Prime Minister: Indian ambassador
Deputy PM and Home Minister: American ambassador
Defence and Health: British ambassador (knows about Gurkhas and Britain has good health care)
Finance: Japanese ambassador (can teach Nepalis about how to do well in a recession)
Industry-Commerce: Danish ambassador (thinks he is a South Asia expert and delivers prescriptive speeches about development)
Culture and Education: French ambassador (thinks he is an art expert and academic)
Water Resources and Energy: Norwegian ambassador (ex-PM had gone to Norway to find a way out of the energy crisis)
Foreign: Not necessary
Peace and Reconstruction: Swiss envoy (peace talks are usually in Geneva)
Communication, Science-Technology and Forests: Finnish charge d'affairs (land of Nokia and shows lots of interests in our forests)
Sports and Agriculture: Australian ambassador (cricket champs with rich farmlands)
Tourism, Civil Aviation: Canadian envoy (land of the Twin Otter)
Labour and Employment: South Korean ambassador