There has been no agreement. Rather, efforts have only been made to continue the previous one, to ensure that it doesn't fall apart.
We hear the parties and Maoists are jointly coordinating the 6 April protest?
Their agenda was political change but neither side has changed its stance. They haven't even signed a statement together. This shows that there hasn't been any progress in their dialogue. There can't be long-term cooperation between one side that carries weapons when the other wants to conduct peaceful protests.
So what brought the constitutional forces and Maoists together?
If you beat a cat in a closed room, it will either attack you or try to escape. That's the case here but the leaders prefer to remain ignorant. The king's advisers are trying to isolate him and they seem to be succeeding. They have certainly been successful in isolating him from the international community and the nation's intellectuals. And the Maoists have benefited from that.
Why do you think the king's advisers are like that?
Personally, I feel that they have links with the Maoists. The Maoists have said that their strategy is to drive the monarchy from the country at any cost. If those in power continuously support that strategy, then it's logical to assume that they are in fact supporting the Maoists.
In a situation like this, what can your role be?
From the beginning, we've been saying that most of the issues the Maoists have raised are fair. That's our agenda too. But to work for political reforms, one has to follow the 1990 constitution. The Maoists' intention now is to replace that constitution with a new one. The Supreme Court's definition of the constitution can provide an outlet in the current situation. It said that sovereignty lies with the people not the king. If this definition is followed and a dialogue held, definitely a solution can be found.