Compared to last year's poll, the people are more vocal in expressing their frustration with the continued political deadlock. Their trust in the three main parties is at an all-time low. They see the continued polarisation between the NC and the Maoists as the main reason, but are convinced that the only way forward is a government of national unity.
The survey had some significant revelations:
� If the political parties mend their ways, the people are willing to grant a six-month extension of the CA, otherwise nearly half the respondents said it would be better to have fresh elections.
� A majority think ethnicity-based federalism is a bad idea
� Asked to name three main problems the country faces, a majority listed inflation, constitution deadlock, and political instability
� A majority felt health, education and transportation services had improved and reaffirmed the role of local communities in development, and they were for holding local elections
Read also:
Few surprises, EDITORIAL
A decade of democratic deficit, ANURAG ACHARYA
Netas, are you listening?, DAMBAR K SHRESTHA in JHAPA