Congratulations on your second issue. I enjoyed in particular your editorial on Nepal-India relations as well as your coverage of the Kamaiya issue.
What I liked less was Monica Chand on the cover. Since NT strives to be "fair" as opposed to "objective", I wondered what sort of message ads like this put across. Are we all to want to become "fair and beautiful" from now on, knowing that those in whose name we are trying to be fair, in not leading lives of comfort and leisure, tend to be darker-skinned? Ironic.
Shizu Upadhya
Whilst everybody appreciates a beautiful girl, most of us take it as an insult to our intelligence when we turn the page only to find we have been conned, If this happens again, I for one will no longer subscribe to what I thought was going to be a good newspaper. There is a limit to how far I am willing to allow multinational companies intrude into my privacy. A good newspaper becomes part of one\'s personal life.
Neil Walton