What crime did I commit?
Although I am not called dalit
Poverty has ground me down
I have no access to education
And health care is denied me.
My father spoke himself hoarse
Consecrating for a godan of one rupee
Even then he did not complain
When called mean names like "tapare"
He simply laughed it off.
But today my self-esteem
Has taken me far from my father
I cannot act any longer as my father did
What will my son's future be?
Even though I get no special favours
I am considered privileged
My peer, a minister's son "Sarki"
Is today classed as dalit
Another, a Newar sahu's daughter
Has now become janajati.
I do have the right to live as an equal
Don't take away my rights
There are no dalits here
Only legions who suffer.
Light the beacon of education
Give access to health for all
Make a society with no differences
Don't let another dalit be born.