The Maoists are commemorating the tenth anniversary of their war by a re-evaluation of their military strategy. They have concluded that they can defeat the army's crack units if they travel along the highways but they are worried about the army's air capability. Prachanda these days is said to stay in Nepal but he doesn't travel in big formations in the day time precisely because of the danger of an aerial attack. That is why he has given instructions to his forces to commemorate the tenth anniversary by shooting down an army helicopter and that his why the rebels have positioned GPMGs on strategic hilltops. In the past, the Maoists have suffered great losses in helicopter bombardments and some of their attacks have turned into defeats because of aerial retaliation by the army. Reports say that in their latest attacks the Maoists have placed big guns on hilltops to foil heli-borne retaliation by the army. In the Beni attack in 2004, the Maoists lost more forces during the post-battle phase than during the battle itself. Sources say the Maoists suffered a defeat in Khara with 83 dad and 317 injured because of aerial counterattack by night-vision equipped helicopters. Recently, Comrade Sunil was killed in Rolpa during a helicopter attack and his forces suffered casualties despite camouflage fatigues.