I never visited Novel and his family in Bonn. I don\'t want to be a parasite, and I avoid friends\' residences and offices while I am in their countries of residence.
But many common Nepali friends of Novel\'s and mine did, bragging upon their return of the great fun they all had at the Rais\' residence. Nepalis are great freeloaders and take undue advantage of people, especially their "friends" in high places in foreign lands.
I just wonder where our mutual friends who repeatedly enjoyed the Rai's hospitality in Bonn are now. Why are they silent to defend Novel Kishore his wife and children? Is this the way to repay their kindness?
Don\'t they have any conviction yet that the Rai's tried to do their honest best in their lives? Or do they actually believe the gutter press? These "friends" have ensconced themselves in safe silence. None of them has written a word to defend their friend Novel Kishore Rai.
Peter J. Karthak