How much of the constitution has been written?
I spend a lot of time in committee meetings. Work is moving along but we haven't done as much as we would have liked to.
Why not?
First, because of political disagreements and second, because there isn't a mechanism to reconcile different viewpoints.
Don't you think the Maoists have delayed the process by focusing on issues such as changing the flag?
Some think the flag should better reflect Nepal's diversity, but others don't want it changed. I think it should be changed.
Perhaps the Maoist obstruction of parliament is to blame?
When the legislature is obstructed, the CA will certainly be affected. That's why the legislature needs to be run properly.
Will the constitution be written on time?
Maybe not, but it must be written at some point.
What are CA politics like right now?
As Lenin said, sometimes politics seems like simply a platform for chatter. Other times it seems like an excuse to enjoy the sun. Parliamentary politics is strange. There is a need for reform. We're also very young, it's strange to have these old members of parliament come up to us and address us as 'honourable member' ? they must have children as old as us!
Constitution 2010 - Nepali Times' coverage of the constitution writing process
Leading by example - FROM ISSUE #469 (18 SEPT 2009 - 24 SEPT 2009)