He should be worried because the buzz is that Jhol Nut's days are numbered, and the Kangresi plus Eh-maley dissidents are massing at the gates and licking their chops. If, as Comrade Top Budder has been publicly insinuating, his mentor Com Babura is going to lead that consensus govt, JN could find the rug pulled from under him. Meanwhile, PKD is convinced it's his turn if JNK is ousted because that is what the fine print in the 7-point agreement said.
The Mule's mole at the Pistachio Palace, however, confirms that Com Awfulness summoned Bigplop over to smoothen Baidya Kaka's feathers. PKD's tack was to assuage the hardliners that his switch to "peace and constitution" and abandoning "revolt" was a flanking maneuver to trick the Indians and to pave the way for total takeover. Don't think Bigplop bought that, especially since Baidya told the Centcom just the day before that he was sick and tired of Chairman Fearsome saying one thing and doing another.
Even the Prime Minister's friends and allies now admit that Comrade JN is hopelessly disaster-prone. The man has broken all records in the number of crises unleashed during the three months after he took office. No other prime ministership, not even during the intriguing period of hereditary Sri Tin Purdan Muntris, has been as eventful as this honeymoon period. The stench is getting overpowering, but look at it this way, there hasn't been a dull moment since Jhal Gnat took over. The story so far:
� A media moghul is shot inside prison by a hitman
� Another hitman shoots a diplomat in broad daylight
� Businessmen and traders are mowed down @ one/day
� Abductions and extortion don't even make it to the news anymore
� Tea estates have been captured by striking workers who (no kidding) want
to get back to work
� The capital and surrounding 10 districts is closed down by those who
want to support Nepal Tourism Year by forcing tourists to begin their trek from Tribhuvan Interminable Airport itself (pencil in nudder bunned on May 3)
� The prime minister is in power in a powerless country
� Minister of Power suffers knife attack, assailant is caught but he is too hot to touch because he is a UML aparatchik from Dhading
� He appoints a state minister of finance who resigns after it is revealed he is a Chinese undercover spook with five names and three passports
� He appoints another state minister who resigns because she isn't given full ministership
� Mr Alam sits at home in his daura suruwal for Baluwatar to call him for a swearing-in that never happens, he is so angry he is staging a mutiny
� Turns out many more CA members have slyly sold red passports to highest bidders
� Four CA members force the adjournment of parliament when they noisily gherao the rostrum
� Meanwhile, we neither have a Domestic Minister or a Foreign Minister, not that anyone has noticed
� The Finance Secretary resigns accusing the Finance Minister of being a crook
� A good Samaritan in Dharan turns out to be a crook too, but only after the prez and justice-in-chief both fall for the hoax
Headline of the week: 'Bandh Peaceful: Drivers Beaten Up, Taxis Vandalised'.