Dragon is a dictator surrounded by power hungry supporters who eliminates all his enemies to retain power. His subjects live hopelessly until Lancelot arrives to save the beautiful Elsa but Lancelot can win only if all the people are freed from the fear that feeds the Dragon's power. The hero challenges the Dragon to a battle and kills him but is wounded in the process and disappears. Those who once surrounded the Dragon become the new despots. Is the hero dead? Who will liberate the people? Will the people finally find their voice?
"This drama deals with the destructive effects of any totalitarian system and its abuses. It also deals with a rising hero, who chooses to fight and liberate the people," says the play's director Sabine Lehmann. "But only when the people themselves realise that they have to make an effort to cut through the age old complacency, can they avoid yet another totalitarian system."
The Dragon is an excellent amalgam of music, comedy, drama and politics. "By using the motives and characters of a fairytale, the story is distanced from reality, which allows humour and liberating laughter to set in," adds Lehmann, who founded Studio 7 in 1981 as an international actors' ensemble. Every April since then, it has staged a production that Lehmann herself directs.
The Dragon by Evgeni Schwartz, at the Naga Theatre, Hotel Vajra.
Opening Day: 19 May, also running every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until 4 June. Show time: 7.15 PM Reservations: 4271545, [email protected]