Beijing, which was happy with the way the Maoists cracked down on pro-Tibet activities while they were in power, seems to be only too happy to play along. Dahal's visit to China last week, during which he also met briefly with Premier Hu Jintao was either perfect, or disastrous, timing.
We don't know what China's message was, but sources say Beijing underlined the need for stability in Nepal and Premier Hu was worried about the growing political drift in Kathmandu. If India and China are shadow-boxing, and that seems to be what is happening, then it may be better for Nepali leaders to try to reassure both powers on political unity in Nepal, rather than try to use one to irritate the other. What Dahal's visit seems to have done is made the Indians even more paranoid, and to conclude that the Maoists can't be trusted.
This picture of the two shaking hands in Jinan on 16 October was taken by Dahal's son Prakash and is exclusive to Nepali Times.
Unstable stability - FROM ISSUE #473 (23 OCT 2009 - 29 OCT 2009)