1. Dark clouds are gathering over Nepal following Prachanda's call to delay the elections from November to April, coming as it does in the wake of the Maoists' complaints over lack of progress in implementing the 22-point agreement.
2. So far the Maoists have blamed the palace for the postponement of the elections last June. They claim that as long as the monarchy exists, elections are impossible. Although the interim constitution provides for the overthrow of the monarchy, the Maoists have not registered a single motion in parliament to do away with it.
3. Democracy means the rule of law. However, the Maoists have chosen not to use legal channels, preferring instead to take to the streets. Although they say their new program of protests is designed to ensure elections, others cannot understand how that translates into support for the elections.
Even the leftist parties seem fed up and clueless about the Maoists'
4. The Maoists are saying November 22 is not conducive for them, and April would be best. But what if tomorrow another party feels the same about April? Prachanda and Madhab Nepal proposed November 22. What kind of message would another deferment send?
5. Prachanda even claims he feels singled out in Eight-Party meetings and says many agreements were made under pressure. It is unbecoming of a top party leader to make such statements.
6. It seems that every agreement Prachanda had with other leaders is being termed as a mistake. So why does he keeps on making these mistakes, if in fact they are mistakes?
7. The Maoists are in power now and their decision to take to the streets is not acceptable behaviour. Even if they have made mistakes, it is only human to do so. In any case, talk of postponing the elections should cease. It is not in the interests of society. Holding timely elections should be the priority.