Prisma Advertising won Nepal's first ABBY at the 40th annual ceremony of the prestigious awards in Mumbai on 3 March. Prisma won the Merit Prize for their public service campaign "What do you want?" run in association with Himalmedia. The ad encourages people to see education as essential for children, even if they must also work. Prisma has previously won an International Bell Ringer award from J and J School of Advertising in the USA, two Crity Agency of the Year awards, and a The Himalayan Times Pegasus Critics award.

Ace Finance says it has Rs 320 million in paid-up capital, the highest of all non-banking financial institutions in the country. The company has now applied to Nepal Rastra Bank for an upgrade to development bank status. If it is granted the license, Ace Finance will be the first national level finance company to make the step up. The license is issued based on criteria set out in the requirements on the BFI Act 2063.
Going Hollywood
Foto Hollywood, a digital photo studio, has opened in Kasthamandap Bazaar at Kamaladi. The studio, which uses the newest technology to develop digital prints, also offers other services such as modelling, family photos, and product photography. Foto Hollywood has the largest photo enlargement machine, able to develop prints of up to 100 inches.

Everest Bank, which recently opened its 20th branch in Balaju, now has the largest banking network of private commercial banks in Nepal. Since it started in 1996 in association with Punjab National Bank, Everest Bank has won a number of awards including The Banker's Bank of the Year 2006, and the Excellence Award of the Nepal India Chamber of Commerce and Industry twice.

Nepal Investment Bank is organising a Run for Fun on 17 March to raise funds for the Patan Darbar Heritage Conservation project. The marathon, which will award a total cash prize of Rs 500,000, has a number of categories-21km for professionals, amateurs, and foreigners, 10km for women, 5km for children, and 1km for the handicapped.
Bajaj at Everest
Financing options for Bajaj motorcycles are now available through Everest Bank's Teku branch. The scheme requires a down payment of 30 percent, and buyers can pay in up to three years at a nine percent interest rate.

Ice: Sun Gold Brewery, the maker of Oranjeboom and Haywards 5000, has launched a new beer Nepal Ice. The company says that a unique combination of Nepali raw material and Australian malt gives the beer a Nepali feel with international standards. The 5.5 percent alcohol beer is available in all urban areas in 650ml bottles.