The international community is suggesting that the country's crisis can be resolved if the king and parties join hands. US President George W Bush made the call at a New Delhi press conference and India, China, Japan, UK and the European Union have been asking the king to unite with the parties. But Dr Tulsi Giri's reiterated anti-alliance statements make it plain that this is not in the cards. It also seems clear that Giri is voicing the thoughts of the king, who called him back to Nepal last year to make him his shield. It is true that the crisis may not be resolved with a king-party alliance unless the Maoists are also dealt with effectively. But this is not why Giri is against the king aligning with the parties. He believes only in containing 'terrorism' with military strength. Foreign countries critical of the king's move have to apply more pressure to convince the monarch to rectify his mistake-only then will dialogue between the king and parties be possible. Unless this happens, both sides will follow their own roadmaps.