Sometimes, victory and success can bring discord but it can also bring additional responsibility and humility. Will the preliminary success of the people's movement transform the energy of the agitation to greater responsibility? How is the government going to address good governance, reconciliation, talks, relief and rehabilitation? India has already announced a huge aid package to make it easier for the interim administration. Other countries have assured us they will not just restore aid frozen after the king's takeover but even increase them.
In other words, there will be a flood of aid money coming into the country and this in fact may be the biggest challenge. What are the conditions under which we will be given this aid? Will the money be spent according to a strategic plan and done transparently or will be it be directed by the donors? The government needs to be clear about this. Opening the floodgates of money can bring with it corruption which is what happened after 1990-the lack of transparency among INGOs and the NGOs dependent on them was the main reason for this.
But a democracy can't exist side by side with economic dependence. The end of the people's movement actually means the role of the people is even more important. The people must be told that they are sovereign. If foreign loans and aid are needed, these should be brought in after full and open debate in the house of representatives. It is when democracy is not meaningful, is not responsive to local needs and power is centralized that development is skewed. However, even after parliament has expressed its commitment to go ahead with the demands of the movement, the small crowd on the streets is still sticking to its radical demands. They even attacked leaders CP Mainali and Pradeep Gyawali. But neither the political parties, government, civil society nor the Maoists have condemned it.
The leaders should not dismiss this extreme behaviour of the crowds. If you can't control anarchy, after a while it threatens the state and politics. It is the demands of the Maoists and others that the constituent assembly should be unconditional. OK, there should be no conditions on the future of the monarchy but how about conditions on the protection of press freedom, the protection of life, security, the freedom not to be threatened by guns, the rights of children to go to school. Should these be conditions? If they aren't this country will never come out of the whirlpool of conflict.