In the past, donor countries would provide assistance to Nepal through INGOs. However, lately they have started opening 'puppet' companies and organisations to mobilise their resources. Such practices violate international norms, Nepal's foreign aid policy and the commitments expressed by donors.
Although donors deny these allegations, organisations such as Rupantaran started by DFID prove that benefactors are now micromanaging Nepal's development sector. The donors have been criticised in the past for ignoring local participation and bringing in projects without assessing ground realities.
Finance secretary, Krishna Hari Baskota says the donors put forth unnecessary terms and conditions and if the government questions them, they work clandestinely through NGOs affiliated with Social Welfare Council. The donors have also been insisting on bringing their own consultants citing the lack of expertise in Nepal, but Baskota says, "They must not doubt our capabilities and should use official channels when offering assistance."