Nepali Times
Publisher\'s Note
Politics abhors a vacuum

Till press time on Thursday afternoon, the politicians of Nepal's three main parties were doing what they do best: bicker on the brink.

For a while the uncertainty was about whether or not a constitution would be written on time. That doubt has now been replaced by whether or not the CA's tenure will be extended. There are few, even among the feuding parties, who don't want an extension. It's just that they've put a lot of conditions on each other, which is why things are stuck. The extreme right and extreme left are the ones who, for different reasons, would like the CA dead and buried.

For the Nepali people, midnight 28 May 2010 will represent failure, either way. Whether the CA is extended or not, the political leadership squandered a brilliant opportunity to write a new constitution on time. This was a chance the people gave the leaders through the 2008 elections that helped establish the most inclusive legislature ever in our history. It made the people truly sovereign and brought in a process that allowed an ordinary citizen to become the country's head of state.

All this will be demolished if the CA is allowed to die, or the constitution is not written. To let this happen would be a desecration of the people's trust. We'd just be replacing feudal rulers with feuding rulers. Not extending the CA will only benefit the totalitarians, the military and militants, and war-mongers who want to take the country back to conflict. Nepal's hard-won democracy will itself be under threat.

However, even if the CA's term is not extended we shouldn't let the peace process unravel. Legally, we will still have the interim constitution and the prime minister could announce his resignation just before midnight and carry on in a caretaker capacity.

The Maoists have blundered by painting themselves into such a corner that they stand to lose either way. If the CA is extended it will be seen as a defeat of their strategy of making it conditional on the prime minister's resignation, and if it is not extended they will be aligning with the royalists to block a people's constitution.

It is our belief that neither the Maoists nor the other parties want the CA to be dismantled when it was so easy to extend it, and give the process one more chance. The parties have 24 hours to agree that it is not important who heads the government as long as they dismantle the Maoist fighting force, make a public commitment to abide by past agreements and forge a new constitution in six months. It's a win-win face-saver for everyone.

During the course of Friday we will know if our leaders are more responsible than we gave them credit for. This write-up comes with an expiry date: by Saturday morning it will have been overtaken by events.

United we fall, Indu Nepal
Flex-ible, Prashant Jha
Engage the monarchy, Biraj Bahadur Bista
Ready, steady, no?, Dewan Rai
Just questions, Ashutosh Tiwari
Full circle FM, CK Lal
Two seconds to midnight, Ass
Whither constitution writing

1. Sunita Tiwari
Common KD, what is wrong with you? I had to wait for 5 paragraph before reading your cursing and blaming and bashing of  the Maoist. If this continues, you will lose against K P Oli in the ongoing 'bash-the-Maoist' battle. After all, Maoist are the reason of each and every problem this country is facing. 
Now don't be a slacker in your next article. Curse and blame them right from the first word. Why waste words on anything else!

2. KiranL
Kunda Dixit is right, even if the CA is not extended it won't be the end of the world. As long as the peace process is intact, it may be a good thing. Also, that is what the Indians want, and what they want they get. They want to remove the only body that gives the Maoists any chance to come back to power. The prime minister will resign today and will continue as caretaker, but also as an indefinite dictator! So the Maoists have played right into the hands of the Indians, the morons. KiranL

3. Arthur
"The Maoists have blundered by painting themselves into such a corner that they stand to lose either way. If the CA is extended it will be seen as a defeat of their strategy of making it conditional on the prime minister's resignation, and if it is not extended they will be aligning with the royalists to block a people's constitution."

That's a smart way to meet a deadline when you don't know what will happen - simply point out that the Maoists are wrong "either way"!

Unfortunately for this did not quite work out. It seems it never even occurred to Kunda Dixit that the Maoists stand might work and force both the other major parties to agree that MKN must resign quckly to make way for a national consensus governent!

Will next week's sermon admit that that the Maoist sticking to their stand did end the deadlock that had gone for so long? Or will Kunda Dixit move on to proclaim something else that the Maoists "MUST" do?

(11 JAN 2013 - 17 JAN 2013)