What's happening in the CA?
Just a couple of days ago, the Committee on the Distribution of Natural Resources, Financial Rights and Public Revenue finished discussions on its preliminary draft and concept paper. The Constitutional Council is considering revising the schedule once more, and the State Restructuring Committee and the Committee on the Forms of Government are working on their drafts.
After repeated revisions of the schedule, there isn't enough time for public scrutiny of the constitution, right?
With the deadline so close, it will take a lot of hard work to write the constitution on time. As a result, there's isn't enough time for the public to review the constitution, and we may break our promise to the people to finish the constitution within two years.
Why isn't the party leadership more serious about the constitution with so little time left?
The NC, UML and the Maoists are to blame. There are discussions going on between them, but they aren't concerned about anyone else.
Aren't you participating in the discussions?
They haven't consulted us. That's why currently we're pressuring them to finish the constitution on time. We are also pressuring them to fulfill past agreements with the MJF.
Will the constitution be written on time?
Well, so far it seems unlikely. If they don't meet past commitments, the constitution won't be completed.
Constitution 2010, Nepali Times coverage of issues related to writing the new constitution