I'm a New Zealander living in Nepal, and I read with empathy Kunda Dixit's dismay at the appallingly low scores of the current round of soccer matches (Under My Hat, 'Moving the goalposts', #303). Excluding his points 3, 4 and 8, might I suggest that his final 8-point agreement with Sepp Blatter beautifully describes a game called rugby. In rugby, you have 30 huffing and heaving men (in dreads or crew-cuts) slogging it out for 80 minutes. High scores are usually evident when the New Zealand team (the All Blacks) step onto the field to thrash their opponents senseless. All good, mindless fun, with no sissy-boys prancing around after scoring goals. If at all possible, do you think that the cable tv poachers could perhaps extend their reach beyond Myanmar and further into Australia or New Zealand to steal air time for some of the major rugby games? I'll pay an extra Rs 5 per month as my share.
Maurice Lee, email