Various indigenous peoples' rights groups have expressed discontent at the 8 November agreement signed by the government and the Maoists. The Nepal Federation of Indigenous Nationalities (NEFIN) has said that although the agreement was important for establishing peace in Nepal, it has failed to give justice to the indigenous communities.
NEFIN has said that the agreement neglects the role played by indigenous nationalities who make up at least 40 percent of the population. Likewise the Kirat Rai Yayokha Central Committee has issued a press statement expressing disagreement with certain points in the agreement.
The group has said that the agreement has neglected indigenous communities by not mentioning them, pressing only for party inclusion in the interim parliament and government, supporting a mixed electoral system instead of a caste inclusive one, ignoring the role of indigenous communities in the Jana Andolan II and the call for a federal democratic republic, and ignoring the right to self determination and self rule.