A young woman looks out uncertainly from the window of a bus. It is not known where she is headed. She could be the Nepali nation itself.
But the uncertainties we all face as we approach the May 28 deadline for the constitution are already a reality for other stakeholders in the peace process. There was much speechifying at the Maoist cantonments once the long-anticipated discharge of disqualified combatants began in January this year. Many others have left the cantonments, through compulsion or choice, in the last couple of years. While government nags UNMIN for actual figures, those who have left are adjusting to life on the outside, with or without Maoist support.
Ticking away�- FROM ISSUE #493 (12 MARCH 2010 - 18 MARCH 2010)
Never too late?�- FROM ISSUE #493 (12 MARCH 2010 - 18 MARCH 2010)