दछ । तृष्णाको जालोमा या असफलताबाट आहत मानिस आ�नै सम्भावना, शक्ति र शौर्य शक्ति पनि आत्मघाती, कुलङ्गार बन्न पुग्छ । केही व्यक्ति त पद, प्रभुत्वकै लागि जन्भिएका हुन्छन् । दुर्भाग्यवश अहिले त्यस्ताकै वर्चस्व छ । तिनकै स्वार्थ र महत्वाकाङ्क्षाका कारण यो देश कृषिप्रधानबाट कुर्सीप्रधान हुन विवश भएको छ ।

जहाँसम्म अहिलेको प्रसङ्ग छ, यस्तो होइन कि कुनै विकल्प छैन । एउटा कथा छ, एक पटक जङ्गलमा आगो लाग्यो । एउटा दृष्टिहीन मानिस र एउटा खुट्टा नभएको अपाङ्ग घेरिए । अब भाग्ने कसरी ? दृष्टिहीन भन्न सक्थ्यो, हेर्न सक्दैनथ्यो, अपाङ्गले हेर्न सक्थ्यो भाग्न सक्दैनथ्यो । अनि मृत्यूबाट कसरी जोगिने हो ? दुइटैले अन्ततः एउटा उपाय निकाले, दृष्टिहीनले अपाङ्गलाई काँध थाप्यो र दुईवटै विपत्तिबाट जोगिए । यो बोध कथा विवेक, साहस र अन्तरचेतनाको हो ।

सबै जित्ने 'विन-विन' फर्मूला त हामीसँगै छ । तर विवेक र साहसको कमीले गर्दा सबै अवसर गुमाउन हुन्न । जसले देशलाई सङ्क्रमण र संकटबाट पार लगाउन सक्छन् । यसको अर्थ अरू जस्तै नालायक हुन् भन्ने होइन, कुर्सीको खेलमा आफैंलाई र देशको धरातल बिर्सेका राजनीतिज्ञहरूका लागि यो 'स्फूर्तिदायक हुनसक्छ । अर्को कुरा, यो देशमा मात्र नालयकहरू छैनन् भन्ने कुरा सम्झाउन पनि यो सुझाव प्रस्तुत गरिएको छैन भन्ने कुरा सम्झाउन पनि यो सुझाव प्रस्तुत गरिएको हो । प्रश्न उठ्छ, हरेक पार्टीमा भएका र पार्टीहरू रहेका सामथ्र्यवानहरूलाई कसले अगाडि ल्याउला ? जे होस् सामथ्र्य भने यही छ, यही माटोमा ।


Friends &colleague: We express our sincere gratitude and thanks on behalf
of voiceless migrant worker from Nepal to Founder of AG FUND and President HRH Prince Talal  for supporting Safe Migration by providing USD 2.2 Millions.LONG LIVE HRH PRINCE TALAL.and Arab society.


Deaths among Nepalese workers decline in 2010

From Qatar Tribune� Jan 04 ,2010
Several Nepalese pass away due to gastrointestinal hemorrhage, hypoglycemia, and aortic rupture � � pulmonary embolism, among other �

Dr. Shakya has said that some persons have structural heart defects and hypertension diseases, and if they work outdoors for a long time they extremely vulnerable

President and Chairperson of safety Awareness Centre in Nepal Radha Krishna Deo Said �Most of the victims of cardiac arrest and suicide are unskilled and semi-skilled workers. They are not aware about how to work at places with high temperatures. Such workers, especially in the construction sector, do not take enough precautions while doing their job in the scorching sun, as a result they suffer. Moreover, poor hygienic condition, improper eating habit and lack of frequent medical causes of the high casualties�

Dr.Shakya advised the Nepalese nationals to go for a complete medical checkup, including consultation with a cardiologist, before coming to work in the Gulf countries.

(11 JAN 2013 - 17 JAN 2013)