Comrade Awesome made himself the laughing stock when, soon after becoming prime minister in 2008, he said he was a man of compassion and peace and compared himself to Gautam Budhha. Taking his cue from that, prot�g� Com Horrible Gajurel told fellow Maoists this week: "I used to be a Gandhian." We are now waiting for Comrade Hitman to declare himself a Shakyamuni and Comrade Bigplop to liken himself to Nelson Mandela.
At least BRB doesn't try to be what he isn't. Still, if he really wants to fulfill the people's hopes he will have to rein in the 3Ms: Madhesis, Maoists and the Missus. After the 'Mandu Post this week exposed Com Yummy bossing people around and trying to forcibly requisition a Prado, Comrade Hubby had a man-to-woman chat with her that evening. By Thursday, she had reduced the demand from Prado to Bolero. And if there are any other follow-ups to that story, she'll probably have to settle for a Nano. With all the stolen SUVs in Maoist possession (one can recognise them on the street by their diagonal yellow-green license plates and kamikaze drivers) why does Yummy insist on a govt vehicle anyway? Whatever the case, BRB needs to have another pillow talk with his not-so-better half.
So the entourage arrived at the VVIP lounge at TIA for the prime minister's departure to New York. He didn't take up the Ass' humble suggestion to stand in the one hour queue at immigration with fellow-outbound Nepalis, it has to be said. The airline offered BRB a free upgrade which the prime minister politely declined. Eye-witnesses reported that Com Yummy and Deputy PM Kazi Narayan were visibly crestfallen on economy bulkhead seats. By the time the group got to Doha for the seven-hour layover, they were sulking because the prime minister refused to go to the Business Lounge. At JFK, BRB appeared none the worse for wear since he is acclimatized to sleeping only four hours a day. But Kazi looked wilted. Which must be why he decided not to fly back with his boss, and postponed his return by two days so he could upgrade himself.
The Indians are always saying the Buddha was born in India, but now they have even laid claim to the Sept 18 earthquake. Why is it called the "Sikkim Earthquake" when the epicenter was located 5 km inside Nepali territory? The student wings of some parties may want to stage a protest outside the Indian Embassy, or even go into an indefinite and/or fast-unto-death (whichever comes first) to lay Nepal's rightful claim to the epicenter.
If you happen to be at KTM Incontinental Airport and there is a crisis like a cracked runway, an earthquake or a bomb scare all hell really breaks loose. When the earthquake struck and the control tower started swaying, our intrepid ATCs apparently abandoned their stations, leaving planes circling in the air without instructions. It's now become commonplace to have monkeys on the runway, but there was a new twist recently when a flight had to go around because the Right Honourable Tourism Minister decided to do a surprise inspection of the runway cracks just as QR351 was on final approach.
While the Parsa police frantically looks for Com Godman in connection with murder of a fellow Godman in Parsa one year back, the Minister-at-large was seen posing with Kamred PM at a function on Monday. When mule's correspondent took it to a bigwig in Nepal Foolish, he said the warrant is yet to make it through Naubiseko ukalo and is hoping that the heavy Dasain traffic will delay it until it is no longer warranted.
And, last but not least, we have three quotes of the week:
"I will not criticise anyone for three months. Anyone who takes that as a sign of weakness is a running dog lackey of imperialism."
"We didn't loot property during the war, we transferred their ownership."
- BRB on BBC
"Our torch rally was called off because of bad weather. We took a rain check."
- Comrade Cloud