Nepali Times

This is in response to Dr Jacob George's letter 'Thugs' (#283) in which he shows his ignorance about the ground realities in Nepal. I fail to understand what his concept of freedom is. And what restraint is he talking about? To make sweeping arrests, cutting phone lines and imposing an unprecedented dawn to dusk curfew is restraint? If he thinks that the previous regimes were corrupt and incompetent he should see what the current regime is up to. The people of Nepal have suffered enough at the hands of an obdurate monarch and it is ridiculous that there are still some misled people in the world who would support such a rule.

Dr Pranabh Shrestha,

. Kunda Dixit's 'Red alert' (#283) gives an indication of the growing international concern over Nepal's political process and warns us about our own future. Despite international observation, suggestions and pressure over the political crisis however, the condition in Nepal is worsening. At this point, we Nepali people and the king have to ask ourselves whether some irrational part of our souls is ruling over the rational part to lead the country ultimately into chaos. Let's wake up before it's too late.

Samjhana Pokharel,

. I read, with interest, comments by Stephen McClelland, head of Asia Directorate DfID ('Donor's dilemma', #282) and interview with Jean-Marc Mangin, Canada's first secretary in the same issue concerning staff security in the delivery of development activities in Nepal. As a development project implementer, I welcome the priority given to employee's safety. However, one important question arises: while donors accept responsibility for the safety of their own staff, who is responsible for the safety of partner organisations staff?

Nawaraj Upadhaya,

. Help! The country is sliding deeper into turmoil with no end in sight. No elections, no local government, no parliament, no talks...just curfews and bandas, student anarchy on the streets and firefights across the country. So what's next? Politicians boast of creating ever more trouble instead of offering a solution. Do they have any clue where they are taking this country? It is time we faced the facts and put childish nationalistic overconfidence aside to invite international mediation to end the suffering of the Nepali people.

Bhai Kaji,

. Re: your editorial 'Regime change' (#283). The only thing we need in Nepal is editor change of your publication then the rest will work out fine. King Gyanendra is a godsend to Nepal. In these difficult times the true people of Nepal are behind him. May Lord Vishnu protect him and show him the path as is required.

Name withheld,

. You poll question 'One year after February First, have the goals of the royal takeover been achieved?' (#283) is not appropriate in the present context because the government hasn't had enough time to achieve its goals. Let's give them time to work and then ask the same question later.


. After reading all the doomsday scenarios in Nepal, I'm tempted to look at the silver lining, if it is any consolation. Political analysts are by definition pessimists and the ones in your stable seem to be no exception. The direst predictions rarely happen because there are natural brakes in society: tribal, family, community links that prevent people from going to the brink. These brakes are more effective in soft states like ours where there are ways to let off steam. It is when there is nowhere to let off steam and the frustrations get bottled up and grievances spill over that things fall apart. But I think all Nepalis have to tap into our innate resilience and good sense. I predict that the Maoists, the king and the political parties will react only when pushed to the brink and they will pull back once they see the chasm below.

R Sorrell,

. Living far away from Nepal and looking at the tragic pictures of Tansen reduced to rubble on your website (Nepali Times eSpecial) and then reading the synopsis of King Gyanendra's address to the nation I couldn't help grieving for my motherland. The king may be well-meaning but he seems to be out of touch with the reality of what is going on in his kingdom. The similarity of his televised address this week with 1 February 2005 was obviously designed to show that he is firmly set on his course. But what if it is this course that takes him (and us) over the edge of the cliff? In his speech, the king gave a positive spin to his one-year-rule and said the security situation had improved but even as he spoke 20 people lay dead in Palpa. Cry, beloved country.

Kanta KC,

(11 JAN 2013 - 17 JAN 2013)